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George Carlin knows the script.

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Well vast majority is clearly wrong. Maybe HHC meant vast majority in Netherlands?


--- Quote from: HHC on September 05, 2019, 12:34 PM ---That's why the Marxist theory of 'Verellendung' doesn't work.. the system itself may have a tendency to increase the gap between rich and poor, but there's enough reason not to let the poor starve to death.

The vast majority of people now live like landlords did in the 19th century. There has never been a time in history where the poor were better off than they are now.

--- End quote ---

I'm currently reading Capital and i think this theory of "Verehlendung" is really falsely attributed to him, mostly by his opponents.

There are long section where he basically says that one major aspect of making more profits is to lower the time / value that is needed to produce a certain commodity wich leads to the situation that even though more value/capital is going to the capitalists progressively (in short, the rich get richer), at the same time the basic consumption goods needed by the workers to live are getting cheaper. He by no means states that it is a "must" that in capitalism workers are getting less and less.

I can search up the quotes if you're interested

Cheer up: the worst is yet to come. Chipping of population coming soon™!

Most people work just hard enough not to get fired, and get paid just enough money not to quit.

Interestingly enough in Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad Poor Dad", the same basic principle is taught/mentioned, where it's considered normal business practice to pay your staff just enough so they don't quit but pay them as little as you can get away with.

I don't think there is anything wrong with people having luxuries, but I think it's bad that some people live every day with what is considered infinite luxury, especially wasting resources of the planet to fulfil some crazy egotistical self-agenda that doesn't really serve any other purpose than to make them feel good 'just because they can' that only goes to show how rich they are,  while so many billions of other struggle every day to make ends meet, and then those who can't even make ends meet.

I think luxuries that create wonderful moments and memories shared between people are to be encouraged, luxuries that inspire positive emotions and feelings that aren't completely selfish.

Media, government and education don't teach us to think and care about humanity as a whole, we grow up fighting with each other over stupid things, distracted from reality.

Knowledge is power, and if you look at the most poverty stricken places in the world you will notice how uneducated the general population are, and how strict the laws are to keep them uneducated, obedient and useful.

The "rich guy" is nothing like me, and the main difference are "the interests". I won't sit here and say all rich people are evil, that would just be nonsense, and you can deny it all you want but the people who control the most important world resources, like land, energy, communications, don't exactly want to share this equally for our benefit, they allow us to buy it and consume it for their benefit, and they can just as easily prevent us from having access whenever they feel like it.

I would say many people chase being rich because it's intoxicating the feeling of power and control, I see that as a negative thing. I have the utmost respect for rich people who worked hard to achieve what they did, who received help along the way and in turn give back to the community and friends/family that helped them.

There are a lot of beautiful people out there, and I don't mean beautiful looking, rather a beautiful soul.

Let me ask all of you who are interested in this subject to spend a day doing some intense research into why we have birth certificates, which are basically contracts, and tell me what you find and what you believe.

We are still slaves and until every single human being can be free to educate and express themselves in any way they want(without hurting other people, and I mean in a malicious way, not just causing other people to be offended because of their own lack of security and self-belief), we will always be slaves to those who own the world.

Why do you think there are so many depressed people right now? We are told on a daily basis how good our lives are, and yeah, there is no doubt people in modernized countries have better healthcare than the average person did 100 years ago, but better in what way? Because we have medicine to heal us and keep us living longer? Is that such a good thing? Have you ever even thought to consider, it is in their benefit to keep us living longer because we're more useful if we believe we have a good life?

If every single citizen in every country, suddenly wanted to live a healthy diet of fruit and vegetables grown in their own gardens, building their own houses, caring for each other, educating and entertaining each other without charging money, just doing it because it feels good, do you actually think governments would allow that? Even though it's extremely peaceful.

Because i'll tell you something, 100% without doubt, we have the technology & resources to feed, clothe, house, educate, entertain and care for every single soul on this planet, and encourage them to aspire to their individual talents and passions free of cost, but we don't.



--- Quote from: MonkeyIsland on September 05, 2019, 05:27 PM ---Well vast majority is clearly wrong. Maybe HHC meant vast majority in Netherlands?

--- End quote ---

I was speaking particularly about Western Europe.

Compared to third world countries it's a bit more trickier to make such a statement. 19th century landlords didn't have problems buying clothes or food, but their life expectancy was less than it is today in Africa. Which makes it fair to say that their living conditions, and their access to healthcare were less favourable than those of the vast majority of people in the poorest countries in the world.

See attachment.

The greath wealth of the last decades has only lasted for 1 generation. My mother still had to share her bed, had no shower or running water in the house, no proper toilet, no electricity, let alone a car, a tv or a phone. And she grew up in a household that wasn't particularly marked as poor. It was a normal rural household.

Those are all luxuries that even the biggest chavs in England have nowadays, and most of the world population as well.


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