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Game #207117, Viewed 645 Time(s)

Classic #49
March 31, 2016, 07:58 PM
The Deadly Clan
Novice 1366 in Elite before the game. Gained 26|22 points
Absolute Beginner 963 in Elite before the game. Lost 21|22 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
11 - 3
12 - 4
24 - 35
28 - 41
Information Game scheme: Elite
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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1920 x 696, BIT, 5.54 KB, Downloaded 6 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[TdC`Senator] hf
[dibs`420] hf
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: miks vitussa koitit siit�� ampuu
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: saa mut miinaan
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: t��ytyy teh�� jotai ettei mun 100 kuole
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: bloki 6
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: tai emt
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: jotai
[TdC`Senator] bl
TdC`Senator..VoK`TdC: t��ytyy nousta nade paikoille
[VoK`TdC] 2 more ?
[biscuits`420] sure have fun losing a ttrr
[VoK`TdC] like we care what you pick ?
[biscuits`420] u obviously care since this is the only game u play and it's dead
[dibs`420] c'mon bisc
[dibs`420] be friendly
[VoK`TdC] ye its true. i dont have time play many games
[biscuits`420] no thanks i like making fun of a finnish nerd who cries about cr8 rape but doesnt cry when it doesnt happen to him
[VoK`TdC] guy who plays cs call me nerd xD that fun
[VoK`TdC] you have 4 eyes right ?
[biscuits`420] because CS is a nerdy game? right... look what you're playing right now... a 2D video game
[biscuits`420] it's not that you don't have the time, it's that you don't have the money to build/buy a good gaming computer cause you're on welfare
[VoK`TdC] :D:D:D::D
[biscuits`420] and your favorite scheme is elite which is related to Chess. please. don't compare anything else as a "nerdy game"
[biscuits`420] clean the sweat/fog off your bifocles
[VoK`TdC] how you can know my faf scheme ? it can be mole shopper ?
[VoK`TdC] orrr hmmm big rr ?`
[VoK`TdC] omg
[biscuits`420] can't wait to watch you TTRR i need a good laugh
[TdC`Senator] i have +300 fps in cs go but i still play wa :)
[TdC`Senator] so does vok
[biscuits`420] yea cause you're DMG's
[biscuits`420] no hand eye coordination to be good at a first person shooter so you just hold arrow keys in a 2D game
[TdC`Senator] gg
[VoK`TdC] gg
[dibs`420] gg