Game #43918, Viewed 257 Time(s)

Classic #16
November 11, 2010, 05:30 PM
Below Average 1421 in TTRR before the game. Gained 23|23 points
Absolute Beginner 1028 in TTRR before the game. Lost 23|23 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 1
9 - 2
6 - 2
37 - 26
Information Game scheme: TTRR
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 140 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

29 by Majek
1920 x 696, BIT, 0.91 KB, Downloaded 9904 time(s)

11 by Fearless
1920 x 696, BIT, 0.44 KB, Downloaded 10007 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[dP`dioZ`nlF] first you need to learn
[Angus`ps] hf
[dP`dioZ`nlF] hf
[ps`Camper] I did 1 hourr yestarday
[ps`Camper] i am good now
Dulek`ps..dPxMonkeyIsland: how can I report more than 5 games if 'report it' button dissapears?
[ps`Camper] I did that map
[ps`Camper] :D
[dP`dioZ`nlF] ill check after xD
[ps`Camper] k! :D
[Cs0nGi-dP``] finish on the f ? or just touch it ?
[Dulek`ps] hf
[ps`Uber] touch it
dPxMonkeyIsland..Dulek`ps: when it disappears, just close that box and open it again, it appears! xD
[Dulek`ps] finish on that block I'd say
[Dulek`ps] here
[Cs0nGi-dP``] ok.
[ps`Uber] mreh
[ps`Camper] lol uber
[ps`Camper] liar
dPxMonkeyIsland..Dulek`ps: clicking on "report a game" will open/close that report box
[ps`Uber] lol
[ps`Camper] ur lammer as dC man
[dP`dioZ`nlF] btw
[ps`Uber] "its a mine?" "no its a grave"
[ps`Camper] AHAHEUAHSe
[ps`Uber] uhaua
[ps`Camper] that was lool
[dP`dioZ`nlF] what do we pick?
Dulek`ps..dPxMonkeyIsland: hmm I have to take a look
[ps`Camper] :O songi :o
[ps`Uber] Oo look at songi
[ps`Camper] lol angus stop playing for songi
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[ps`Uber] gj
[dP`dioZ`nlF] n
[Cs0nGi-dP``] time ?
[Dulek`ps] gj
[Dulek`ps] 64
[Cs0nGi-dP``] k.
[dP`dioZ`nlF] n
[ps`Camper] beber cair e levantar
[Angus`ps] haha
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[Angus`ps] great song
[dP`dioZ`nlF] lol
[ps`Camper] 80
[ps`Camper] :D
[dP`dioZ`nlF] n
[ps`Camper] t
[ps`Uber] bl thar
[Cs0nGi-dP``] fu, go safe and finish
[ps`Uber] lol
[dP`dioZ`nlF] it was save lol
[ps`Camper] he did safe lol
[dP`dioZ`nlF] was only bl on the fall
[ps`Uber] no need 2 be an asshole just cause u had a nice run songi!:D
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xDD
[Cs0nGi-dP``] lol
[dPxMonkeyIsland] lol
[Cs0nGi-dP``] xDD g1 uber
[dP`dioZ`nlF] your not my dad dont shout at me
[dP`dioZ`nlF] !
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[ps`Uber] xd
[dP`dioZ`nlF] godito style
[Cs0nGi-dP``] dioz,u never know... ;x
[Angus`ps] f@#!
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[Dulek`ps] keep going pizza
