Game #32729, Viewed 227 Time(s)

Classic #13
July 04, 2010, 03:21 PM
Beginner 1136 in Team17 before the game. Gained 31|31 points
Absolute Beginner 944 in Team17 before the game. Lost 31|31 points

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1 - 0
4 - 2
13 - 6
Information Game scheme: Team17
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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Game Chat(s)
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] hf
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> rly last time we bng'd them was no fun at all
<<RoH`Ray`>> should have played with microphone
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> well we ll do the team shit here :)
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> pomagamy sobhei na chacie
<<RoH`Ray`>> pin your chat
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> did
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> eheh
<<RoH`Ray`>> totally forsts
<<RoH`Ray`>> forts*
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> huh?
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> block him to right?
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> so he cant pick up the shitz
RS`OrbMaster [**Whisper**]
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> yar
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> tylko nie beirzz tej paczki na dole
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> gj
[RS`OrbMaster] wiem
<<RoH`Ray`>> tele
<<RoH`Ray`>> crate
<<RS`OrbMaster>> jak ja tego nienawidze
<<RoH`Ray`>> we have 1 f@#!ing mine
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> ja tez
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> aah wanted to block there
[RS`OrbMaster] woow xD
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> so he cant get you
<<RS`OrbMaster>> /co bierzemy?shope?
[RS`OrbMaster] nie
[RS`OrbMaster] to obok mnie
[RS`OrbMaster] >>>
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> get craties mate :)
<<RS`OrbMaster>> jakie bronie
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> all of them
<<RoH`Ray`>> bungee/chute down
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> hujowo
<<RoH`Ray`>> tele middle
<<RoH`Ray`>> ya
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> ae.
<<RS`OrbMaster>> wariata zabieraj
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> good weaps
<<RoH`Ray`>> what now?
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> get th crate
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> cant rly do anything else
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> hm wait
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> wanna just tele left?
[RS`OrbMaster] hmm
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> we should save the nana for 150 dude
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> ya
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> that
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> poplokuj wsyzstkie wormy im packiem
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> i guess he ll try to pile us now
<<RoH`Ray`>> the guy with the teamnae "f@#!ers" can play, the other one, not really
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> poblokuj
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> but cant come back lolz
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> z wsyzstkich stron
[RS`OrbMaster] kurwa
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> kurwa mac
<<RoH`Ray`>> kill wariet
<<RS`OrbMaster>> starcilem robaka
[RS`OrbMaster] fail!!
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> i rope and nana?
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> mowilem poblokuj kurwa packiem
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> could hust bzik too
<<RoH`Ray`>> or just sheep
<<RS`OrbMaster>> jakim packiem
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> girder pack
<<RoH`Ray`>> gj :)
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> thx :)
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] auw :)
[RS`OrbMaster] hahaha
[RS`OrbMaster] xD
[RS`OrbMaster] <<<
[RS`OrbMaster] <<<<
[RS`OrbMaster] mnie
[RS`OrbMaster] od dziury
[RS`OrbMaster] <<<<
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> just get the 2 crates right with the worm down there i guess
[RS`OrbMaster] <<<<
[RS`OrbMaster] aaa
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> good to have it right up there
[RS`OrbMaster] myslalem ze pgirder packa wyciaglem xd
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> right up
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> crate
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> ya
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> this ll get weird now blocked like that...
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> lets just take on side
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> sd soon
<<RoH`Ray`>> 2 more turns, all of them out, don't worry
[RS`OrbMaster] ...
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> kurwa wiertarka
[RS`r3sp3ct] lol
<<RoH`Ray`>> XD
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> wiertarka kurwa mac
<<RoH`Ray`>> tele out to the left
<<RS`OrbMaster>> wiertarka bym nie wylazl potem
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> hm shall i get the crate left?
<<RoH`Ray`>> to a crate
<<RoH`Ray`>> yep
<<RoH`Ray`>> ya
[RS`OrbMaster] yes!!!!!!
[RS`OrbMaster] weet
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> cant even reach me eheh
[RS`OrbMaster] bb Bacon xd
<<RoH`Ray`>> I watch for sd
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> unless he throws something
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> ok
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> get crate
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> with that worm
[RS`OrbMaster] we have nana (:
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> na koniec lod zostaw jakby co
[RS`OrbMaster] run baby run xD
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> good
<<RoH`Ray`>> ok no freeze for them
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> they have shit xD
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> nana?
