Maps > Maps

Map #20746, Kradie's-Big-ZaR-RR-500 by Kradie

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--- Quote from: FoxHound on September 11, 2023, 11:57 PM --- I don't consider myself a hater of Kradie, but I really don't appreciate most of the stuff I see by him. Those maps of women are not pornographic, but I think it is something close to soft porn or objetification of women body. It's weird and silly for me playing on maps like those. NSFW maybe, yeah.

Edit: the pattern of beauty looks the same too. Usually white women that are not fat, and young.

--- Quote from: Kaleu on September 11, 2023, 12:54 AM ---Who's eating the bananas

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That's too bad. Yet you take the liberty to grandstand loudly in my affairs as we see now. Indeed I am effective in what I am doing to attract certain types of people, but these people are in minority as mentioned earlier. Most people like what I do. This topic is good PR for me. 8) I am proud and I made 500 BIG RR maps.


--- Quote from: Kradie on September 12, 2023, 12:19 AM ---I am proud and I made 500 BIG RR maps.

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Out of curiousity...

What would you say if I made 1000 Big RR maps, by taking your 500 maps, copying them to make them 1000, 500 pairs of 2, then changing 2/3 lines of each?

They would all be identical bar maybe 1 little part on each map.

How would you react?


--- Quote from: TheKomodo on September 12, 2023, 02:37 AM ---,
How would you react?

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He would donate to TUS  8)


--- Quote from: TheKomodo on September 12, 2023, 02:37 AM ---
--- Quote from: Kradie on September 12, 2023, 12:19 AM ---I am proud and I made 500 BIG RR maps.

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Out of curiousity...

What would you say if I made 1000 Big RR maps, by taking your 500 maps, copying them to make them 1000, 500 pairs of 2, then changing 2/3 lines of each?

They would all be identical bar maybe 1 little part on each map.

How would you react?

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One of earlier maps did receive some slight notifications on the photos. When I saw that I was pleasantly amused and somewhat humbled. So in others I wouldn't take it badly. My maps aren't that original and I never claimed they were but that's the way I chose to make them. The reason why they are designed the way they are because ''in my opinion'' that there hasn't been maps that are like mine where you would rope through a picture gallery. You could argue that there's been ''perhaps'' maps with tunnels and with pictures slapped here and there, but my counter-argument would be ''Not as consistent''. This also applies to Roper Maps, even better TTRR maps. There will always be variation of something, Inspired or not. Once in a while we may get something truly original. This applies to the real world too. 

Any work must be evaluated and paid. Kradie has done some work for the community and I appreciate it. It’s better to make 500 non-unique maps for keeping the community alive than to make nothing. In addition, not all people are able to make unique maps constantly and systematically. So I don't understand why you condemn him.

Yes, I agree with others, all these maps are very similar, almost the same. I definitely wouldn’t play all 500, it’s enough to play 2-3 to form your opinion about the mappack. In general, I'd call them "neutral" in terms of layout, because:

1. I'm sure these maps are free of serious bugs and issues.
2. I'm sure the layouts are quite strict, not crazy as f..k.
3. I'm sure 99% maps of the mappack would be a good choice for a cup. I mean, that your opponent probably wasn't practicing any of these maps during days and nights before a cup, so you should be on equal terms. For example, this "banana" map is cool, funny and has a non-standard layouts, but this is the reason why I'd never choose it for a cup without an advanced agreement and practice. I wouldn't choose this map for a cup because of difference from the other "similar", "non-unique" and "non-imaginative" maps.

The arrows on a RR maps are important for sure. Honestly, I'm not a super experienced RR player, but half of the maps I've ever played had no arrows. In general, it's not a problem for me. In this case I drop a pen on the table near keyboard after each turn, that indicates in which direction I will go in the next turn. So I don’t need to be overfocused on the game and don’t litter the chat with arrows like "<>".

And a few words about 18+ maps. Overall I don't even pay attention for it, because I'd rather to be focused while roping and prefer to see where and how I fly, rather than at naked pictures. Although some of them are really vile and cringy.


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