Leagues > Leagues

Game #61372, Reported by BoNuS


girders blocked worm.
 r3spect quit but I could keep playing and you did come out because you lost

game2 quit game and do not appear on the wormet

guys first  learn rulez plz darsite ? lol

bonus raported this because first  was crash sure btw u use handicaps  me and u 150 adn bopnus  and cmv 200 lol we much better .

Later  this guys was quiters so we raported

I darksided in the first game because one of you did too and refused to move out even after the 5th warning. I also destroyed a large part of the girder that Dragon placed (he likes to go nuts in games, sorry about that), and bounced a nade off the rest of it, so it wasn't an illegal girder after all.
Also, watch the chat in the second game:
[nW`CMV`pH] keep track of the hps
[nW`CMV`pH] if that's important
[nW`CMV`pH] if not, then don't
You didn't want to... Or you were just too lazy to, either way, it's not our fault.
I'll do a complaint at the weekend once I get home.
And learn some english please :)


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