Maps > Maps

Map #3138 by Komito


Official "WDC 2012" Map !

Get your practise in !

More news about "WDC 2012" coming soon !

great map.

little hard to play on and like sid and i found out its a bit like you go to a real darts match and put targets everywhere in the room and throw darts over the shoulder  :D

like it tho, gj.

gj Komito  :-*

Cheers guys really glad you enjoyed it, original feedback from SiD was a bit dodgy haha, the original version of the map was a bit ghastly, thanks for the players who tested it out with me over last few days fixing out the kinks !

Yeah it's a really hard map, but that's why it's a special event of it's own ! It's a bit weird at 1st with their being so much choice, but in the actual event, there will be more than 8 worms for each player, I am still deciding on some things for the event, like when it's gonna be hosted(when I will have the best free time), and how the KO and advancement will work, cuz I had 2 ideas about that part.


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