The Ultimate Site of Worms Armageddon

Leagues => Leagues Complaints => Topic started by: Lukz on November 12, 2011, 10:56 PM

Title: [SOLVED] #91556
Post by: Lukz on November 12, 2011, 10:56 PM
 Casso say me, complain please

really this guy want play in the same map, including mines

then in 1st intance, we can't do earth in the right side, and i kill me coz confusion

2nd instance, HE decide to try use a correct map, for that we use a girder in the right side xD, that was ok, but we had just 1 sec for sd, that just affect me and I decide contine game, finally i win, but casso don't was in agreement

we play a 3rd game, whit good map and good time, and he win me, but apparently his conscience wasn't well, coz he ask me: please complain, maybe we should play again

I really don't understand his attitude, I had played the whole game again, but he had the advantage, then i don't decide that xd

sorry for mine english xD but i am doing this complain just for that Casso ask me
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: franz on November 12, 2011, 11:20 PM
I haven't seen the games yet, but it sounds like the best positive solution is if you guys come to an agreement, you can play a new game. a start over new, fresh.

if not, we'll look at the games, and try to make a decision. if you don't want that, please talk to each other and solve outside of complaint forums.
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Lukz on November 12, 2011, 11:37 PM
Ok, what say u Casso?
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Casso on November 13, 2011, 09:42 AM
The match was very articulated so I told ArtiC that if he wanted he could complaint the game and I would have accepted the decision of the moderators.


[2011-11-12 21.29.55] [ArtiC`cFc``] ok, u want use same hp ? xd
[2011-11-12 21.30.26] [HoN`Casso] i thought to use the hp we had
[2011-11-12 21.30.31] [HoN`Casso] 33 and 2, no ?
[2011-11-12 21.30.35] [HoN`Casso] the map is the same
[2011-11-12 21.30.48] [ArtiC`cFc``] ok
[2011-11-12 21.30.52] [ArtiC`cFc``] same hides?
[2011-11-12 21.30.55] [HoN`Casso] yes
[2011-11-12 21.31.01] [HoN`Casso] before i must place a mine
[2011-11-12 21.31.07] [HoN`Casso] that was in the map
[2011-11-12 21.31.10] [ArtiC`cFc``] wait
[2011-11-12 21.31.12] [ArtiC`cFc``] phone
[2011-11-12 21.31.14] [HoN`Casso] ok
[2011-11-12 21.31.40] [HoN`Casso] remember there was 2 sec in SD
[2011-11-12 21.33.42] [ArtiC`cFc``] i remember 4 secs for sd
[2011-11-12 21.33.48] [HoN`Casso] umh
[2011-11-12 21.33.49] [HoN`Casso] wait
[2011-11-12 21.33.53] [HoN`Casso] i watch replay
[2011-11-12 21.33.58] [ArtiC`cFc``] coz we are speaking
[2011-11-12 21.34.17] [ArtiC`cFc``] whitout atack
[2011-11-12 21.34.55] [HoN`Casso] it was 1 sec :O
[2011-11-12 21.35.07] [HoN`Casso] so i put 2 sec
[2011-11-12 21.35.13] [ArtiC`cFc``] mm
[2011-11-12 21.35.14] [HoN`Casso] because in the last turn i skipped
[2011-11-12 21.35.19] [HoN`Casso] maybe 3 ?
[2011-11-12 21.35.30] [ArtiC`cFc``] ok
[2011-11-12 21.35.31] [ArtiC`cFc``] 3
[2011-11-12 21.35.46] [ArtiC`cFc``] and who start?
[2011-11-12 21.36.01] [HoN`Casso] i don't know
[2011-11-12 21.36.07] [HoN`Casso] uff
[2011-11-12 21.36.10] [HoN`Casso] i watch the replay
[2011-11-12 21.36.11] [HoN`Casso] xD
[2011-11-12 21.37.39] [HoN`Casso] it was my turn
[2011-11-12 21.38.09] [HoN`Casso] whe i told you that i had to go
[2011-11-12 21.38.13] [HoN`Casso] when*
[2011-11-12 21.39.00] • Game will take advantage of the latest features and bug fixes
[2011-11-12 21.40.05] [ArtiC`cFc``] mm
[2011-11-12 21.40.07] [HoN`Casso] umh
[2011-11-12 21.40.10] [HoN`Casso] wtf
[2011-11-12 21.40.11] [HoN`Casso] wait
[2011-11-12 21.40.14] [ArtiC`cFc``] that place have earth
[2011-11-12 21.40.20] [HoN`Casso] wait
[2011-11-12 21.45.08] [HoN`Casso] i forgot it xD
[2011-11-12 21.45.10] [HoN`Casso] -.-
[2011-11-12 21.45.15] [HoN`Casso] when i did the stamp
[2011-11-12 21.47.07] [HoN`Casso] now it should be correct
[2011-11-12 21.47.11] [HoN`Casso] i hope
[2011-11-12 21.47.31] • Game will take advantage of the latest features and bug fixes
[2011-11-12 21.48.25] [ArtiC`cFc``] this is a png map?
[2011-11-12 21.48.28] [HoN`Casso] yes
[2011-11-12 21.48.31] ••• Starting game, recorded as file "User\Games\2011-11-12 21.48.31 [Online] @HoN`Casso, ArtiC`cFc``.WAgame"
[2011-11-12 21.48.59] [HoN`Casso] grrrr
[2011-11-12 21.49.18] [ArtiC`cFc``] forget the mine and water and play
[2011-11-12 21.49.18] [ArtiC`cFc``] xdd
[2011-11-12 21.52.23] [HoN`Casso] ok
[2011-11-12 21.52.24] [HoN`Casso] thx
[2011-11-12 21.52.52] • Game will take advantage of the latest features and bug fixes