[Dulek`ps] aw xD
[dP`dioZ`nlF] how old are you csongi?
[Cs0nGi-dP``] let's say 24 ?! xDD
[dP`dioZ`nlF] never
[dP`dioZ`nlF] then im 35
[Cs0nGi-dP``] ok, almost 17 xDD
[dP`dioZ`nlF] and monkey is 60
[dP`dioZ`nlF] so um 18
[dP`dioZ`nlF] you cant be my dad
[dP`dioZ`nlF] or can you f@#! while your a fetus
[dP`dioZ`nlF] ?
[Cs0nGi-dP``] hehe xD
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[Dulek`ps] 59
[ps`Uber] vn
[dPxMonkeyIsland] 60?
[ps`Uber] 59
[Cs0nGi-dP``] 74
[ps`Uber] 100%
[Dulek`ps] yea, 59
[Dulek`ps] but wtf fall :(
[Cs0nGi-dP``] so : 59 vs 64
[dP`dioZ`nlF] yay xD
[ps`Uber] oi bl
[ps`Camper] who pm'ed me :?
[dP`dioZ`nlF] you should pick MI
[dP`dioZ`nlF] rr and me is just like no go
[Cs0nGi-dP``] gr8
ps`Uber [i pm u camper. ME, GOD ]
[dP`dioZ`nlF] fall anugus
[Dulek`ps] ahah xD
[Dulek`ps] what a start
[Dulek`ps] :D
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[Cs0nGi-dP``] dioz, just go safe and finish xD
ps`Uber [u have been a bad boy, u should not spy on ur neighbour while she is taking a shower]
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[dP`dioZ`nlF] and
[dP`dioZ`nlF] fall
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[Cs0nGi-dP``] yes, fall on the F letter
[dP`dioZ`nlF] f@#!?
[dP`dioZ`nlF] dont see it anywhere
[Angus`ps] rofl
[dP`dioZ`nlF] LOL
[Dulek`ps] oh come on
[Dulek`ps] lol
[dP`dioZ`nlF] hahah
[Cs0nGi-dP``] just finish
[Cs0nGi-dP``] ]PLZ
[dPxMonkeyIsland] rofl
[ps`Uber] lol ;/ bl
[Cs0nGi-dP``] GO SAFE
[dP`dioZ`nlF] im gonna make it like
[dP`dioZ`nlF] obscure
[dP`dioZ`nlF] on time
[dP`dioZ`nlF] he did like 130
[dP`dioZ`nlF] went slow as f@#!
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[Angus`ps] f@#! this game
[Angus`ps] xDD
[Cs0nGi-dP``] lol
[ps`Uber] kill urself
[Angus`ps] fall bitch
[Dulek`ps] now uber safe turn
[Dulek`ps] yea
[Dulek`ps] obiovusly
[Cs0nGi-dP``] go go. battle race XDDD
[Dulek`ps] lol
[ps`Uber] what dp picks?
[Cs0nGi-dP``] MI,analyze pls
[ps`Uber] u havent ?
[ps`Uber] bitces
[Angus`ps] fall
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xDD
[Angus`ps] uhahhua
[dP`dioZ`nlF] HAhah
[dPxMonkeyIsland] rofl
[ps`Uber] :D
[Angus`ps] huauh
[Cs0nGi-dP``] LMFAO
[Dulek`ps] rofl
[dP`dioZ`nlF] fuuuu
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xDD
[Cs0nGi-dP``] cmooon lol wtf
[Dulek`ps] fair enough
[dP`dioZ`nlF] haha
[ps`Uber] i think that was fair of dioz
[Cs0nGi-dP``] rm ?
[dPxMonkeyIsland] we should rm this, right?
[Dulek`ps] going go safe coz u know all u need is finish is pathetic
[dP`dioZ`nlF] ye
[ps`Uber] ya its rm
[dP`dioZ`nlF] rm
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[Angus`ps] jajaja
[dP`dioZ`nlF] haha
[dP`dioZ`nlF] best game
[dP`dioZ`nlF] <3

