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Messages - Darmin

Why games in this cup have stopped?  :o :o :o
WTF? Kartofan and Pres knocked out Magnusa and Scully  2 - 0 ?
It was unpredictable and unexpectedly.
We can play the 1/2 final today or tomorrow.
Schemes / Re: Mole discussion
July 28, 2018, 12:07 PM
Players mole shopper scheme never "pour out dirt" on other schemes.
However players of other schemes in 90% cases "pour out dirt" on the mole shopper scheme.
Schemes / Re: Mole discussion
July 27, 2018, 05:01 PM
daiNa - I don't know you as a player in WA, but i with pleasure will play with you in the league in mole shopper scheme.

P.S. At the first opportunity. See you soon in the game.
Schemes / Re: Mole discussion
July 26, 2018, 09:50 AM
TheKomodo, it's proved that bodies with a different weight and identical height fall to the ground at the same time. Teach the physicist.

Magnus, here nobody loves the scheme mole shopper because of her popularity. And also players who are invincible in a certain scheme. In this case i mean Zalo.
It usual human envy. Don't prove anything. It's senseless. I was convinced in it by own experience.
Quote from: liav on July 23, 2018, 12:29 PM
What is the problem with the scheme?

Liav, Sensei just humorist  ;)
Сhampion has returned for several days  ;D

Nous and koci - me and Out ready to play on saturday and sunday from 9-00  17-00 GMT (28,29 july)

Full speed to a victory!!!
I am so sorry, but i can't continue to participate in the CUP.  :'( :'( :'(
I can resume the game in 2-3 months.

P.S. Sincere apologies to my partner - Out.   :-[
I don't have time to take part in this CUP.
I'm sorry, but this CUP will pass without me  :'(
Quote from: XanKriegor on June 22, 2018, 11:34 AM
I see them in final vs Zalo/Mycy.

Impossible  >:(
Quote from: MycyxPatroN on June 17, 2018, 05:53 PM
Nous,Darmin - when will you play? We are waiting for our opponent in final.

I think games will be played before 24 june.
Quote from: Danger135 on June 01, 2018, 04:43 PM
2 or 3 worms? 2 maybe faster :)   
edit: now I see! 4 worms?!  OMG whyyyyyy

4 worms in order you could live after sudden death.
I also don't understand. The game is played. Forget about it.
Shot from a bow for 1000 euro. N1