Forums > General discussion

MapGEN v0.8.7.2

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--- Quote from: Plutonic on August 29, 2021, 01:06 PM ---It shouldn't warn about MapGEN itself, but it is probably unhappy about the wkMapGEN module which uses MadCHook to hook into WA (and is included along with MapGEN). Lots of things false-positive MadCHook because it *could* be used in a dangerous manner.

--- End quote ---

Is there a possibility all community made terrains get imported in MapGEN (standalone version)? We now have 60-70 custom terrains. Would be quite cool having an option to generate them with MapGEN!

MapGen will pick up and use any themes found in it's Themes folder. So if people have the art assets and want to set up some folders it should be possible without updating MapGen itself.

Thanks for the response. I'll give it a shot!


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