After the first try i won because he killed himself with nade but the map wasn't really the same


[2011-11-12 22.12.27] [HoN`Casso] maybe i need to edit the map
[2011-11-12 22.12.28] [HoN`Casso] hi
[2011-11-12 22.12.30] [HoN`Casso] before
[2011-11-12 22.12.55] [ArtiC`cFc``] but more time
[2011-11-12 22.14.02] [HoN`Casso] what ?
[2011-11-12 22.14.06] [HoN`Casso] ah
[2011-11-12 22.19.06] [HoN`Casso] i put 5
[2011-11-12 22.19.11] [ArtiC`cFc``] ah lol xdd
[2011-11-12 22.19.30] [ArtiC`cFc``] 33
[2011-11-12 22.19.31] [HoN`Casso] i think it's better if we ask to monkey
[2011-11-12 22.19.40] [ArtiC`cFc``] nah, monkey say me gg
[2011-11-12 22.19.43] [HoN`Casso] no
[2011-11-12 22.19.45] [ArtiC`cFc``] last try
[2011-11-12 22.19.49] [HoN`Casso] i think he say rh
[2011-11-12 22.19.54] • Game will take advantage of the latest features and bug fixes

He won but the SD start immediatly because we lost time to put the girder


[2011-11-12 22.25.48] [ArtiC`cFc``] pff men
[2011-11-12 22.26.07] [ArtiC`cFc``] then, forget ur win and me wind and play 1 more
[2011-11-12 22.26.10] [ArtiC`cFc``] win* xd
[2011-11-12 22.26.13] [HoN`Casso] -.-'
[2011-11-12 22.26.20] [ArtiC`cFc``] whit correct girder and 3 secs for sd
[2011-11-12 22.26.32] [HoN`Casso] umhhhh
[2011-11-12 22.26.35] [HoN`Casso] ok
[2011-11-12 22.26.47] • Game will take advantage of the latest features and bug fixes

