Schemes > Schemes

Scheme #5413, NEW SCHEME!!! submitted by crmm1792

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scheme idea names: Leap of death, Monkey business, Ping pong, Swing War

sticky shopper
swing shopper

i just overwrote this scheme because i think the previous one needed a bit of changes so i decided to overwrite this instead of making a new scheme (i consider my list is big enough) 

I didn't watch the replay of the first version of the scheme, but I watched now and I loved the scheme. Really.

I would define it as a Gravityless Plop War Shopper, or Zero-G Plop War Shopper.

My suggestion for name: "Floata Ploppa Shoppa" or simply "Ploppa Shoppa". "Zero-G Ploppa Shoppa" Would be more precise, but longer name.

This scheme needs a mappack, though. Not any Shopper map can be played on this. And even on this map, a troll could easily go out of the map, and players would have troubles to reach this player, because the rope only works when there is terrain to attach. So, maps must be fully closed in my opinion, and they must have many plop zones, but the plop zones being only real plop zones: the ones that worms touch water imediately.

I confess I was working long time ago, in 2011, on a Cave version of Snooker, but my experiments weren't as nice as this scheme is. Good job. I liked the Sudden Death in this scheme.
EDIT: Now I noticed that you edited the map to fix that problem and make it fully closed. You could just have added border to it too. And maybe raise the water a little bit more.

Now I think Ploppa Space Shoppa could be a good name too.

EDIT 2: Space Plop Shopper

Plop Shopper is indeed a good name : ) because with those mine madness looking maps, it looks like a mix of mine madness + plop war + shopper. so Plop Shopper sums it up


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