Maps > Maps

Map #20746, Kradie's-Big-ZaR-RR-500 by Kradie

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--- Quote from: flashR on September 17, 2023, 07:25 PM ---Any work must be evaluated and paid. Kradie has done some work for the community and I appreciate it. It’s better to make 500 non-unique maps for keeping the community alive than to make nothing. In addition, not all people are able to make unique maps constantly and systematically. So I don't understand why you condemn him.

Yes, I agree with others, all these maps are very similar, almost the same. I definitely wouldn’t play all 500, it’s enough to play 2-3 to form your opinion about the mappack. In general, I'd call them "neutral" in terms of layout, because:

1. I'm sure these maps are free of serious bugs and issues.
2. I'm sure the layouts are quite strict, not crazy as f..k.
3. I'm sure 99% maps of the mappack would be a good choice for a cup. I mean, that your opponent probably wasn't practicing any of these maps during days and nights before a cup, so you should be on equal terms. For example, this "banana" map is cool, funny and has a non-standard layouts, but this is the reason why I'd never choose it for a cup without an advanced agreement and practice. I wouldn't choose this map for a cup because of difference from the other "similar", "non-unique" and "non-imaginative" maps.

The arrows on a RR maps are important for sure. Honestly, I'm not a super experienced RR player, but half of the maps I've ever played had no arrows. In general, it's not a problem for me. In this case I drop a pen on the table near keyboard after each turn, that indicates in which direction I will go in the next turn. So I don’t need to be overfocused on the game and don’t litter the chat with arrows like "<>".

And a few words about 18+ maps. Overall I don't even pay attention for it, because I'd rather to be focused while roping and prefer to see where and how I fly, rather than at naked pictures. Although some of them are really vile and cringy.

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this was a nice and well built comment Flash, at least someone has the IQ to write such :) I mostly agree with what you have said here. even tho I remember u being around kraddy's few members of a group, its nice to see at least some people there can think for themselves and have their very own ideas+opinions :D

what I don't understand is that nowadays I see more and more people claiming that their opponents must be practising to play on the same big rr/TTRR/tower race/wxw maps over and over again just to get maybe an easier win. while I don't doubt there has been plenty of example of this in the past.. is this still a thing? :D does anyone rly practise to play on a rope race map over and over again in singleplayer in 2023 just to get a possible easier win VS someone in a league game? that's just sad. be a man, choose a random map and gain your victory like dat 8) and stop accusing others when you're beaten, that you were beaten only because you suspect the opponent of practising that map before ??? ---> (generally speaking)


--- Quote ---this was a nice and well built comment Flash, at least someone has the IQ to write such :) I mostly agree with what you have said here. even tho I remember u being around kraddy's few members of a group, its nice to see at least some people there can think for themselves and have their very own ideas+opinions :D

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None of the people in my circle are coerced, they can think and say what they want. People like FlashR are players and friends whom I respect, just as much as I respect FlashR's post here.


--- Quote from: Lupastic on September 17, 2023, 08:55 PM ---
what I don't understand is that nowadays I see more and more people claiming that their opponents must be practising to play on the same big rr/TTRR/tower race/wxw maps over and over again just to get maybe an easier win. while I don't doubt there has been plenty of example of this in the past.. is this still a thing? :D does anyone rly practise to play on a rope race map over and over again in singleplayer in 2023 just to get a possible easier win VS someone in a league game? that's just sad.

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Sure thing. Why not? I even have seen a case, where one player just has modified the map before a cup, then offered this map, and they has played it, but the opposite player did know nothing about that. And it has been clarified  later in a chat conversation. I don't want and won't point and blame anyone in particular, so I won't continue with this example, but this was a 100% documented cup game. I don’t like this, it’s something close to cheating imo. I believe that the most fair way in such cups is a pre-prepared mappack. Participants has the rights to familiarize  with it before cup, and train as much as they want. Maps should be selected using the alternate ban/pick method. Simple. Fair. In addition, there is a tactical element in this process.

Let me offer another example. There are many experienced players who can pass some familiar maps with their eyes closed with good results, because they played many hours on these maps in funners. On the other side, there are less experienced players who see these maps for the first time. Even if these people will roping equally well in a cup, muscle memory will do its job. How do you think, would it fair conditions in general?

Additionally, there are maps with very unexpected layouts, like "Flyyyy WEEEE" or "SWOOOOOSH" somewhere into the void... :D And it would be cool to know about these "surprises" in advance in a serious game.

--- Quote from: Kradie on September 17, 2023, 09:10 PM ---I respect FlashR's post here.

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Thanks, appreciated. And respect for your work.


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