The Ultimate Site of Worms Armageddon

Cups and Tournaments => Cups and Tournaments General => Topic started by: Kangaroo on May 01, 2012, 06:34 AM

Post by: Kangaroo on May 01, 2012, 06:34 AM
Darkone i understand you are trying to keep the cups section running smooth but I think cups should be given more time.

For example i waited a very very long time for the Deletion cup to begin, then once it started i get paired with some inactive players and some in other timezones.

I checked AG everyday for my opponents and sent messages and checked the cups status everyday but never got a chance to play. But cup has been proceeded to knockout stage and i was left behind. How is this my Fault??? (Its not) I personaly blame the pressure given to cups mods to get there cup done ASAP. How is it a fair competition when only players lucky enough to run into each other in ag be proceeded through to next round and those get who just get bad luck suffer.

Worms is a game played by players all over the world from differant time zones please keep that in mind that. It takes time to arrange times available to be played with people on other side of globe.

Whats the point in Hurrying cups up so next cup can start only for the same thing to happen again and again and again.

Title: Re: CUP NAZI
Post by: TheWalrus on May 01, 2012, 08:43 AM
Title: Re: CUP NAZI
Post by: Kaleu on May 01, 2012, 08:52 AM
Cup nazi? Only for germans?
Title: Re: CUP NAZI
Post by: Sbaffo on May 01, 2012, 08:58 AM
Cup nazi? Only for germans?

Title: Re: CUP NAZI
Post by: DarkOne on May 01, 2012, 12:39 PM
I checked your posts from that thread.

4pm + 8pm GMT+10 Weekdays Is when you are most likely to find me.

That converts to 9am - 1pm on weekdays (school/work times) in Israel (Almog)
That converts to 8am - noon on weekdays (school/work times) in Hungary, Germany and Poland (Csongi, BlinkY and xLo)

Why are you surprised that you can't find them on WN when they're school/work days? If you know you're so far apart, why didn't you try to arrange your games during weekends? I had to play ArtiC for another cup and my working days can last up to 12 hours - not to mention I now have days where I am on call for 24 hours (which means I can't play those games then because I could be forced to leave at any time). On top of that, ArtiC had a tendency not to show up at agreed times. I still managed to find him.

Today i am online alot earlier. go Ag go go go

That's 3am my time (and for BlinkY, Csongi and xLo). That time is 4am for Almog. Did you seriously expect any of these people to be online and willing to play at that time?
I don't think you even bothered to check what their time zones are and when they would most likely be able to play. Personally, I use this site ([/url). Took me only a minute to check your times with the times of the locations where your opponents live.
The times you mentioned are not reasonable for most people, because (just like you), they have things to do during weekdays in the morning and early afternoon.

Almog even told you flat out he wouldn't be able to play at those times (though he was mistaken when he said it was 4am - guess he should check that site ([/url) as well).

Perhaps you should have considered a change of tactics in getting your games done, since the original plan wasn't working out - if your strategy doesn't work in a game, you change your strategy. Why didn't you change it here?

Quote from: title

Really? I haven't even had a chance to reply and you throw that in my face? Who are you? Glenn Beck?

I could've quoted Godwin's law here, but Lewis Black handles it beautifully - though perhaps it's still a good idea for you to look up Godwin's law.

I'm not unreasonable though.
I've set a special deadline for the group you're in. If you can come up with a more reasonable time (note: ONE time on ONE day - use the site I linked you to, which I've linked to on numerous occasions), then that gets you a new chance to play. If you agree on a time that's past the deadline, that's fine by me.
Title: Re: CUP NAZI
Post by: M4Dbrat on May 01, 2012, 04:24 PM
I totally agree with this topic. My cup group has 0 games, because we simply never meet, and I don't know how can we.
Title: Re: CUP NAZI
Post by: DarkOne on May 01, 2012, 04:46 PM
[...]and I don't know how can we.

"Hi. Can we play saturday 17:00 (or 5PM GMT) Ukrainian time?"
Title: Re: CUP NAZI
Post by: M4Dbrat on May 01, 2012, 04:58 PM
The problem I can never know when I can play it.
Title: Re: CUP NAZI
Post by: M4Dbrat on May 01, 2012, 05:56 PM
Doublepost sry.
[wormiverse] KBA3u quit with the message Weed Snooper Beta 2wks 6days 2hrs 36secs ago.
[wormiverse] Charizard parted #AnythingGoes 5days 20hrs 1min 9secs ago.
Title: Re: CUP NAZI
Post by: franz on May 01, 2012, 09:10 PM
The problem I can never know when I can play it.

If you can never know when you yourself can even play, how does any other wormer expect to find you?  That's not fair to other players or the entire cup.  I'm not trying to be mean or insensitive here, but maybe you should consider not playing in cups if your schedule is as busy as it sounds ;/  DarkOne sounds like he might even have the busiest schedule, yet he still puts in enough effort to arrange around people's timezones, so there's something to learn from him.
Title: Re: CUP NAZI
Post by: Kangaroo on May 02, 2012, 05:48 AM
How can i arrange a time with someone who doesnt reply to me???? AKA blinky......

ps. sorry if this offended you darkone it was nothing personal i just wanted to add humor and make topic appealing to those who see the topic name so it could grab more attention.