The Ultimate Site of Worms Armageddon

Worms: Armageddon => General discussion => Topic started by: TheKomodo on August 12, 2010, 11:09 AM

Title: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 12, 2010, 11:09 AM
Why don't we?

This game is over 11 years old, with a damn successful community, surely someone somewhere can think of a way for people to have a chance of securely winning money with Tournaments/Leagues, a Worms Olympics style thing where you pay to enter, the amount of people who enter WO - Hundreds, if every person could pay $20, that's quite alot of money, what's $20? I make that in like less than 2 hours...

200x20 is 4000, split 4000 within the top 10 players or something, if 10 people have a chance of winning some money it would make them more enthusiastic about playing, we have pretty much sorted out all the cheaters so it would be way too hard to cheat for such a thing especially with a wide variety of schemes.

Seriously, I drink about $50 a week at least, even more when I go on a night out.

I would be willing to pay up to £100 every year, for a one-off event with some possibilities of winning something back...

Seriously, let's have a list of people who could afford to spend $20 a month on a league, everyone who reads this, please reply Yes/No would you like to Pay to Play, and if yes, what amount of money could you spend to do so?

It's about time we do something about this game to make it even better, or people will eventually get bored...
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Ray on August 12, 2010, 11:56 AM
You won't believe it Komo, but originally TUS started out as an online game "casino". :)

This idea was brought up before, and it created a really huge debate in the community. There were many pros and contras, but eventually, the idea was declared bad and got forgotten with time.

I try to find that topic for you and edit this post and paste the link.

EDIT: here you go -
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 12, 2010, 11:59 AM
If it created a really huge debate, then the half that was pro-play to play could do it?
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: nappy on August 12, 2010, 12:01 PM
or people will eventually get bored
So they didn't get bored in 11 years and now they are going to? Lol, don't be silly.

what's $20? I make that in like less than 2 hours...
Yeah, yeah, you are so talented and great.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: NAiL on August 12, 2010, 12:13 PM
yeh we had this discussion before. Without an extremely secure server, and without the ability to restore crashed games there are too many problems concerning cash games.

Small things arranged with "friends" you have on worms is fine, but when you include lots of people there are too many complications with regards to complaints and cheating.

Whilst it would be exciting to pay to buy in to a cash prize tournament, gambling isnt really going to make the game any better!
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Ray on August 12, 2010, 12:26 PM
I couldn't agree more with NAiL, to be honest. Though this is really sad and unfortunate, but eventually, it would only lead to three-times more complaints, mysterious disconnections and crashes... HANDS UP WHO WANTS THAT! :-X
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Husk on August 12, 2010, 01:24 PM
haha yea i can see one match taking forever because all the "crashes"
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Cueshark on August 12, 2010, 02:24 PM
I think worms is a wholesome and fun party game for all ages.  The idea of proper cash prizes doesn't sit well with me.

There might be a select few people who would be highly motivated to play for money.  Most people probably don't care either way and some think it would be a negative thing for the community.

I'm in the last group.

Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: nino on August 12, 2010, 03:15 PM
i like to get my money working and play just for fun. but thats just my opnion.

thats a good idea thought.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: avirex on August 12, 2010, 04:39 PM
zippo goes nuts just during TUS matches, can u imagine slapping some money on the line? i cant :D
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: ZiPpO on August 12, 2010, 04:41 PM
i can pay $20.

for me than need study alot and work its soo good...

cuz i stop to work and play worms for win money hushauhsa ;D

university + wormsformoney = good life!

nice jk avi <3

Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: SPW on August 12, 2010, 05:14 PM
I think worms is a wholesome and fun party game for all ages.  The idea of proper cash prizes doesn't sit well with me.

There might be a select few people who would be highly motivated to play for money.  Most people probably don't care either way and some think it would be a negative thing for the community.

I'm in the last group.


Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 12, 2010, 05:47 PM
what's $20? I make that in like less than 2 hours...
Yeah, yeah, you are so talented and great.

