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Started by MonkeyIsland, March 24, 2011, 07:02 PM

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I always hated websites which force you to register just because you wanna read one forum post or you wanna download some files. So in creation of TUS I made it open to everyone as much as it was possible. TUS is created to improve this game in many aspects free of charge and will continue to be the same way.

Since these years of hosting TUS, I've had donation offers but because of some technical problems I couldn't put any donation link which is available now.
Please note there will be no difference between members who contribute donations to this site or not. You won't be skipping any rules. All site rules apply to its members no matter in what "membergroup" they are.

As a thank you for your donation, you will be put into a new membergroup and you will be able to choose any custom color you want. (limited amount of time, depending on how much you donate)
*Don't forget to mention your TUS name in the comment of your donation!

If you'd like to donate, please PM me.
Due to massive misunderstandings: MonkeyIsland refers to an island not a monkey. I would be a monkey, if my name was IslandMonkey meaning a monkey who is or lives on an island. MonkeyIsland is an island which is related to monkeys. Also there's been a legend around saying MonkeyIsland is a game. So please, think of me as an island or a game.


I can't donate for 3 weeks, I got paid last week and it's all spent on bills lol.

When I get paid in 3 weeks, for sure I will donate some :)


MI it must be green? cant be white per exemple? :D
You Are Losing Time Reading my Signature.


Why nino? You want to be like a saint or angel? xD


I want yellow XDDDDddddddddddd


I was the cheap bastard who donated 2$  :D

was my leftover on pp, maybe ill donate some more some other time, bit lazy  :)


Quote from: DarkOne on March 24, 2011, 10:45 PM
Don't forget to mention your TUS name :)

was just asking m8 sorry lol
You Are Losing Time Reading my Signature.


My pay is below minimum wage at the moment lol. But once it gets pumped you could start seeing a few moneys from me :)


Ill donate as soon as I see that ttrr league!
worm and learn


Quote from: NAiL on March 25, 2011, 10:58 PM
Ill donate as soon as I see that ttrr league!

HAH.  Why didn't I think of that.


you pay half upfront, ill pay the rest when the jobs done
worm and learn


btw MI, the green isnt very obvious. You should make the forum name appear green just as it does in the shoutbox.
worm and learn


I will try to donate, but I don't think if I can so much, since I'm a student  ::)