[dP`dioZ`nlF] hf gl
[dP`dioZ`nlF] angus
[ps`Camper] lol mofos
[dPxMonkeyIsland] hf
[dP`dioZ`nlF] dont rush
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[Cs0nGi-dP``] hFinnaly
ps`Uber [gogog ps o/ o]
[Dulek`ps] MI, so u're saying if game is tied clans can switch between their players?
[Dulek`ps] bullshit
[ps`Uber] dP decided their pick?
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I'd like to believe that ;)
[Angus`ps] who cares dulek
[Dulek`ps] it's just unbelieveable for me
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I didn't know I'm that good ;)
[dP`dioZ`nlF] lol
[dP`dioZ`nlF] camper
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[dP`dioZ`nlF] why? xD
[dP`dioZ`nlF] pretty woman
[dP`dioZ`nlF] walking down the street
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[Dulek`ps] it's not about being good or no, whenever u REPLAY the game, everything should be THE SAME
[dP`dioZ`nlF] gj
[ps`Uber] 66
[Angus`ps] 66
[dPxMonkeyIsland] then changing the map was wrong too, right?
[Cs0nGi-dP``] 66(6)
[Cs0nGi-dP``] well if u do a draw in elite then u shoulnd't change the map ? D:
[ps`Uber] 54
[Angus`ps] n
[Dulek`ps] I choosed the map we played at the 1st game
[ps`Uber] dulek is mad! :D he ropes like that then
[ps`Uber] i was glad he got mad
[Dulek`ps] it was dioz or csongi who said to change it
[ps`Uber] :D
[dP`dioZ`nlF] i did not
[dP`dioZ`nlF] !
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[ps`Uber] it was me xD
[Dulek`ps] lol Uber
[Dulek`ps] u traitor
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xDDDD
[ps`Uber] :D
[dP`dioZ`nlF] haha
[ps`Uber] MI told me he will ban me if we didnt change map
[dP`dioZ`nlF] lol
[dP`dioZ`nlF] poor MI
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[dP`dioZ`nlF] 70
[ps`Uber] 70
[Cs0nGi-dP``] 54 - 70 66
[ps`Uber] 66, 70 - 54 ,x
[dP`dioZ`nlF] and plop
[dP`dioZ`nlF] xD
[dP`dioZ`nlF] uiuii
Dulek`ps..dPxMonkeyIsland: at first I choosed the previous map, but uber said to change it and csongi agreed with him, I can deal with changing the map, but changing players shouldn't happen imo
[Angus`ps] 68
[dP`dioZ`nlF] 68
ps`Uber..Dulek`ps: gg xD
ps`Uber..Dulek`ps: we have over 2600 now
dPxMonkeyIsland..Dulek`ps: it is the first time I'm hearing this, maybe you are right
Dulek`ps..dPxMonkeyIsland: this is how how my logic says me
Dulek`ps..dPxMonkeyIsland: dunno if it's acutally true
[ps`Uber] btw MI, imo it should be restictions about players changing clan 2 often
Dulek`ps..dPxMonkeyIsland: well nvm, enjoy the game :)
dPxMonkeyIsland..Dulek`ps: so you're not saying this out of some rule either?
[ps`Uber] like in every other league of some form
[Cs0nGi-dP``] 59
[ps`Uber] like the doH guys, just deleting their clan, then make a new one with same players.
[ps`Uber] just for more points if they win
[dPxMonkeyIsland] actulaly dC is not same as doH, at start it was
[ps`Uber] well same leader, same players basically
[dP`dioZ`nlF] indeed
[dP`dioZ`nlF] crash
[dP`dioZ`nlF] titha
[dP`dioZ`nlF] magia
[ps`Uber] titio
[dPxMonkeyIsland] this time, there's more zillians there
[dP`dioZ`nlF] forest
[ps`Uber] ya they added some, but still
[dP`dioZ`nlF] the same
[Angus`ps] time?
[Dulek`ps] 52
Angus`ps..Dulek`ps: gj :D
Dulek`ps..Angus`ps: ty
[dP`dioZ`nlF] btw
[Cs0nGi-dP``] so 52 69 ?
[dP`dioZ`nlF] what do we pck?
[Cs0nGi-dP``] angus what was ur time ?
[ps`Uber] 68
[ps`Uber] 52 68 for us
[dP`dioZ`nlF] so gg
[Cs0nGi-dP``] ok : 68 52 - 59 70
[Dulek`ps] dc is the same as doh, if doh have lasted crash would still invite those players who are in dc and weren't in doh
[Angus`ps] f@#!
[Angus`ps] rofll
[ps`Uber] hahaha
[Angus`ps] hua
[ps`Uber] well i agree dulek
[dP`dioZ`nlF] me3
[ps`Uber] i find it lame
[ps`Uber] :)
[Angus`ps] my f@#!ing friend here disrtur me
[Angus`ps] xD
[ps`Uber] but what can u expekt from that guy :)
[Dulek`ps] I'm just saying repying to MI
[Dulek`ps] coz he said doh isn't dc :p
[Angus`ps] uhauh
[ps`Uber] well name is the only difference. and points obv
Angus`ps..Dulek`ps: what time he need?
[Dulek`ps] and in dc there are 2 or 3 players that weren't in doh
Dulek`ps..Angus`ps: dunno, about 20? xD
Angus`ps..Dulek`ps: xDD
[ps`Uber] gg
[Cs0nGi-dP``] gg
[dP`dioZ`nlF] gg
[dPxMonkeyIsland] :/
[dP`dioZ`nlF] join csongi
[dPxMonkeyIsland] same spot
[ps`Uber] dp pick?
[Cs0nGi-dP``] join me
[Angus`ps] jaj
[Angus`ps] xD
[Angus`ps] cya guys

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