Schemes > Schemes

Scheme #5368, chutegame submitted by Albino

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Here is a example replay for the scheme.

hmm I'd call this scheme "Parachute Battle"

I don't know who invented this scheme but i think the scheme is mix of two genres. And people introduced this scheme to me as chutegame. It's mostly about racing with some close combat stuff.

its a good possible cup-material btw

Hmm, since it's three-way scheme (1v1v1) it would be hard to convert into classic TUS cup settings. Only knockout system would function properly and after that finals must be also three-way. And how to determine the second and third? Because there is only one winner and two losers when the game ends. This scheme also can be played as 1v1v1v1 for fun but it can be extremely chaotic if the player count is increased. It's also not meant to play as 1v1.


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