Leagues > Leagues

Game #57419, Reported by uLeaD

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nah posicion up noob


What's is wrong with you guys? Lol...


--- Quote from: uLeaD on February 25, 2011, 01:50 PM ---:'(

What's is wrong with you guys? Lol...

--- End quote ---

its position at the end of the game boy ... no need to hide on top, you would win anyway because I saw you had lag ... so stay on top?? but okay you won .... we played another hour ..

What's wrong with hiding on top?

Nothing wrong with hiding on top, but it's normal to feel frustrated. why? if they hide on top, it means you messed up somewhere. since you messed up, you naturally want every chance to make a comeback.. and hiding on top reduces that chance.

solution isn't to complain about hiding on top, but to play your best the whole game.. even if they start hiding on top. I've seen hide on top'ers lose games because the other didn't quit -> so keep playing, even if they go on top. and hey, even if you lose, at least you didn't quit, and there's always next game  ;)


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