[RS`OrbMaster] stupid chick
<<RoH`Ray`>> you decide
[RS`OrbMaster] knew
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> bah thought i d hit wariat too
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> oh i hit him quite
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> and didnt wait lol...
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> my bad xD
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> well no freeze
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] still no sd :o
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] coz too many crates?
[RoH`Ray`] happens
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> get back where u were
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> best to take one side
<<RoH`Ray`>> you started the game
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] hum
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sd???
<<RoH`Ray`>> everyone gets equal turns before sd lol...
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> lol
<<RoH`Ray`>> it's coming now
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> k
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> w jakas dobra miejscowe
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> bacon is f@#!ed
[RS`OrbMaster] hmm
<<RoH`Ray`>> bt
<<RoH`Ray`>> yaya
<<RS`OrbMaster>> hysterie bierzemy?
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> you do too :)
<<RoH`Ray`>> we have good weapons but non of them are sd...
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> F1?
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> ^^
<<RoH`Ray`>> so we should look for fight!
[RoH`Ray`] 112
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] 97
[RS`OrbMaster] 102]
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] o0
[RS`OrbMaster] lol
[RS`r3sp3ct] oO
[RoH`Ray`] wow
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> we cant kill 135
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> unfortunately
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> hm its his turn now?
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> argh
RS`r3sp3ct..RoH`Ray`: gramy na remis psierdalaj gdzie badz
<<RoH`Ray`>> there are 5 135 worms XD
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> lol
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> that 1 i meant
<<RS`OrbMaster>> hmm
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> paczka
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> u gory
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> anyway he ll try to inflict as much pain as possible
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> or simply port
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> pomiedzy wairatem a bzikiem
<<RoH`Ray`>> get crate
<<RoH`Ray`>> then blowtorch right
<<RS`OrbMaster>> ciezko moze byc wygrac
<<RoH`Ray`>> f@#!
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> i get that 1 too?
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> nie damy rady juz wygrac za slabe bronie
<<RoH`Ray`>> yea, with bt
[RS`OrbMaster] damy
<<RoH`Ray`>> that's the shit
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> alrighty
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> jedyni eremis gramy uwazaj na trzesienie ziemi moga miec i freze zotstawiamy na koniec
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> we re set i guess
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> we can save up freeze for later
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> so they cant get us with sd weaps
[RS`r3sp3ct] aquasheepp ;p
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> good wind
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> get it
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> maja aqua
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> line jesszcze
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> gj
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> zrob mi wyjscie
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> hmm
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> pile kurwa
[RS`OrbMaster] i tak tu nie dojda
<<RoH`Ray`>> tele on him?
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> jak tak zostanie 1 owca 2 azjebie nam blokujmy ich na remis
<<RS`OrbMaster>> ale bronie mamy ze ja peirdole
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> hm
<<RS`OrbMaster>> trzesienie maja
[RS`OrbMaster] xd
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> i could have ya
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> bzik
<<RS`OrbMaster>> ...
[RS`OrbMaster] nie
<<RS`OrbMaster>> aqua
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> co quaa zpilowales tam i lipa teraz
[RS`OrbMaster] hahaha
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> oops xD
<<RoH`Ray`>> what just happened?
[RS`OrbMaster] epic fail
[RoH`Ray`] a kurva anyádon röhögjél te mocskos geci :)
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> u released a sheep
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> ^^
[RS`OrbMaster] i juz nie maja aqua xd
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> blokuj
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> zeby do paczkik nie doszedl
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> moze mies 2 albo homing missle
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> well i hope all the birds hit
[RS`OrbMaster] oof
[RS`OrbMaster] ma jeszcze jedna...
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> build a girder
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> long one right
[RS`OrbMaster] naszykowal juz przejscie na nia
[RS`OrbMaster] skurwiel
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> so we can shoot from uppest top
<<RoH`Ray`>> 7 girder scheme rocks...
<<RS`OrbMaster>> ??
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> yeah i should ve put it...
