Forums > Other worms games

UWP v. 1 Release hits 100 downloads.

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and I thought Ytrojan was crazy

Every hate coomment boosts my anger, so try my mods by yourselves, you two punks. I am not your guide anymore. Eveybody else can do this with my help, BUT YOU CAN'T. Why do you even want me to act like Flowey?

Link to download page, please.


--- Quote from: Shadow-The-Worm on October 25, 2017, 05:03 AM ---Every hate coomment boosts my anger, so try my mods by yourselves, you two punks. I am not your guide anymore. Eveybody else can do this with my help, BUT YOU CAN'T. Why do you even want me to act like Flowey?

--- End quote ---

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