Seriously dude? That's just lame that you think I am bragging, I work nightshift stacking shelves, NOTHING special, the money is good, that's all, my point was $20 is basically nothing, ANYONE who can afford to have the internet, should be able to afford this, don't jump to conclusions and get off your pedestal...

And seriously? How simple is it? Anyone that starts "mysteriously disconnecting" can be removed, or sorry, you all believe in ridiculous human rights etc etc... It is obvious who drops by accident and who does it deliberately... You should only play it with a very stable and solid connection, if they can't handle it, well unlucky get a better connection...

there is a difference to someone innocently crashing now and again and it happening all the time in a pattern, and if someone says "it's not my fault I have bad net" well unlucky for them, if they want to take it seriously,like I said, they can get a better connection...

Stop thinking of ways to make this not happen, if you don't like the idea, then say so, there is NOTHING to stop this from working if people actually use there brain and think about it.

Every bad idea you could say, I will counter it with a reasonable response to show you how it could work.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Ray on August 12, 2010, 07:53 PM
So if someone is a nice guy, but he is from a poor country, he would like to take part, but there is just no way to get a better internet connection for him, then he may not take part?
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: nappy on August 12, 2010, 08:04 PM
Seriously dude? That's just lame that you think I am bragging, I work nightshift stacking shelves, NOTHING special, the money is good, that's all, my point was $20 is basically nothing, ANYONE who can afford to have the internet, should be able to afford this, don't jump to conclusions and get off your pedestal...
Oh yeah, and there are no other countries, only UK. For instance, average salary here is about 250-300$ a month, so $20 isn't really "nothing". Especially taking to the mind the fact that most of wormers are pretty young people :)

It is obvious who drops by accident and who does it deliberately...
Hint: it can't be determined at all ;) Also game/comp may crash, you know, they do it sometimes.

Well, seriously, I would go through this topic, but the manner in which you use to post really pisses me off... gl with this, lol.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: nino on August 12, 2010, 08:16 PM
here in brazil it is same like $250  per month lol

iam lucky being a bully man.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Cueshark on August 12, 2010, 08:48 PM

Any such venture will obviously be unofficial which means you are well within your rights to organise it yourself.

If you think the community needs something like this and you have belief in the concept then go do it :<

Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: MonkeyIsland on August 12, 2010, 09:16 PM
I am one of those people who were behind in this idea from the very beginning. But after this time dealing with community, I'd say this won't work as you described.

The league or lets say the current league is not designed for that. Over 200 people take part in each season, but many of them (more than 90%) just try to play to have fun or test their skills. You can't expect them to pay 20$ to enter the league. You say 200, I say not even 20 of them would do so. One of their biggest reasons is "I stand no chance winning the league at all, better not waste my money".

However, the point is to test this in an smaller scale. Madden tried to make an Elite cup with money, don't know why he forgot it.
You could host a cup with league schemes (multiple schemes) and ask for some money as the join fee. That would clear our minds to see how many people are interested and how the games and result will turn out.

p.s As TT mentioned, 20$ is not cheap for many countries.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 12, 2010, 09:54 PM
I would love to do so MI but I don't have the skills with websites etc in order to do so,

Tenor: "Hint: it can't be determined at all Wink Also game/comp may crash, you know, they do it sometimes.

Well, seriously, I would go through this topic, but the manner in which you use to post really pisses me off... gl with this, lol."

People who do it deliberately always do it when they are losing and frequently, if you don't know how to tell who does it accidently and on purpose, not my problem.

And I don't really care if my posts piss you off, I know I went over the top a while ago and I already apologised for it, even though I still stand by my opinions and views, I only apologise for the tone I came across, not what I actually said, not my fault if some people have low tolerance and care too much and take things too personally, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE NOT INVOLVED...

And like I said $20 once a year, even with those wages, is affordable, my wages here suck because of Tax etc, it's roughly the same as what you get in your country with the way you live, seriously, I earn little wages, as do you, my money would be worth alot in your country, but not here with this recession and ridiculous tax and etc etc etc...

