Schemes > Schemes

Scheme #4544, K2S submitted by Kradie

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Yeah, it is good to receive feedback and see what people say, but I think the Schemes forum TUS area is more adequate for sharing an unfinished idea. I think I'll share some of my projects there, and only release the official version as a scheme of mine to be found among other schemes later.

Just like in Weapon Me scheme, Air Strike is now Included. This weapon is only for CPU and not humans.

Some delays on weapons have been changed.

Homing Missile replaced Mad Cows. Homing Missile does same dmg as a dynamite.
1 star power level for blow torch and drill.
2 star power for Shotgun and Fire Punch.

Land mines are removed.
Jetpack, prod, and petrol added.
Clusters are removed.
Turn time is now 45s.

This scheme has received modifications:

1. The weapons that you can acquire does no longer have infinite ammo.
- Sheep Launcher 3 ammo.
- Homing Missile 3 ammo.
- Flame Thrower 3 ammo.
- Old woman 3 ammo.
- Dynamite 2 ammo.
- Sheep 2 ammo.
- Holy Hand Grenade 2 ammo.

2, Fire Punch, Dragon Ball, Ninja Rope, and Baseball Bat have 1 turn delay.

3. Old woman is currently replaced with minigun.

4. Landmines are back, and detonates after 3 seconds.

5. Blow Torch and Drill does minimum damage.

These are the significant changes so far.

That's it for now.


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