Schemes > Schemes

Scheme #303, w2rope submitted by avirex

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Scheme has no destructible map..
Perfected scheme: *

make it public kaleu

avi described the change to destructible terrain to be too radical and that it would scare many, which is why he chose to keep it indestructible.

I played few games with destructible terrain and it seemed cool to me. ;)


--- Quote from: Korydex on October 30, 2013, 06:05 AM ---make it public kaleu

--- End quote ---

I don't have this option anymore :(  But I edited the link above with a hotlink.

--- Quote from: Husk on October 30, 2013, 06:09 AM ---avi described the change to destructible terrain to be too radical and that it would scare many, which is why he chose to keep it indestructible.

--- End quote ---

hmm sry never read this..
but w2 had destructible map, this is very important to make the scheme as close as possible to w2 roper.


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