Schemes > Schemes

Scheme #3481, get frank submitted by philie

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does anyone have an example replay of playing this scheme? the description is kinda f@#!ing confusing :D but it looks interesting I'd like to see a gameplay of this

One of the intricacies of get frank, is no one knows how to properly play get frank.  No one knowing what the hell is going on is a core gameplay mechanic of get frank.  You either get frank, or you don't get frank.


--- Quote from: TheWalrus on July 21, 2022, 04:44 PM ---One of the intricacies of get frank, is no one knows how to properly play get frank.  No one knowing what the hell is going on is a core gameplay mechanic of get frank.  You either get frank, or you don't get frank.

--- End quote ---

you should have started your sentence by saying "To be Frank with you..." :D

I have some replays someone of the community gently sent to me, but not sure if I should share them here, I would have to ask to the players first and the chat might be not so cool. Anyway, I think the replays I have show considerable confusions about the rules and probably wrong gameplay. As I said before, I consider this a meme scheme. I think I would enjoy trying it, though.

Frankly....get frank is kinda funky!!!


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