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File #911, WWPR Sounds (WA Compatible)

(1/2) > >>

very nice i like this souds more than WA originals smoot mostly the plop sound :D

Good to know that Kradie is alive  :)

Do you have more than those sound effects? If so, can you update this?

- You should use a sound editor to make a rocket power down and throw power down sounds.
- Changing the front-end effects might be appreciated too

Cool, they sound great.
although I find TIMERTICK.wav to be way too quiet, some pick 'n' mixing is needed I think.

Just came to say that. Timer sound is miserable.. All together - so/so!
First 15 minutes was really great to hear modern sound of worms, but already switched back to WA effects.

Nothing beats that, period!


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