The Ultimate Site of Worms Armageddon

Other Things => TdC => Clans & Communities => Members => Topic started by: zippeurfou on April 04, 2010, 10:45 AM

Title: Read before post please
Post by: zippeurfou on April 04, 2010, 10:45 AM
 :-\   :-\ :-\ All new topic which aren't a member description will be deleted.
This forum part is for member description.
How to describe yourself in 20 questions ?

1. Are you male or female?

2. How old are you?

3. Where do you live (city and state)?

4. What do you do for a living?

5. What do you ultimately want to do for a living?

6. What is your favorite book?

7. What is your favorite worms scheme?

8. What is your favorite movie?

9. Whose wormser do you admire the most ?

10. Name your favorite hobby other than worms?

11. Are you married, single or seeing someone (toxic you can put picture if you want ;))?

12. What's your reccord in alcool ?

13. What turned you onto worms ?

14. If you could have dinner with anyone living who would it be and why?

15. If you could have dinner with anyone dead who would it be and why?

16. If you found $1070 dollars on the ground at a bus stop would you take it or attempt to find its owner? (be honest)

17. Beer, Wine, Mixed drinks, Straight Liquor, or No liquor at all?

18. Quiet restaurant, Sports Bar, Fast food, or Eat at home?

19. List some TdC members you have met in person.

20. Suggest one change you would make to the TdC forums if you had that ability.