Leagues > Leagues

Game #181570, reported by ZexorZ

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He ragequitted.

yea gj whole tus needs to know :)

I played my scheme. and if he quit on middle of it (because worm got blocked (mine is too))... continue raging me on #AG with Marian :)

Btw, Zexorz, u blocked me in our Semi final game as well ;/ and it's just not cool... because I never had something like that with Akayz or Adnan or Pizza....

I wouldn't say that Marian blocked Zexorz since he had +45 o Angle on his girder.

I just don't get why Zexorz keeps playing with the fire when it comes to Holy War. I just give my enemies some space and I don't care if I block them 2 metres far of 4 metres far, to argue what qualifies as block and what doesn't. I just give the space that I would like to be given myself... for a comfortable shot ^ ^


--- Quote from: Zalo on December 06, 2014, 10:02 PM ---Btw, Zexorz, u blocked me in our Semi final game as well ;/ and it's just not cool... because I never had something like that with Akayz or Adnan or Pizza....

I wouldn't say that Marian blocked Zexorz since he had +45 o Angle on his girder.

I just don't get why Zexorz keeps playing with the fire when it comes to Holy War. I just give my enemies some space and I don't care if I block them 2 metres far of 4 metres far, to argue what qualifies as block and what doesn't. I just give the space that I would like to be given myself... for a comfortable shot ^ ^

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Let him be like that,Zalo.If he only cares about those damn points,let him play this way.But my opinion is that this game was totally unfair.Zexorz had a chance to shoot towards me,while I could do.....nothing.But whatever,who am I to judge this?


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