The Ultimate Site of Worms Armageddon

One-Boards => Maps Comments => Topic started by: h3oCharles on January 01, 2023, 01:33 PM

Title: Map #19795, 5 randomly generated 2137 31x31 by LEGi0Nh3oCharles
Post by: h3oCharles on January 01, 2023, 01:33 PM
Code: [Select]
cell_size = 200
border_size = 200
wall_size = 4
width = 31
height = 31
vertical_offset = 100
water_level = 0
island_cavern = island
expanded = true

left = 100
right = 100
top = 100
bottom = 100
expanded = false

start = middle
finish = random_cell
partitions = 1
partition_padding = 1
partition_direction = automatic
expanded = false

colours = 112
objects = 50
dither = false
dither_objects = true
expanded = false

size_mode = fit_to_cell
cell_multiple_type = auto.
cell_multiple = 1
expanded = false
image = funky_retro

minimum_length = 2
maximum_length = 4
padding = 8
outline_size = 2
outline_images_with_transparency = false
expanded = false
image =
outline_colour = 64,_56,_0

exterior_padding = 8
outline_size = 2
expanded = false
text =
fore_colour = white
back_colour = 64,_56,_0
outline_colour = white

outline_size = 2
expanded = false
outline_colour = 255,_128,_0

type = triangular
needles = true
needles_size = 2
needles_length = 100
needles_blend = triangular
directional_outline = false
outline_size = 2
expanded = false
left_outline = 255,_128,_0
right_outline =

embedded_arrows = true
type = trapezium,_2_arrows
inside_borders = true
outline_match = true
interior_match = true
arrow_match = false
expanded = true
outline_colour =
interior_colour =
arrow_colour = black

text = true
orientation = horizontal
padding = 16
expanded = true
font = calibri
fore_colour = black
back_colour = 255,_128,_0

text = true
orientation = vertical
padding = 16
expanded = true
font = calibri
fore_colour = black
back_colour = 255,_128,_0

samples = 100
linearity = 25
linearity_direction = horizontal
tmcs_interior = true
tmcs_interior_value = 5
tmcs_edge_connected = true
tmcs_edge_connected_value = 5
tmcs_object_connected = true
tmcs_object_connected_value = 1
empty_components = 0
grid_points = 100
expanded = false

history = 30691765|30807937|30813156|30815140|30816156|30821625|30824875|30826468|30847593|30848609|30849515|30850421|30851312|30863000|30887078|30896500|30899578|30901406|30928828|30969343|30977921|30996140|31004812|31014421|31035671|31057875|31072781|31087843|31127359|31193437|31199250|31216046|31222312|31223390|31224343|31232281|31233046|31233875|31234718|31236328|31237078|31237812|31247484|31252859|31253875|31264953|31271109|31273125|31291171|31310921|31315625|31326031|31336375|31351187|31357500|31366906|31371296|31377437|31393468|31394546|31395859|31396890|31454203|31490703|31492437|31493625|31495234|31496234|31498671
seed = false
seed_value = 31498671
expanded = false

expanded = true

put that code in a text file, save it and put it in Configurations folder with BRRG.exe
specify seed to 2137 and generate