$20 once a year, for a 1 off event, is suitable I think, doesn't even have to be $20 could be $15 or $10...

Something like WO, but paid to enter, would be acceptable, 10 people would win, and alot of WO is luck, and not common schemes, so everyone has a chance to at least get 5th-10th place...

Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Random00 on August 13, 2010, 12:44 AM
Im just too lazy too quote all the things, but I think you can find max. 30 people who want to play for a league with serious classic schemes and you can find maybe 15 that want to pay for some WO sutff. Im really not bad at WO overall standings, but I still wouldnt want to pay a single buck for a bunch of tournaments with so many luck included. In addition to that I think that noone wants to pay money for a league where he thinks that he cant win and imho there are less then 10 people that dont know how good they are compared to others.

So you maybe have a little chance to get 10-15 people to pay for playing a league with different schemes, but even then there still will be problems, because I doubt that all of this who WANT to play have a nice internet connection, a pc that never crashes worms, etc.

If you want to play for money, you first of all need many, many players who dont like the current situation and liek to change it by playing for cash (and I dont think we have this situation right now). Furthermore you need a really good software that should be at least as good as the current Poker Softwares in handling disconnections and stuff (and we dont have this either).

So, all in all, this might work for a small amount of people, that you all know very well, so there wont be any problems. But I dont see this working for the W:A community in any time in the future. :d
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 13, 2010, 12:51 AM
I can see you are obviously keen if it happened though, alot of people would do it, they are just scared of things like cheating and disconnections, I honestly think if we had a very very secure server and good staff checking replays every day or something, it could work.

It probably won't because alot of people won't even try, I just think it would if people put some real time and effort into it.

Anyway, was worth asking again...
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Cueshark on August 13, 2010, 02:26 AM
I can see you are obviously keen if it happened though, alot of people would do it, they are just scared of things like cheating and disconnections, I honestly think if we had a very very secure server and good staff checking replays every day or something, it could work.

It probably won't because alot of people won't even try, I just think it would if people put some real time and effort into it.

Anyway, was worth asking again...

I think we all would agree that it is not impossible.  The point is that for all the effort, thought and planning that would go into it, it's not really worth doing for such a select few people that actually care about winning a few bucks on a worms game.

If I wanna win $100 I'll buy a scratch card.

Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Abnaxus on August 13, 2010, 02:37 AM
If you get enough Worms players, you could try to find a sponsor and then nobody would have to spend a single penny to get the chance of earning some money.

Anyway, I think it's bad enough the way it is.
If you tell players they can earn money by standing in the top 5, Worms will become the worst game ever.
With the worst cheapers, bad behaving people, etc.. Just for a win.
Watch how it is nowadays, and try to think how it will be: the hell.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 13, 2010, 03:57 AM
True, but there ARE alot of nice, fair players out there...
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Ray on August 13, 2010, 05:24 AM
Komo: let me just add that it wasn't only TenoriTaiga for whom your tone was a bit offensive... :-X Here, in Hungary, people kill for 20$.

If I wanna win $100 I'll buy a scratch card.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Joschi on August 13, 2010, 08:25 AM
Without reading all posts (I just found the thread by luck + borness) -

We host this year a cup with cash prize. I know about all (probably listed in this thread too) disadvantages, but we want to give it a try this year. Each year since 2002, there is hosted a normal tournament called Crespo's Worms Tournament. Some might know it, some don't. But a lot have changed since the tourney is born. Not many old fellows are active nowdays and also the original hoster Crespo has changed. Since 2007 the hoster changes each year, this time I have overtoke the job. Zemke is creating a site with full automatic report system and interactive stuffs .. Random00 agreed on helping at MOD stuffs too. So the MOD team contents mainly 3 wormers.

To the tourney itself:

There is no duty for 34 participants to donate money. Donating should be a free act. But our goal was to collect 150$. Then we have agreed on buying real cups (Gold, Silver, Bronze) and oversend them to winners. The rest of the money won't be invested into my appartement, it will be oversend to the (only) winner, too. So, you may notice there are some unpredictable factors: We don't know yet how many cash we will collect, we don't know how many the porto costs and don't let start with other problems connceted with the game.. But since 3 years the discussion came up from time to time. Now we wanted to give it a try!

