The Ultimate Site of Worms Armageddon

Leagues => Leagues Complaints => Topic started by: ArsGoetia on June 12, 2012, 11:18 PM

Title: Game 113785#
Post by: ArsGoetia on June 12, 2012, 11:18 PM
Alright,, I will make a little compaint and i want,,, U mods tell me WHAT THE f@#! WITH THIS f@#!ING RULES...

As u can watch this game, (t17, clanner, ps vs bfw) bryan got a skipped packet, so, the game wasn't lagged out or forced to get down (i said this because in past games we have problems with a player that forced lag ingame or,, hmm,,well, i mean, he disconnected his router or modem lol) ,,, well, my point of view here is

WHAT SHOULD WE DO??? t17 is so relative, in a game like t17, u can't say '' we have the game because we have more worms, we have the game because we have better weapons, we have the game because we have better position, etc '' and everyone know that,, the same is with Elite , generally or actually everyone start (unfortunatly) the game from the beginning,,, we've suffered this with other clanners,,,, and dudes, i could make a big recopilation about games (ps games, other clanners / singles games ) where it get down or the games have suffered with ''lags'' and WE MUST START IT FROM THE BEGINNING !!, an example could be this

we ''had'' the game in at least 3 replays there and we were forced to do rh and rm WITHOUT HANDICAPS, and the last one, we lost,,,

Well, this is AN EXAMPLE,,, but i'd be willing to bet,, i could make a big recopilation about this kind of games, i don't know why the people say first '' start the game again '' and then ''start it but with handicaps '',,, so mods, any advice?
Title: Re: Game 113785#
Post by: MonkeyIsland on June 19, 2012, 04:56 AM
It is not a hardcore rule to fully rm, people usually work these things out.

Back to the game,
You have 4 worms vs 2. Almost all are 150 hp. At the beginning of SD and ps have an Indi and BFW have a bird. I suggest you to play rm 4 vs 3 worms in favor of BFW. Post the result here please.