Leagues > Leagues

Game #90045, Reported by Random00

(1/6) > >>

well, i still wish you a gl in next round, but i find pathetic notching.
It just makes lose the magic of bng.
bleh, atleast i have a rank without doing it

And this nobody cares, dude. Notching isnt forbidden and its okay if you dont use it. But dont flame if your opponent do, cause that makes so just to a very bad and lazy loser!

Notching is fine, the game would be better without it, but it's always gonna be there so you might as well start using it.


--- Quote from: SPW on October 31, 2011, 11:40 PM ---And this nobody cares, dude. Notching isnt forbidden and its okay if you dont use it. But dont flame if your opponent do, cause that makes so just to a very bad and lazy loser!

--- End quote ---
girlfriends :x

Gabriel - the rebell?


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