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TTRR challenge - Bonhert #23 - 30 seconds.

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--- Quote from: avirex on November 30, 2016, 06:08 AM ---not to be a buzz kill...

but being that the clock is counting down from 30, your using a full 30 seconds...

if the clock stops before you get to finish, like with free's, walrus's, and dibz' turns... you did not complete the map in under 30, your did it in 31...

senator is the only one to beat it in under 30 so far ;p

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Stop being such a buzzkill bufzo just because you cant do it ;D

Lol just saying... it's true tho.. senator is the only one who's done it in 30sec.

I'll give it a shot next time I'm online.. looks fun.

Damn, we should also headbutt the roof to make the timer stop so Avi would be impressed.

just pointing out facts free, you finished at 31.

keep trying though, you will get it :P


--- Quote from: Free on November 30, 2016, 09:50 PM ---Damn, we should also headbutt the roof to make the timer stop so Avi would be impressed.

--- End quote ---
hes too busy still trying to beat it


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