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Why gaming became worse

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I have suffered from depression, but that isn't because of playing games, that's because of other people being c**ts/evil!

Let's look at the definition of problem, I just searched

1)any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty.
2)a question proposed for solution or discussion.
3)Mathematics. a statement requiring a solution, usually by means of a mathematical operation or geometric construction.
4)difficult to train or guide; unruly: a problem child.
5)Literature. dealing with choices of action difficult either for an individual or for society at large: a problem play.

If I had a family, or was in a relationship with someone, and wasn't giving them enough attention because I was addicted to games, THEN it would be a problem.

If I was not attending things I need to attend, because I was too busy playing games, THEN, it would be a problem.

Just because a guy called skunk3 says it's a problem, does not make it a problem.

Aren't we going a lil off topic?  :o

From my point of view, doing 12-16 hours a day gaming sounds like a problem indeed, but at the same time, I don't feel that Komo is an addict, who has a 'problem' with gaming addiction. He's got other things going in his life, things that he probably puts even more effort in than he does into video gaming.

Addiction seems more of a problem for gamers who play games on a really competitive level (as in, they want/need to be the best) or games with an addictive reward system. Worms is not the right place for this atm, to say the least  ;D

There have been times when I literally had nothing to do and spent like 10 hrs each day gaming for weeks in a row (Witcher 3 is too addictive for its own good), it's not really that unusual.

I guess it's all about whether it still leaves you enough time to properly function as a person. And some people can do just fine with only a few hours


--- Quote from: HHC on September 08, 2018, 10:03 AM ---I don't feel that Komo is an addict, who has a 'problem' with gaming addiction. He's got other things going in his life, things that he probably puts even more effort in than he does into video gaming.

--- End quote ---

Thanks, it honestly varies from week to week, month to month, sometimes I can go months without gaming, then all of a sudden I wanna play games for months, I love being in control of my life and able to do what I want, without bringing any harm to anyone.

skunk doesn't have the capacity to understand life doesn't revolve around his perspective.

skunk, I am going to have to stop engaging in conversation with you soon, you just don't understand how other people think/feel, but you act like you do, that makes you a dangerous person to hang around.

You constantly make statements without backing them up with any evidence whatsoever.

Most importantly, you haven't even asked the ONE thing all trained professionals ask - "Are you happy?" - Because at the end of the day, that's all that matters, this is MY life, not yours.

--- Quote from: skunk3 on September 08, 2018, 09:02 AM ---Between gaming and sleeping you had a total of MAYBE 6 hours per day to do everything else you need to do in life... cook, eat, shop, socialize, bathe, clean, handle personal business, look for a job, keep in contact with friends and family, and any number of things that don't involve gaming. I think it is safe to assume that you were quite likely not attending to things that you needed to attend to and probably sitting around your abode all stinky and unkempt.

Anyway I hope that you're not still gaming 12 hours a day or anywhere even close to that... for your own sake. Seriously.

--- End quote ---

What are you basing this on?

Did you create the universe? Did you make up the rules? Do you know the meaning of life?

You are acting like you are some kind of god who should decide how everyone should live.

You should look for a career with the government lol.

May I remind you, that you are the one going around telling people how they should live, you are the problem here, not me.

It's people like you, that make other people depressed, by trying to guilt trip them into living a life, they don't want to live:

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

You are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

komodo how dare you call fortnite a simple game with no depth


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