- Posts:
- 4,498 (0.827 per day)
- Games:
- 3,365 (0.618 per day)
- Custom title:
- I'm sorry but you can't expect me to play worms every single year..
- Personal text:
- Clogperson
- Age:
- 42
- Location:
- Netherlands
- Country:
- Clan:
- Community:
- Community:
- Date registered:
- October 15, 2009, 02:12 PM
- Local Time:
- September 08, 2024, 08:51 AM
- Language:
- English
- Last active:
- June 24, 2023, 11:05 PM
Personal note:
HHC's wormy gospel:Schemes oughta be:
1) complete - no 2-weapon games, but schemes that make use of as many weapons as possibly can without f*ckin up the game balance.
2) competitive - noob can stand somewhat of a chance vs the pro's.
3) easy to understand - no long lists of houserules and unwritten cheapness laws.
4) challenging and unpredictable (!).
5) FUN
The current scheme-issues are the fault of the players who keep on urging for more 'skill-based' play.
They have stripped every scheme to its very core and removed all things that could make it 'unpredictable'.
The logical result: 1) 2-weapon games; 2) not competitive; 3) hard to understand; 4) no-fun; 5) predictable > the ultimate boredom.
I have spoken, let it be heard!
Death to all pro-schemes!