Schemes > Leagues

Scheme #920, Abnormal submitted by van

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Just look at the change in a way that it forces you to be even more creative, cows were overpowered that early in the game and more often than not it gave advantage to the person who went first. We've been testing it a lot and the change was needed in order to make the scheme a bit more competetive. Don't worry, it doesn't affect the gameplay too much, you can trust me on that. ^^

Oh, and picking HHG (or anything but cows for that matter) was foolish simply because:
- the delay makes it unusable in most of the games (and you can't change that option in the current scheme file format)
- you can't change your team weapon between rounds

I would leave cows as normal weapon because they can be used to do nice combos (husky's turn against me), but not so powered. Maybe we could set 2 stars of power. It's just an opinion hehe

How about removing suicide bomber? I think it adds more strategy to the game. If you trap one worm of your opponent, he can't self-kill. (If he has used kami already)


--- Quote from: MonkeyIsland on April 03, 2013, 12:56 PM ---How about removing suicide bomber? I think it adds more strategy to the game. If you trap one worm of your opponent, he can't self-kill. (If he has used kami already)

--- End quote ---

That would also require taking teleports out, I thought about it, but I find that sometimes you need it when you get unlucky positions. (and don't want to waste kami on just self-killing your worm)
When you block someone he still loses a turn and you get to kill 1 of your own worms so I think girdering is a viable strategy.

- Cows with a 2 turn delay added. Regular power.

Reason: After many games - I don't want to compromise the fun and limit the strategy, and if that means a slight balance decrease, so be it. 2 turn delay seems to be fair.
Note that this is probably the final version of this scheme that will be used in the upcoming cup, so please update it.


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