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Real time mode in Worms Armageddon?

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We may have come so attached to the schemes we play. Do you think they will be neglected in favor for real time implementation to Worms Armageddon?

Could colonization of other solar systems interfere with colonization of Pluto? I don't think we'll ever get realtime support unless WA gets open-sourced. Either way it's a long way off.

it will have its purpose, but Worms is Worms - the classic will stay with old-schoolers, whether it be returning or active players

as for schemes go, so far you can have your usual normal remixes, real-time rope/chute/jet/walk races, in-game map making, ... idk
scheme creators might find something nice, but Worms at it's core will remain as a turn-based strategy game

I'm just curious what people will come up with

Real time racing is obvious

What else?


--- Quote from: shmug on May 17, 2019, 03:08 AM ---I'm just curious what people will come up with

Real time racing is obvious

What else?

--- End quote ---

When you say racing, you might think only about rope.
But there's whole abundance of schemes with same philosophy.

Boom race, battle race, jetpack race, parachute race, supersheep race.. What about golf or some crazy variant of capture the flag, forts, mine madness..

And we're talking only about schemes that already exists.
Ppl probably thought rubberworm was not gonna change much and that WA can't be optimized further.. but you can see how many positive things came out of that module in recent years.


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