Our new site will be launch at 1st of October, the tourney itself starts on 22.10.2010. Site is
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 13, 2010, 08:47 AM
Komo: let me just add that it wasn't only TenoriTaiga for whom your tone was a bit offensive...

If I wanna win $100 I'll buy a scratch card.

Yes and I still don't care lol, I am a confident person, I say what I want... I am not a pussy, bad things happen to good people, we were born with nothing, we will die and leave with nothing, why get all upset when someone writes some stuff down, none of my stuff is seriously threatening or sick, people just get annoyed when they see the truth with some harsh words...

I am seriously fed up with all these people trying to turn this planet into a bunch of pro-life political correct human right blah blah blah pussys...

I don't cheat on this game, never have never will, I don't make ridiculous complaints that are not true, never have never will, I don't consistently spam on the forums or anything, I don't sit in AG or any other channel insulting people etc, in fact if you notice I am always nice to people when I play with them, maybe except sometimes I miss some shots in BnG and get a bit annoyed but everyone gets annoyed when losing their game, i've done so much for the community that I haven't been f@#!ing thanked for cuz most of you are selfish arrogant mother f@#!ers, I am constantly teaching new people how to play while the rest of you continously kick people from games cuz you are "too good for them"

Seriously, don't give me a lesson on being a twat, Tenori treats noobs like shit, that is something to be ashamed of, just cuz I got the balls to say what I want, when I want, and feel good about it, it's the way the world SHOULD be...
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Ray on August 13, 2010, 09:35 AM
In my opinion, if you really are like this, then you are an asshole. See? That's how easy it is to say what's on my mind too.

Seriously, bragging what you have done for the community and advertising how you haven't been thanked, that is the lowest level, especially that you know it damn well how 96% of this community respects you (that remaining 4% simply doesn't know you) - not to mention that it also makes you a hypocrite.

Don't show me how you have been a great sportsman all your life, I agree with that, that was never the topic here anyway.

And what is this crap about politics, how is that a good example in this situation?

@Joschi - can you share any details of this cup? Like what schemes will there be, how it will work...
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: benz on August 13, 2010, 09:54 AM
Get laid to play soudns good
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Husk on August 13, 2010, 10:13 AM
yea i can see all the chicks coming through my windows after i won a shopap [:
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 13, 2010, 10:15 AM
In my opinion, if you really are like this, then you are an asshole. See? That's how easy it is to say what's on my mind too.

Seriously, bragging what you have done for the community and advertising how you haven't been thanked, that is the lowest level, especially that you know it damn well how 96% of this community respects you (that remaining 4% simply doesn't know you) - not to mention that it also makes you a hypocrite.

Don't show me how you have been a great sportsman all your life, I agree with that, that was never the topic here anyway.

And what is this crap about politics, how is that a good example in this situation?

@Joschi - can you share any details of this cup? Like what schemes will there be, how it will work...

Ray, my whole point was that Tenori is complaning, yet he goes around treating people like idiots himself and is MORE insulting than I am...

I am NOT bragging about what I have done, I am just saying it because i've never been thanked and am trying to put across a point that you obviously do not understand with that attitude when I didn't even mention your name... Do I care? No, I still do it anyway.

And if so many people respect me lol they have a funny way of showing it...

The whole crap about politics is NOT politics, it's political correctness, and far-fetched human rights, basically like the justice system in UK and more or less anywhere let all the people that DON'T deserve to live, live, so they can continue to torment and kill the people that do...

Some guy rapes and kills children his whole life - 15 years in jail, with luxury...

Anyway what I refer to with the political correctness is when you can literally get jailed for calling people homos and faggots, and other names...

