The Ultimate Site of Worms Armageddon

Other Things => Off Topic => Topic started by: Crazy on July 04, 2012, 05:36 PM

Title: I need help
Post by: Crazy on July 04, 2012, 05:36 PM
I need help from someone who knows photoshop well. I need to fake a number on my passport, and it needs to look legit. 8 years ago I registered at a bookmaker called Betsafe. Being underaged back then, I simply wrote I was born in 1985. I have made deposits and withdrawals from the bookie without any problems since then, but Betsafe was recently sold to another company and they are now asking for documents to confirm my account.

I have already got one life-time ban at a bookmaker for giving up false information regarding my date of birth and I'm not gonna let it happen again.  I'd be really greatful if someone could fix my passport to satisfy Betsafe's security check.

The number I'm talking about is "89" under date of birth. It needs to be changed to 85. Perhaps it is possible to copy one of the 5's from the bottom to replace it? Attatchment below
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Chicken23 on July 04, 2012, 05:46 PM
Why don't you just make a new account as your legally old enough to gamble now? Withdraw everything from the old so you don't lose anymore and stop breaking the law.. Could they seize your winning if they know your underage? Why risk a fake ID when your old enough now?
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Free on July 04, 2012, 05:53 PM
Why don't you just make a new account as your legally old enough to gamble now? Withdraw everything from the old so you don't lose anymore and stop breaking the law.. Could they seize your winning if they know your underage? Why risk a fake ID when your old enough now?

The problem I think is that he can't withdraw moneys anymore.

I'm not superpro with Photoshop but if you don't find anyone to fix it, I could try.

You could also lose the money on your new account but I think its more risky than this. :D
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Crazy on July 04, 2012, 05:54 PM
I can't withdraw anything until I have provided them with this document, so making a new account won't help. I don't have time for a long procedure on this, I need to cash out for a trip to Turkey. And I wouldn't call it breaking the law C23, I'm just bending it a little bit... They will probably freeze my account as well as my money if they find out. I can't change my date of birth on the account, so yeah, I gotta show some creativity on the document
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Masta on July 04, 2012, 05:54 PM
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Crazy on July 04, 2012, 06:05 PM
Cue's baby could draw better then that :P Thanks for the offer Free, I'll see what happends first
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: darKz on July 04, 2012, 06:19 PM
I'm gonna ask a friend of mine. Could take a couple days though since he's quite busy right now and I won't make any promises. :)
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Crazy on July 04, 2012, 06:24 PM
Sounds great René! I'm really prowd that you used your 2000nd post ever on TUS to help me out :D
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Ray on July 04, 2012, 06:27 PM
Can you provide a better quality image? Do you have a scanner perhaps? Also, any ideas about the numbers on the bottom? Do they have some sort of a meaning in which they store your information?

Need a better quality, because of the angle you are holding it, the numbers on the bottom part are bigger than the ones at the top, so if you can only use a camera to capture it, put it on a desk.

EDIT: this is as close I could get on this, better quality would be better.

Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Crazy on July 04, 2012, 06:33 PM
Ray, I've been waiting for your reply, you were the first person in my mind when I thought about this. I haven't I'm afraid, this picture is taken with my Huawei U8800 and it has only got 4 mega pixels camera. Is it too bad?
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Ray on July 04, 2012, 06:36 PM
I don't think this seems legit, I need a better picture.
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Impossible on July 04, 2012, 07:00 PM
4mpx kinda sucky ya, usual smartphone on android have 8 mpx mostly, and huawei got a lil bit wierder quality then nokia or sony xperia for example
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Crazy on July 04, 2012, 07:05 PM
Ok Ray :) I took a new picture and I the numbers are equally sized now:

Title: Re: I need help
Post by: darKz on July 04, 2012, 07:14 PM

Tried it myself, dunno if this looks legit enough to you or not. :)
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Crazy on July 04, 2012, 07:17 PM
That's not bad at all Dark ;O Looks very legit to me, it's only with a loop you can recognize any flaws there imo. There is some unnatural white texture around the 5 but size and shape seems good enough
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Casso on July 04, 2012, 07:26 PM
this is the real problem:

these codes are automatically created  :(

Have you ever used it ?

Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Crazy on July 04, 2012, 07:31 PM
Ah crap. Gotta change that from 9 to 5 as well then. Thanks for noticing Casso! Can this really be done? :-X I'm starting to have doubts
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Ray on July 04, 2012, 07:32 PM
Same pattern at the end too. That's what I was asking about, by the way.
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Crazy on July 04, 2012, 07:36 PM
What are my options? Send the document in and just cross my fingers that they don't give a f@#!? I mean, I've been using them for such a long time. Like C23 said, I'm old enough now. It's their fault that they let me deposit and withdraw with a credit card that didn't match my account details
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Husk on July 04, 2012, 07:37 PM
criminal crazy =)))) f@#! the system mate!!!!1111111111
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Random00 on July 04, 2012, 07:40 PM
They also have checksums at these codes usually.
I dunno about the norwegian ID, but in Germany there are also check digits in those lines. Since the ID cards look quite similar I think there are also check digits in there.
Dont know if they have a look at this, tho.

... its also possible to fake the check digits, but you need to know which digits are check digits and which algorithm is used ;s
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Crazy on July 04, 2012, 07:52 PM
Yeah, you are right Random. I don't really know how well they actually check it. Also, faking documents like this can lead to a huge fine I guess and also be filed on my criminal record. I don't think it's really worth it. Thanks for all the help though, I'll send it for approval without faking it and see what they say. I'll let you know about the result :P
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Casso on July 04, 2012, 07:59 PM
I think that it's the best choise ;)
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Ray on July 04, 2012, 08:00 PM
Imagine, how many users do they actually have, how much work it would be for them to actually check the checksums? Not to mention that these algorythms are not public, which means the company that runs this betting website is not really likely to get access to it either.
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: darKz on July 04, 2012, 08:02 PM
What Ray said. I don't think they check numbers either but then again if they do you're in deep shit.. It's probably better to just send the original and see what happens, gl. :)
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Ray on July 04, 2012, 08:03 PM
They definitely check the birthday, just change those 3 numbers, one at top, 2 at bottom, don't think you can do any better than that.
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: CJ on July 05, 2012, 02:16 AM
hey man, bit of a daft point but have u ever phoned them up and tried to resolve it over the phone? i have unblocked many of LilScrappy94's poker accounts (to transfer money) via the telephone, an angry voice etc.... tell them ur a vaued customer n shit
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: TheKomodo on July 05, 2012, 07:54 AM
Well you have 2 options:

One, use fake ID and hope they don't notice.

Two, send real ID and hope they don't realise how long you have been a customer.

I thought about this for a minute and I think there is a better chance of them not realising how long you have been a customer, could be some newish guy/girl who works there and only needs proof you are overage, they might not even take into account when you joined, it could be a quick case of "is this guy legal age?" "yep" "ok, next", unless they have some sort of coding that alerts them that you have been a customer before you were of legal age, or unless they are specifically looking for this, also, IF they do catch you, I don't really see why they could keep your money? All the money you want to withdraw, did you earn this before you were legal age or after? If you won those bets while you were of legal age, then everything should be fine, they could probably choose to ban your account for "previously breaking the law" but I would imagine it's all good if you are withdrawing money you legally won.

Even someone who is working their 1st day at the company whose job it is to check the ID will know the in-depth routine for something this serious, so I would definately think 100 times before going with this plan.
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Aerox on July 05, 2012, 10:32 AM

Don't try to resolve this by telling the truth. There's no way gamble sites can get away with anything with the new legislation and new trends worldwide. Your account will get suspended and you will never see the money if they find out. I know you most likely already know this, but just to be clear.

edit: I wouldn't be surprised if they were asked to check all checksums by law, the legislation regarding online betting has gone really harsh to stop fraud. Is it a national betting website or is it foreign?
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Crazy on July 06, 2012, 04:42 AM
Indeed Ropa, they do have become far more strict on all this in the recent years. The bookie I'm talking about is a foreign one with residence in Malta. They are under license from Malta's Government, and losing their license by letting under-aged people gamble is certainly not good.

I've been having the same thoughts Komo, on how well they actually check my ID - whether they check my ID up against my account information, or if they just check that I'm of legal age and what not. Will be exciting to see if it's approved or rejected anyway ^^ There's not point of return now
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: TheKomodo on July 06, 2012, 05:30 AM
How much would you lose if you lost it all?
Title: Re: I need help
Post by: Aerox on July 06, 2012, 08:31 AM
Indeed Ropa, they do have become far more strict on all this in the recent years. The bookie I'm talking about is a foreign one with residence in Malta. They are under license from Malta's Government, and losing their license by letting under-aged people gamble is certainly not good.

I've been having the same thoughts Komo, on how well they actually check my ID - whether they check my ID up against my account information, or if they just check that I'm of legal age and what not. Will be exciting to see if it's approved or rejected anyway ^^ There's not point of return now

If it's in Malta they might not bother with checking the checksums because that would involve having to contact some sort of Norwegian civil agency. However, I'm only assuming things, for all we know, they might be checking the checksums automatically under some collaborative system enforced by new ruling. But I think it's positive they're not based were you live.