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--- Quote from: THeDoGG on July 13, 2011, 08:50 PM ---
--- Quote from: philie on July 08, 2011, 01:16 AM ---
dunno, really sucky. especially the graphics, lol
score 0/10

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omg lmao, only three f@#!ing words.....f@#! you all ! xD

I like all Donkey Kong Country games. They all deserve (AT LEAST) 8.5/10. :)
Their level designs are diverse and fun, and there's plenty of add-ons that makes this game even very interesting such as riding or transforming into animals.


--- Quote from: Gabriel on July 02, 2011, 12:38 AM ---
--- Quote from: Gengar on June 28, 2011, 07:22 AM ---Ehh... My top 5 favorite N64 games so far:
1)Pokemon Stadium
2)Pokemon Stadium 2 <--- Got mad and broke it. :/
3)Bomber Man
4)Worm Armageddon
5)Super Mario N64

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I passed Mario64 with 120 starts in 1 week but playing 12 hours daily xD

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Have you beaten the game with just 16 stars in it? :D I have.. like around 5 times ...  :D

Dunno if its allowed reopen old posts xd any problem delete this mesage

I just realized that exists a remake of Excitebike for Nintendo Wii... Excitebike World Rally

Ive downloaded it and is so cool, includes map editor, different clothes and bikes and a online mode, but noone plays it  :(

My top 5 fav n64 games(not in this order)
1. South Park 64
2. Duke Nukem 64
3. Goldeneye
4. Conkers bad fur day
5. Mario 64

I remember enjoying the DK series a lot as a kid..  good fun platforming at its best.

ANyone have or tried the WiiU?
It is weird but I will be buying it anyways for the new Pikman! and w/e else they got coming to it.


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