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Leagues => Leagues Complaints => Topic started by: Sabre on January 31, 2009, 08:26 PM

Title: [SOLVED] clanner #3264
Post by: Sabre on January 31, 2009, 08:26 PM
Hello, PoD reported Intermediate clanner against us, which they didn't really won.
We agreed to play 2 schemes - Hysteria and Intermediate. First we played Hysteria and won it. Then playing Inter, which was supposed to be bo3, we saw that they are sort of newbies at it and were like doing shit and laughing at their "luck" comments. :)
So well we lost first round, aaaaand SUDDENLY one of them had to go and left. So this game didn't actually finish and they don't have the right to report it. I please you to void it.
Their chances to win were like 1 to 1000 even tho they had round 1. :)
Title: Re: clanner #3264
Post by: Pixy on January 31, 2009, 08:45 PM
I saw these two replays, and I think you should talk with your opponent before the game  so these things dont happen  ;)
       You know, people have different ways about playing best of three :)
I'm sure that a mod will help you  ;)

Title: Re: clanner #3264
Post by: Sabre on January 31, 2009, 08:57 PM
Hi, Pixi. :)

Since chelsea often plays inter in tus, you can be sure he knows exactly what is best of 3 and that inter is best of 3. And his friend knew it too when he was about to leave.
Title: Re: clanner #3264
Post by: chakkman on January 31, 2009, 09:04 PM
You know, people have different ways about playing best of three :)
How can there be different ways to play best of 3? :P
Title: Re: clanner #3264
Post by: Pixy on January 31, 2009, 09:13 PM

So I guess it was just a big mistake, I played with Chelsea in a hysteria tourney and I crashed (we played again and I won)
      He's a good guy, so he'll surely understand, just talk to him, buddy :)

You know, people have different ways about playing best of three :)
How can there be different ways to play best of 3? :P
EDIT: I don't know, I'm just giving some advice so problems dont happen :)
Title: Re: clanner #3264
Post by: Chelsea on February 01, 2009, 08:24 AM
you was can write how many rounds you want play after game..... a lot's of ppl play only 1 round......
Title: Re: clanner #3264
Post by: MonkeyIsland on February 01, 2009, 10:54 AM
The game is void chelsea. The Intermediate default is being played bo3, Unless people say they want bo1.

But you can continue your game as 1-0 in favor of PoD and report the final result whoever won it.