If you take something so serious as to want to put someone in prison for calling you a name, then you are nothing but a sissy little coward, sorry, it's how I feel cuz I wasn't raised to be a pussy, I can take a whipping, people joke about me all the time, I joke back, it's more fun if you get involved, seriously, show someone you can take a joke and make fun back, they will respect you, if you show them you let it get to you, they will continue to do it, except they will do it worse and worse because they think they are better than you cuz you don't stand up for yourself, and to be honest, if you don't it's your own fault...

End of story though, yet again I came up with an innocent question and people just start jumping on me for nothing...

Just because $20 is not alot for me, oh I am SO sorry for being born and having a nice family who taught me basic skills in life to go out and make something with my life, it's not my fault I was born here I didn't get a choice, I work f@#!ing hard for my money and I STILL struggle to pay bills and stuff just like anyone else...

Seriously, and people call me arrogant? Just because I don't think $20 is alot of money...

Pathetic man, seriously, pathetic if that's all you can worry about...

And yeah Husk/benz, that would be great lol, but unfortunately the Boy/Girl ratio is like 500/1 on here lol...
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Ray on August 13, 2010, 11:29 AM
Your post speaks for itself, nothing more to add.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: DarkOne on August 13, 2010, 12:12 PM
Tenori was just making a valid point using sarcasm, Komo. $20 is not a lot in the UK, but this is not a UK league. Its creator is from Iran, the majority of players are from Brazil and Poland and a respectable amount of players from Russia. You clearly neglected that in your post and Tenori called you out on it. If you value truth so much, then you shouldn't brush it aside simply because you didn't like the way Tenori posted it.

And despite what you say, you clearly do care about if people thank you for the things you've done or you wouldn't have brought it up. So here we go!

Thank you for all the things you've done for the worms community, Komo :)
Now if you just wanna go ahead and thank MonkeyIsland, Ray, Random00, TenoriTaiga, Cueshark and a whole bunch of other people for all the good things they've done for the worms community, preferrably once for each seperate action :)

That said, I'm siding with the people that don't really feel for it, probably cause I wouldn't be interested myself. We don't need money as an incentive to play or W:A would've died long ago (as has been pointed out already). It would promote cheap play and cheating, especially considering some people already do it when there's not even anything important at stake (also been pointed out already).
And I've had games where I crashed while I was clearly losing. Does that mean I did it on purpose?
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Abnaxus on August 13, 2010, 12:16 PM
Seriously, don't give me a lesson on being a twat, Tenori treats noobs like shit, that is something to be ashamed of, just cuz I got the balls to say what I want, when I want, and feel good about it, it's the way the world SHOULD be...
+1 from me since I replaced this "want" by "think".

And I guess you missunderstood some parts Ray. Since I guess he won't tell to a guy without arms "Haha, you don't have arms, you look so stupid and useless now !" (which is not the case of everybody on Wormnet).

Anyway Komo, you shouldn't say such things about money. I mean, some countries don't have the chance of what we have (I'm thinking about Asians atm).
But from that, these guys get more than us: A family-like behaviour between eachothers.

And it's now I envy all those amazonian tribes where money doesn't mean anything for them.

To come back to the topic: it would be easier if there was no paying entries. But I still think it's a bad idea as long as there will be fool flamers & cheapers (all for a win) on Wormnet.

And I've had games where I crashed while I was clearly losing. Does that mean I did it on purpose ?
Even if you're not losing, for a guy who really care of winning, it will be. And since he'll whine so much, mods will agree with him and you'll get a lose.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 13, 2010, 01:02 PM
Tenori was just making a valid point using sarcasm, Komo. $20 is not a lot in the UK, but this is not a UK league. Its creator is from Iran, the majority of players are from Brazil and Poland and a respectable amount of players from Russia. You clearly neglected that in your post and Tenori called you out on it. If you value truth so much, then you shouldn't brush it aside simply because you didn't like the way Tenori posted it.

He didn't make any valid point, he jumped on me just because I think $20 isn't alot of money, I don't even find ANY amount money alot because like Abnaxus said, it's not money thats rich in life, you say I brush people off cuz the way I don't like the way they say things, they you go and accidentally defend be by admitting other people do it too...

