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Game #85376, Reported by Error


[oF`TheKiller] what was this?
Easy> hysteria trl ne1?
*oF`TheKiller* u dead
[oF`TheKiller] no u droped mine
*oF`TheKiller* u can see in replay at tus
oF`TheKiller> ok
Easy> hysteria trl ne1?
*oF`TheKiller* how i can drop u? :O
oF`TheKiller> host up easy
[oF`TheKiller] in my replay u droped mine :D
Error> is it possible to drop some1?

in my replay i shoot sheep, then after few sec he dropped. but whatever, hi died...


[2011-09-22 11.02.46] ••• Error is hosting a game on #AnythingGoes named "tus?ne1"
[2011-09-22 11.04.21] ••• Incoming connection on slot 0
[2011-09-22 11.04.22] ••• Player joined: oF`TheKiller
[2011-09-22 11.04.22] ••• Validated connection: 0, 1, oF`TheKiller
[2011-09-22 11.04.25] [oF`TheKiller] hi
[2011-09-22 11.04.32] [oF`TheKiller] whats your pic^^
[2011-09-22 11.04.37] [oF`TheKiller] ?
[2011-09-22 11.04.41] [Error] hi
[2011-09-22 11.04.45] [Error] let me analyze
[2011-09-22 11.04.47] [Error] 1sec
[2011-09-22 11.04.51] [oF`TheKiller] ok :P
[2011-09-22 11.05.01] [oF`TheKiller] i dont play rr or wxw :-!
[2011-09-22 11.05.13] [Error] i pick elite
[2011-09-22 11.05.26] [oF`TheKiller] okay
[2011-09-22 11.05.27] [oF`TheKiller] me 2
[2011-09-22 11.06.09] [Error] 2 elits?
[2011-09-22 11.06.13] [oF`TheKiller] ok
[2011-09-22 11.06.16] [Error] okok
[2011-09-22 11.06.17] [Error] gl
[2011-09-22 11.06.20] [oF`TheKiller] put 2 cups on
[2011-09-22 11.06.22] [oF`TheKiller] more fair
[2011-09-22 11.06.26] [oF`TheKiller] with start
[2011-09-22 11.06.32] [oF`TheKiller] 2 rounds
[2011-09-22 11.06.33] [oF`TheKiller] ;)
[2011-09-22 11.06.40] [oF`TheKiller] fair with starting
[2011-09-22 11.06.42] [Error] is it important?
[2011-09-22 11.06.51] [oF`TheKiller] no but fair ;)
[2011-09-22 11.06.52] • Game will take advantage of the latest features and bug fixes
[2011-09-22 11.06.56] ••• Starting game, recorded as file "User\Games\2011-09-22 11.06.56 [Online] @Error, oF`TheKiller.WAgame"
[2011-09-22 11.25.26] ••• Connection closed: 0, 1
[2011-09-22 11.25.27] ••• Connection closed: 0, 1
[2011-09-22 11.26.00] ••• Player parted or was kicked: oF`TheKiller
[2011-09-22 11.26.02] ••• Connection closed: 0, -1
[2011-09-22 11.26.02] ••• Connection closed: 1, -1
[2011-09-22 11.26.02] ••• Connection closed: 2, -1
[2011-09-22 11.26.02] ••• Connection closed: 3, -1
[2011-09-22 11.26.02] ••• Connection closed: 4, -1
[2011-09-22 11.26.02] ••• Connection closed: 5, -1
[2011-09-22 11.26.29] *oF`TheKiller* 28 dmg
[2011-09-22 11.26.38] *oF`TheKiller* u dead
[2011-09-22 11.26.48] *oF`TheKiller* u can see in replay at tus
[2011-09-22 11.27.05] *oF`TheKiller* how i can drop u? :O

so its possible nowadays to kick anyone?

p.s. and this man telling me about fair... 


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