Leagues > Leagues

Game #67492, Reported by HHC

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--- Quote from: Husk on May 01, 2011, 05:31 AM ---oh c'mon its a pro trick u actually risk urself getting owned if u fail at that so we should say gj when that works

vn zook glitch mate (=

--- End quote ---
Sorry Markooo but I totally disagree!

Zook glitch (and all the glitches) should be forbidden. Join a Shoppa game and you'll see all the noobs doing this glitch, they really piss me off. It's not that hard once you learn how to do it.
It's lame, zook is not supposed to act like that... it's a damn missile! ;)

Anyway I'm not sure if that move was crucial to whether decide this game or not, would've to check the replay.

Salut Fadaa :)

imo this is allowed ;d

i havent watched this game , but monkeyisland made a "zook glitch?" where the zook make 49 dmg D: and i had 49 hp!! (or 48 dont remember) that sucked and i was pissed off lol

well, it's just not allowed, let everyone remember this rule, and there is not problem ;)

That wasn't a zook glitch Guaton. That was skill  :P (learn it ;))


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