I won but i said him that if he wanted he could complain the game
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Lukz on November 13, 2011, 04:23 PM
come on, i say u that i don't want complain, and u insist me

the rh was for u problems, and U insist in to play in SAME map and circumstances, that is reason coz we play that 2nd Game, the only diference was 1 sec for SD, situation that only affect me and that YOU used to take advantage and I agree to play and I win on your terms

and 3rd game was innecesary, i just wanted don't start a fight in english coz i can not express well xD

i don't understand u actitude, I had given you that game and you insisted on complaining
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Casso on November 13, 2011, 04:31 PM
yuo had to play too for PO clanner. I insist you because i don't like winning so, and maybe moderators weren't agreed about the game. I don't like SD but i was boring after 50 minutes of match o.O and I didn't want to restart another game
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: franz on November 15, 2011, 06:43 AM
seriously guys?

this is such an ugly mess. I watched the games, and I almost feel like you both deserve to lose.

how exactly is that girder and landmine even close to replicating the land on the bottom right anyway? it doesn't even look right.

I seriously say again: it sounds like the best positive solution is if you guys come to an agreement, you can play a new game. a start over new, fresh.

because this one isn't even close to being clear cut, even for a complaint mod.
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Lukz on November 15, 2011, 07:15 AM
In the botton right was earth and 1 mine, i can tele in that side and don't die xD but whit rh that earth wasn't  

i really preferred a rm, but casso insist in replicate the game coz he had a virtual advantage (really, this wasn't discussed, I assumed that D:).

In addition, the rh was coz he had to go, I agreed that rh thinking it would be a new game or else i had forced end the game

i vote for rm, but casso want to do strictly the mod decision
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Lukz on November 23, 2011, 04:43 PM
Hey Franz, What happened whit this? xD
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: franz on November 23, 2011, 06:10 PM
casso? why did you go silent?
I'm guessing this means nothing happened between you two to resolve this.

I'll just go ahead and ask the other mods for a final decision about this then.
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Casso on November 23, 2011, 06:16 PM
I forgot about this topic, anyway i will accept the decision of moderators (correct or not)  ;)
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Lukz on December 02, 2011, 04:45 AM
franz >:9
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: MonkeyIsland on December 02, 2011, 08:21 AM
Sorry for the late reply, this case is a total mess.

Here's my thoughts on this:

1st game, Casso's problem. He gotta leave after 40 min marathon which normally gives win to ArtiC. (1-0)
2nd game, ArtiC loses fair and square. It doesn't matter bottom-right doesn't look the same. They never use it. (1-1)
3rd game, ArtiC wins fair and square. Casso can't accept it losing like this. Understandable but not reasonable. (2-1)
4th game, ArtiC loses fair and squre. (2-2)

I could go on and on and explain you why a rematch is needed in this special case, but let's have a result instead:
I recommend you to forget these 4 games and have a fresh start.
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Lukz on December 02, 2011, 03:25 PM
ok for me

what say Casso?
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Casso on December 02, 2011, 03:54 PM

anyway in the first game Artic too had to go because he had clanner Playoff, but no problem ;-)

When can we play ?
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Lukz on December 02, 2011, 04:15 PM
now? xD
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: MonkeyIsland on December 12, 2011, 04:42 AM
ArtiC and Casso it's getting late, Any effort?
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Casso on December 12, 2011, 04:20 PM
Today I can't play, tomorrow i will be online from 13.00 GMT to 22.00 GMT
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Lukz on December 13, 2011, 03:11 AM
i can play between 22.00gmt and 5gmt tomorrow (tuesday) :(

coz before, i am in the university

but i can play between 13.00gmt and 16gmt in the wednesday

thursday between 22gmt and 5gmt

friday can't play xD
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Casso on December 13, 2011, 12:12 PM
I will try to stay in ag at 22.00 GMT  ;)
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Casso on December 13, 2011, 11:02 PM
I'm in AG Artic, where are youuuuu
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Lukz on December 14, 2011, 03:41 AM
sorry Casso but today i wasn't in my house today >:
Title: Re: #91556
Post by: Casso on December 16, 2011, 09:18 PM
We played, I won 3-2 in the end. These are the two replays:

Title: Re: #91556
Post by: MonkeyIsland on December 17, 2011, 05:00 AM
Congratulations! :)

This complaint can rest in peace now.