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File #911, WWPR Sounds (WA Compatible)

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It was hilarious when SD came in Team17 game... and every worm was coughing like a baby, lololololol.
Btw, these sounds are cool. I changed timer's, select worm's and worm burning voice back to normal.


--- Quote from: Mega`Adnan on January 09, 2016, 07:36 AM ---It was hilarious when SD came in Team17 game... and every worm was coughing like a baby, lololololol.
Btw, these sounds are cool. I changed timer's, select worm's and worm burning voice back to normal.

--- End quote ---

If those coughs would be combined with the Classic soundbank from Worms Clan Wars, I think it would have more sense

i know i am reviving a very old file thread, but now it just occurred to me that i can edit some sounds myself, so here you go

timer tick amplified by 17.969 dB (it's the max Audacity allows)
throw power down with the wwpr sample
rocket power down with the wwpr sample

my personal "mix'n'matching" would be:
- include the 3 edited samples i made
- exclude all cough samples
- make ninja rope fire silent ( )
- make ninja rope impact a sound made from (if you don't have flash, you can download it for windows and mac)
- use these rope sounds


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