I thank everybody all the time, I have PM'd you on several occasions and MonkeyIsland for some things I greatly appreciate and I still do...

And stop saying "aaaah you obviously do care blah blah" I didn't say it to get appreciation, I said it to inform him that I do alot of things for alot of people I don't just come on here with attitude, I also do nice things, and most of these people don't see that, is all I was saying...

I don't see the point about complaining about money, they might make less money but they still really enjoy life, so tell me what matters more, money, or doing the best with what you have?

This is why I say $20 is nothing to me because I don't really care that much about money, I never have...

Ray, whatever lol, your a sheep...
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: Random00 on August 13, 2010, 06:07 PM
Tenori was just making a valid point using sarcasm, Komo. $20 is not a lot in the UK, but this is not a UK league. Its creator is from Iran, the majority of players are from Brazil and Poland and a respectable amount of players from Russia. You clearly neglected that in your post and Tenori called you out on it. If you value truth so much, then you shouldn't brush it aside simply because you didn't like the way Tenori posted it.

And despite what you say, you clearly do care about if people thank you for the things you've done or you wouldn't have brought it up. So here we go!

Thank you for all the things you've done for the worms community, Komo :)
Now if you just wanna go ahead and thank MonkeyIsland, Ray, Random00, TenoriTaiga, Cueshark and a whole bunch of other people for all the good things they've done for the worms community, preferrably once for each seperate action :)

That said, I'm siding with the people that don't really feel for it, probably cause I wouldn't be interested myself. We don't need money as an incentive to play or W:A would've died long ago (as has been pointed out already). It would promote cheap play and cheating, especially considering some people already do it when there's not even anything important at stake (also been pointed out already).
And I've had games where I crashed while I was clearly losing. Does that mean I did it on purpose?

totally agree with this!
and I guess there's nothing to add anymore.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 13, 2010, 06:48 PM
Yeah yeah whatever lol, just remember and take your pill so you don't get pregnant...
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: DarkOne on August 13, 2010, 07:40 PM
they you go and accidentally defend be by admitting other people do it too...
:o :-X :o ???

Your rants are completely not relevant to the points we were trying to make btw.

Anyway, perhaps we should tally up a vote or something on this? Just to see how many people would like to try this :) I gotta wait for the neurologist now anyway.

This is how I interpreted the posts in this thread. Please correct if I made a misinterpretation! :)

Yes: Komo
Yes, under certain conditions: NAiL, MonkeyIsland, Joschi
No: TenoriTaiga, Ray, Husk, nino, Cueshark, SPW, Random00, Abnaxus, DarkOne
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 13, 2010, 08:07 PM
Your rants are completely not relevant to the points we were trying to make btw.

I am not the one who continously changes the subject, I will, always have, and always will defend myself, end of story.

Tenor started it so go whine at him lol.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: nappy on August 13, 2010, 09:59 PM
i've done so much for the community that I haven't been f@#!ing thanked for
Bawwwwwwwwwwwww, poor you ;_;

most of you are selfish arrogant mother f@#!ers
the rest of you continously kick people from games cuz you are "too good for them"

Tenori treats noobs like shit
So you've got a dossier on me? XD

I am seriously fed up with all these people trying to turn this planet into a bunch of pro-life political correct human right blah blah blah pussys...
It's not about being political correct human blah blah, it's about not being a douchebag. Too bad you don't see the difference.
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: DarkOne on August 13, 2010, 10:43 PM
Shall we get back on topic?

Anyway, perhaps we should tally up a vote or something on this? Just to see how many people would like to try this :)

This is how I interpreted the posts in this thread. Please correct if I made a misinterpretation! :)

Yes: Komo
Yes, under certain conditions: NAiL, MonkeyIsland, Joschi
No: TenoriTaiga, Ray, Husk, nino, Cueshark, SPW, Random00, Abnaxus, DarkOne
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: ZiPpO on August 13, 2010, 10:57 PM
guys...i'm from brazil and $20 is not!

if i work in the street today i wins $20

atm i have $20 in my hands ;P

i agree with a pay league =D

or a pay cup!

Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 13, 2010, 11:16 PM
Tenor, all you can say is "your a douche, your an asshole, blah blah blah"

As if I haven't heard crap like this a million times from a million people, seriously, you honestly think I care about something that someone I don't know or care about in real life said about me?

And yeah, i've seen the way you talk to noobs, doesn't mean I need a portfolio on you dumbass...

And yeah that picture with the hand in front of your face, about time you slapped yourself ya silly git...

Seriously, why couldn't you have just answered the question I asked in my 1st post, what this topic is about, instead YOU are the one trying to seek attention by making mountains out of moles...

And in the 1st place, "yeah yeah, you are so talented and great" what the hell is this all about? Just because I don't think $20 is alot of money, IT ISN'T, even in poor countrys it isn't alot of money, it's worth a bit more in other countrys yeah but it still isn't a great amount of money especially over a years worth of salarys, and the rest of you, trying to put a guilt trip on me blabbing on about how poor other people are, get a grip, do you think I go around sending pictures of my xmas dinner to Ethiopians or something? I am not that evil, I don't go up to wheelchair bound people and ask them to dance, I don't blow smoke in the faces of lung cancer victims...

Everything I do in real life that is illegal or other people frown upon, I keep it to myself and don't harm anyone, so don't make it out as if I do, especially over 20 bucks, thats just sad lol...

Oh and Zippo, THANK YOU for proving my point, I am going to applaud you every single time I get the opportunity just for having a brain and not being an idiot like the rest of them...
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 13, 2010, 11:23 PM
DarkOne, you are right, it probably won't happen so probably a good idea to lock this topic or something, no point in continous arguements...
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: nappy on August 13, 2010, 11:28 PM
Tenor, all you can say is "your a douche, your an asshole, blah blah blah"
That's all you can see :)

I care about something that someone I don't know or care about in real life said about me?
I don't care if you care, but amount of text you produce each time clearly states that you do care.

And yeah, i've seen the way you talk to noobs, doesn't mean I need a portfolio on you dumbass...
Prooflinks, please!

Seriously, why couldn't you have just answered the question I asked in my 1st post, what this topic is about, instead YOU are the one trying to seek attention by making mountains out of moles...
Lol what, I've provided several valid arguments, and then you started crying that everyone who disagrees with you are stupid morons. Nice discussion!

And in the 1st place, "yeah yeah, you are so talented and great" what the hell is this all about?
It's about sarcasm and your behaviour, like, "I make 20$ with a single spit!".

not being an idiot like the rest of them
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: TheKomodo on August 13, 2010, 11:40 PM
Thats all I can see? Exactly, I can read, well done Sherlock...

You are saying I care, and you are the one providing individual quotes? Yeah, nice one lol.

I am talking about Wnet not a website you complete and utter idiot, do you even have a brain?

Sarcasm, yeah ok then, fine, it WAS sarcasm obviously, but was obviously the kind that starts trouble and you know it.

I don't see any valid arguement you have provided, you just whined and moaned about being poor and then insulted me before I even said anything to or about you, go figure...

Look, why don't we just agree to disagree, we obviously have vast different opinions on well, everything? Let's just call a truce and ignore each other, or are you going to continue to go on and on and on?
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: nappy on August 14, 2010, 12:32 AM
You are saying I care, and you are the one providing individual quotes? Yeah, nice one lol.
Nice try at logic :D

I am talking about Wnet not a website you complete and utter idiot, do you even have a brain?
Lol yeah, I insult noobs on wormnet and drink Christian babies' blood for breakfast. Also what's about these insults, are you nervous? :)

why don't we just agree to disagree
Because you are funny as hell XD
Title: Re: Get paid to play..
Post by: DarkOne on August 14, 2010, 01:15 AM
Komo, these threads wouldn't get out of hand if you read people's posts properly... I do agree this thread needs a lock.