Schemes > Schemes

Scheme #3814, Supermarket Shopper(SMS) submitted by crmm1792

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let me explain this, for some reason the description got deleted by accident, i did speak with MonkeyIsland to have it back but unfortunately he told me he doesnt have it in the backups, so i got upset and a bit too lazy to write them again.

Supermarket Shopper is my first scheme i made, is a game based on kaos shopper but inspirated by the scheme Colossal Shopper. I liked the idea so i wanted something different related multiple attacks in 1 turn and many crates around but including my own concept (TIME factor): 35s turntime, 6 spawnmed crates (7 for next player as penalty if u dont pick up them all), only AFR weapons and drill tactic to stop the time.

Im agree with FoxHound the description in blank produced some players missunderstanding the point of the scheme and now we got some players in AG hosting random multi attack-crates as supermarket, adding any stuff on it (utilities, weapons, removing the drill), i remember some players telling me how to play my own scheme xd and crying for drill spamming. So i really lost the interest to write the rules.

In spite of this, i would like to add the rules on description one more time instead of descarting the idea that some one would play it was conceived :3

Most of the schemes on TUS, which are not meaningless, have a description, unless, of course, you created the scheme just for yourself.
It is not necessary to describe in detail all the moments of the game; in this case, brief rules and highlighting the features of this type of shopper are sufficient.

If for some reason you don't want to make a description, well...  :(  I'll have to make a copy of this scheme and put it in order myself, adding a description and indicating the necessary information.
Unlike Wormopoly, there isn't much to write home about.

I got a point in my comment, to put the rules for something that evrybody gonna ignore its kinda useless... that was the reason why...
Fortunately, i decided to add the only the rules and probably some extra information relate map and worms amount, probably.


--- Quote from: crmm1792 on September 22, 2023, 07:54 PM ---Supermarket Shopper is my first scheme i made, is a game based on kaos shopper but inspirated by the scheme Colossal Shopper.

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Oh, I would never imagine Colossal Shopper had some influence to Supermarket Shopper, really. I just checked and I published the scheme on TUS a bit earlier than Supermarket. I thought the idea was based on Kaos Shopper, Triple Shopper or wkShopper, or maybe it was just another attempt to make a Shopper with Shot Doesn't End Turn. Now that you mentioned, Supermarket Shopper really uses Shopper maps that are bigger than usual, specially designed for the scheme. I must say the name Supermarket is great and I like its scheme icon. For a first scheme, your scheme received a big fan base. Your other schemes too. Honestly I would never expect someone with a nickname called CAK-RULES to be a great scheme maker. I always thought Shopper players were limited in creativity, but maybe that was a preconception. By the way, do you prefer to be called CAK-RULES or crmm1792?

--- Quote from: crmm1792 on September 22, 2023, 07:54 PM ---Im agree with FoxHound the description in blank produced some players missunderstanding the point of the scheme and now we got some players in AG hosting random multi attack-crates as supermarket, adding any stuff on it (utilities, weapons, removing the drill), i remember some players telling me how to play my own scheme xd and crying for drill spamming. So i really lost the interest to write the rules.

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I think we cannot control how players play the schemes we create. Run created Hysteria without Low Gravity and now most people play it with Low Gravity. Shopper used to be played with drill and no zook, and now people play with zook and almost don't use drill or remove it.

And by the way, Colossal Shopper still doesn't have a replay and the rules are open for changes (it has already many optional rules), exactly because it's hard to determine what is the best for gameplay with SDET mode and easy understanding of the rules. It would require a lot of tests to stablish what is best, and maybe players would play differently.

--- Quote from: crmm1792 on September 22, 2023, 07:54 PM ---In spite of this, i would like to add the rules on description one more time instead of descarting the idea that some one would play it was conceived :3

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I would play the original rules the way they were conceived :)

I think in the future Supermarket Shopper will have all the variations of rules and settings being used by players written somewhere. I remember the original ones had Mine Strike that could be used differently, and that there was something called SMACK-RULES, which was a funny acronym.

you can call me CAK-RULES, Im actually glad people is appreciating my schemes you know hosting them at AG or maybe using some for cups etc.

Im a shopper player but unfortunately i got bored bit by bit. So the first time when i played colossal shopper i got interested again. So i decided to make my own version of multi attacks with SDET and probably less kaotic adaptation xd.

Its true we cannot control that, but in my opinion there is a line between variant and change and that bothers me. You just mentioned that shopper used to be played with drill and no bazooka, but i think a scheme get ruinned when its essence is being modified so much.


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