Schemes > Schemes

Scheme #5368, chutegame submitted by Albino

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ok now I kinda understand why there is the no-blocking rule (leave 1 way open) after I have played a random match with the famous Rafal :D
blocking the start area should also be forbidden (as well as blocking around the finish)
Game attached

Visually good looking and elaborate maps but there are way too many objects on those maps if you ask to me. It's almost impossible to contact to ground when you fall down. I would only recommend the first map (mirage saloon) for proper gameplay. Or did I miss something there?

For the blocking thing, I did not find it necessary at first but after watching this game, maybe I should mention about it, under no trapping rule. Also, I should add something like "use teleport only for going back to start" because I just realised that, people like him would try to tele forward. :D Did you forgot to mention about rules? Or Rafal is just being Rafal? :P

Imo don't rush for the cup, play the scheme for a while if you like it and decide what to do after some time.


--- Quote from: TheWalrus on December 06, 2023, 05:47 PM ---I remember deadcode made some maps where some terrain is destructible and some not, that would be good here.

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I think you are talking about IndiMask, a module made by Plutonic. There are some different schemes and maps that explore this module around wormNET. I will reunite them all one day.

Now Parachute Game has an article on WKB:

Great job FoxHound! I added it to description. And I made minor update on the rules.


--- Quote from: Albino on December 10, 2023, 10:56 AM ---Great job FoxHound! I added it to description. And I made minor update on the rules.

--- End quote ---

Thank you. I updated the rules you just updated on the wiki too. By the way, the article is not mine. It's a wiki afterall. I only initiated the article, other people are free to edit it.


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