The Ultimate Site of Worms Armageddon

Leagues => Leagues General => Topic started by: Triad on June 26, 2013, 03:07 PM

Title: Banning map raping
Post by: Triad on June 26, 2013, 03:07 PM
just an idea but maybe lets put a limit to using same map per season. For example if its your pick, you can pick map A only twice per season. (Opponent can pick map A twice if its his/her pick. If both pick, no limit) So there wont be no map-raping.
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: HHC on June 26, 2013, 03:23 PM
2 seems a bit low. I could pick a random map from my list like I always do and happen to play on the same mablak roper map 3 times during one season. It happens.

I'm more for naming and shaming people who make maprape an art. Perhaps a public thread will do, with the ppl and the map they always pick. Like chelsea and his granny map ;D
If people refuse to play those maps against those guys mapraping will lose its effect.
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: Chelsea on June 26, 2013, 03:32 PM
I can change 2 pixels in map, and it's other map xDD
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: TheKomodo on June 26, 2013, 03:36 PM
I can change 2 pixels in map, and it's other map xDD

Maybe you are that stupid to believe this, but the rest of planet Earth is not, k. :)
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: Chelsea on June 26, 2013, 03:47 PM
lol if 2 pixels are changed so it's OTHER map. If it's not same so it's other :D
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: TheKomodo on June 26, 2013, 03:53 PM
lol if 2 pixels are changed so it's OTHER map. If it's not same so it's other :D

Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: Dulek on June 26, 2013, 04:09 PM
What don't you understand Komo? He edites it slightly, it's not anymore shown as the map he raped so hard. Being it visually more or less the same map as before doesn't change the fact it's not read by the system and it will be shown separately in statistics.
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: Asbest on June 26, 2013, 04:24 PM
Rofl Chelsea and Komo xD
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: Impossible on June 26, 2013, 04:29 PM
there is already rule made to prevent this about being agree on map, if chelsea put map you dont like force him to switch it, you have all rights to do this
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: TheKomodo on June 26, 2013, 04:43 PM
Dulek - A few pixels doesn't change the fact it's the same map, I am fully aware "the system" doesn't have the intelligence of a human, that is where the players step in and file a complaint against him, which he will ultimately lose.
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: Doubletime on June 26, 2013, 04:50 PM
The sollution to this problem is very easy....Ban....Shoppa...Permanently...Many lesser skilled players will use shoppa as means of coin flipping...And that is inexcusable for a compettive ladder. Shopper is a disgrace and if we remove it we will take away peopls abillity to " map rape " although i would prefere some other way of wording...

We can get rid of many of the complaints by banning shoppa...We will force people to actually become more seriuos in worms...WxW and roper will suffice (Though WxW is kind of lame and roper is somewhat based on factors outside of the players controll). I think that the masses should not be allowed to make such important descissions..Get an elite team of ropers and let them decide on wheather or not to remove shopper or not..That would surely result in only one way..

On another note Komo..How many pixels would you need to chance in order to make it another map ? If i recolour the entire map then all the pixels will be changed...Unless we mean the location of the pixels as opposed to the actual colours..If i take a map and invert it should it count as a difrent map ? If i remove all the pixels from the art so that the same surface is left for the worms to interact with but the rest is empty (Removing about 90 percent of the pixels) Would it count as a new map by your'e standards ? When will a map count as new ? If i start moving around some of the pixels here and there..How many pixels do i need to move before it is a new map ? As far as i can see it is indeed a diffrent map as soon as 1 pixel has been removed or added somewhere..Though to us it seems the same..
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: TheKomodo on June 26, 2013, 05:13 PM
I disagree with banning shoppa, it IS a skillful scheme if played on higher skilled maps, for example, cavern maps.

Put it this way DT, I will use a music related example, I take any #1 chart hit song, which these days is worth alot of money, if I were to change the sound of the main lead, let's say from a "square wave" to a "triangle wave" and try to release the song as my own, it's still the same song, with the same chords/melodies/feeling/theme/etc, I would more than likely get sued, and then trolled by millions of fans of the original song.

Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: Doubletime on June 26, 2013, 05:32 PM
I disagree with banning shoppa, it IS a skillful scheme if played on higher skilled maps, for example, cavern maps.

Put it this way DT, I will use a music related example, I take any #1 chart hit song, which these days is worth alot of money, if I were to change the sound of the main lead, let's say from a "square wave" to a "triangle wave" and try to release the song as my own, it's still the same song, with the same chords/melodies/feeling/theme/etc, I would more than likely get sued, and then trolled by millions of fans of the original song.

Exactly, we humans so easily deluded by our senses need a subjective way to judge these matters..Now to make it more interseting..What if i take a large wxw map and make it 50 percent smaller..Will it still be the same map ? If i take a song and speed it up so it is only half as long will it be a new song then ?
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: TheKomodo on June 26, 2013, 05:37 PM
Large WxW map and make it 50% smaller, interesting, I personally think this would be acceptable, but it would depends if it makes parts unreachable, maybe worms would get stuck, but I would see no problem with that.

As for take a song and speed it up double BPM, no, it won't be a new song, but it'll sound funny :) And of course, illegal if you tried to make money from it.
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: Doubletime on June 26, 2013, 06:03 PM
Large WxW map and make it 50% smaller, interesting, I personally think this would be acceptable, but it would depends if it makes parts unreachable, maybe worms would get stuck, but I would see no problem with that.

As for take a song and speed it up double BPM, no, it won't be a new song, but it'll sound funny :) And of course, illegal if you tried to make money from it.

But the song would be very diffrent..Michale jackson sped up with chipmunk effects is practically a new song based on our limited perception but only 1 factor has been changed. For example lets say i realized a really bad song only to make money, and next year i realized the same nonsence but double speed instead of normal speed..Then it is practically a new song..The beats and the voices are diffrent....So it would be a new song but at the same time it wouldn't ? Likewise with shrinking a map so it is 50 percent as huge, it will be the same map...while diffrent ???
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: TheKomodo on June 26, 2013, 06:14 PM
No DT, it would be the same song, trust me, and if you tried to make money from it, you would get ur ass sued.
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: zippeurfou on June 28, 2013, 11:29 AM
just in case chelsea think he is the smartest ever:
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: Triad on June 28, 2013, 11:46 AM
yeah fada's idea is good. For example if map look like a (more than %90 for example) map you played 2 times, you cant report it too. But lets be honest. It would be really pain in the ass to put a map analyzer in tus.

Edit: actually its look simple in site :D
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: Husk on June 28, 2013, 12:02 PM
even with that script, do u think using tools like colorize (, u'd be able to edit the colours enough that the system thinks of it as a new map?
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: zippeurfou on June 28, 2013, 12:25 PM
you can ignore color. The big deal is to know which map to compare to (could use some filter on scheme type but still it's quite big).
Anyways, was just to show there are way to prevent pixel change map.
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: Doubletime on June 28, 2013, 05:20 PM
I think that the rules regarding this are ineffecient..Common sense should be used.. I have asked superior ropers to chose an easier map because i knew i would lose regardless (But wanted to enjoy losing)..Eventhough i admit to such behaviur it is wrong.

This is a  where prowess in games should be rewarded...There should not be any reward for the lesser player..Victor takes all the glory, honour and spoil ! You should be able to request a more difficult map but not an easier map...
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: Ryan on June 29, 2013, 07:10 AM
We probably just need to keep an eye on those that are using the same map.
This thread has already exposed a couple of people.
After a warning the map in question could be banned for that user.
If it gets worse, host ban could be implemented.
Title: Re: Banning map raping
Post by: zippeurfou on July 10, 2013, 02:24 PM
We probably just need to keep an eye on those that are using the same map.
This thread has already exposed a couple of people.
After a warning the map in question could be banned for that user.
If it gets worse, host ban could be implemented.
The idea is not bad in theory but I am afraid that if we don't put in writing specific rules people are going to complaint that i t is unfair.