<<RoH`Ray`>> they have nuke
<<RS`OrbMaster>> na remis ;d
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> hm k
<<RoH`Ray`>> how?
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> hm
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> well put it neway
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> ya
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> ok
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> spierdalaj gdzies do gory
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> shall i port on bzik now?
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> paczke wez
<<RS`OrbMaster>> ?
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> i ll port :)
<<RoH`Ray`>> you are the better at this scheme
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> tamta wez i wtedy kruwa
<<RoH`Ray`>> but I think you should
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> yes
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> tamta dasz rady jeszcze
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> hope they tdont have worm select..
<<RoH`Ray`>> but can you get the crate?
<<RoH`Ray`>> on the right?
<<RS`OrbMaster>> misscli8ck
<<RS`OrbMaster>> ...
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> kurwa a czemu tamtej jednej nie wzieles
<<RS`OrbMaster>> missclick
<<RS`OrbMaster>> f@#!ing telecower
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> he r dead :)
[RS`OrbMaster] yes
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> i ll sui if i have to
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] ßthen u have 3 bird tries
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] dg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] dg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] g
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sag
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] as
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] g
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] as
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] g
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] as
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] g
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] as
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] g
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] asg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] as
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] g
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] asg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] as
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] g
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] asg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] asg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] asg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] asg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] as
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] g
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] asg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] as
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] ga
[RS`OrbMaster] stfu
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] as
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] g
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] as
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] g
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] ag
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] asg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] a
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] sg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] as
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] g
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] as
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] g
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] asg
[RS`r3sp3ct] hehe i see
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] ok?
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> dont block
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> yeah
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> hm is there any way i can kill him and i survive?
<<RS`OrbMaster>> kamikaze zrobi
<<RoH`Ray`>> bow
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> bow will hit me if i shoot?
<<RoH`Ray`>> I doubt
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> jak maja trzesienie to wpadniesz
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> ok i ll try..
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> kewl
<<RS`OrbMaster>> kop sie,na remis xd
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> bird HNJM...
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> wyjebia nas
<<RS`OrbMaster>> modl ie aby aqua nie mieli
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> owce maja
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> maja kurwa aqua i hm
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> doesnt matter if u pile, just stay there atfer the shot so u dont block other worm
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> bit more right
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> maja 3 ptaki kurwa
[RS`OrbMaster] gg
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> ya
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> yes yes
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> aaaaw
[RS`OrbMaster] huh
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> thought that would kill him
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> neway
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> zrob cos zeby ci enie zajebali
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> nie uzywaj frez jeszcze nie
<<RoH`Ray`>> hey
<<RoH`Ray`>> try getting out
<<RS`OrbMaster>> freeze?
<<RoH`Ray`>> if you can rope up
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> czekaj
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> wez zablo0kuj
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> ok
[RS`r3sp3ct] garfielda zeby do mnie nie poszedl
<<RoH`Ray`>> but only after geting out you know...
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> i ll try
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> bo do mknie dojdzie
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> u mean to right? or left?
<<RoH`Ray`>> left lol
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> xD
<<RoH`Ray`>> don't you see it??
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> kurwa kurwa garfierelda
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> yes
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> koniec
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> przjebalismy mny
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> hm wait
[RS`OrbMaster] nie przejdzie
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> i ll holy?
<<RoH`Ray`>> try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> should hit him...
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> line ma
[RS`OrbMaster] aww
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> kurw amowilem
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] gg
[RS`OrbMaster] zapomnalem xd
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> :)
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> sp[oko zajebiscie
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> now hit da bird!!
<<RoH`Ray`>> when I say "try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", do it
<<RS`OrbMaster>> t17 dla nas
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> unless they draw with nuke
<<RS`OrbMaster>> tzn hysst
<<RoH`Ray`>> lesson for later XD
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> hehe ya
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> pojebany shopopa
<<RS`r3sp3ct>> albo hyst
<<RS`OrbMaster>> hyst
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> ok man
[RS`OrbMaster] gg
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> u can go more right
[RoH`Ray`] gg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] gg
<<RoH`cHAKKmAN>> :)
[RS`OrbMaster] join me
[RS`r3sp3ct] gg
[RoH`cHAKKmAN] ok
[RS`r3sp3ct] zajebales ladnie

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