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Messages - j0hny

Zalo win XD
Leagues General / This league is still live?
February 03, 2021, 01:03 AM
I mean, is it still active? Other game make me bored so I wanna come back here. Are you on wheat snooper active?
I'll be try. let me see you again in ONLINE :)
Off Topic / Re: NoPorn challenge
August 12, 2016, 03:01 PM

Step1: Highlight the numbers
Step2: Ctrl and F
Step3: Put 9 in, enter
Step4: Enjoy
Im still waiting for berria, on AG channel. Let's see how long...
Quote from: Hussar on July 02, 2016, 11:59 AM
There is no contact with j0hnny.

JESTEM TUTAJ http://snoop.wormnet.net/ Już drugi tydzień mam codziennie włączony snopper, ale na darmo, bo nikogo tam nie ma. Po co w ogóle zapisujecie się na puchary, jak nawet nie wiecie co to snopper jest?

Pisz do mnie na maila lukaszmok21@gmail.com  mam włączony tryb czuwania zobaczę wiadomość po minucie.
This is bullshit, everyone is inactive, I am everyday on channel, and no one there :/
POLAND in 1/4 finals :D Very well done  :-*
HHC betting on who will get to the finals and who will win, it's like shooting at Russian roulette. The same result typing (example: 3:2) is very luck. I doubt if even one person will select the winner in the semi-finals.
Off Topic / Re: Nice stuff / Script for game
May 26, 2016, 11:41 PM
Quote from: WTF-8 on May 26, 2016, 09:34 PM
Looks like this would do nothing but shit the chat. When I spotted the "script" word, I thought you would share some cool cheats, not this annoying capsfloodshit :l

Cheats? No man, cheats is not cool, just cool easy things.
Off Topic / Re: deadcode replays
May 26, 2016, 08:53 PM
Quote from: Korydex on May 26, 2016, 08:43 PM

Ohh thanks a lot!
This is more than I thought :D I'll have what to do thx!
Off Topic / deadcode replays
May 26, 2016, 08:34 PM
If someone has the original replay by deadcode, I would be really grateful to you for sharing :)

I saw his video on youtube, and I want to create something special video, because this on youtube is terrible quality, but I need the original his replay.

thanks in advance :)
I hate quitters!
Off Topic / Re: Worms on a 4k monitor
May 26, 2016, 07:47 PM
Lol its too big for 1920 resolution maps :D
Off Topic / Nice stuff / Script for game
May 26, 2016, 07:23 PM
I made a nice script to game, and I decided to share :)

all you need is a program AutoHotkey, install, download this script and run: Script By j0hny.ahk

And now in game press ctrl + n to write big NJOY. Ctrl + 0 (zero) to write big LOL. Ctrl + g to write big GOOD GAME.

On host: ctrl + h to write really big HI :). ctrl + L to write really big LOL.

If you like it I do more. Test, and rate.
You can also write your own script and share here :)

NJOY! :)

Off Topic / Re: Whats better?
May 18, 2016, 11:35 AM

Horny stuff publically
Horny stuff in private

Horny stuff in private :D

Mac or Windows?