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The Best TUS Quotes

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--- Quote from: Asbest ---Most of the people doesn’t even know, that wkKeyRemap.dll and wkRemapKeys.dll are absolutely different moduels. wkKeyRemap.dll ( working only with update ) created by Steps in 2013. wkRemapKeys.dll ( working only with ) also made by Steps, but it’s a new moduel. The differents between these moduels are that when u use wkKeyRemap.dll u can hold 1 space, and press second space and second space will shot rope. wkRemapKeys.dll has block. It means when you hold 1 space, and then press second space, second space will not work. But these moduels has same tapping. You can tapping same fast with wkRemapKeys.dll as with wkKeyRemap.dll. Just look at runaway ( if his video isn’t montage ), sbaffo, stylez, they can tapping same fast with wkRemapKeys.dll, as I tapping with wkKeyRemap.dll. I tried Intes keychange, other keyremapping programs, wkRemapKeys.dll, wkKeyRemap.dl, all ahk scripts, and I want to say that I can’t tapping fast not with wkRemapKeys.dll, not with intes keychange, not with simple ahk scripts. Because I have bad Ukrainian kbs ( maybe a fake kbs ). That’s why latinos and europian and American can tapping fast (coz they has good kbs ) with Intes Keychange, wkRemapKeys.dll and other remaping programs. I tried 7 kbs ( razer arctosa included ) I can’t tap even medium with Intes keychange, wkRemapKeys.dl, simpe ahk scripts. Im fring 3 years, so i know how to fr. That means that’s all about what kb u use. I can tapping fast only with hard ahk scripts ( Kaleu’s, smok’s, booter’s scripts, whatever ) and wkKeyRemap.dll. As I said before, I tried all possible remaps, and i can say that Intes keychange, simple ahk scripts, berria script, if u hold 1 space, and then press second space, in 1st press for second space, second space will not shot rope, and the other presses it will work. So it means, that, simple ahk scripts, berria’s script, Intes keychange is same as wkKeyRemap.dll and hard ahk scripts ( kaleu’s, booter’s, smok’s ). The only different is that when u use simple ahk scripts, berria script, Intes keychange, there is block for 1 press, when wkKeyRemap.dll and hard ahk scripts ( booter’s, kaleu’s, smok’s, zippo’s) hasn’t any blocks. But 1 press is nothing. You can tapping same if you use any of these moduels, scripts, programs. wkRemapKeys.dll has only full block. But that is means nothing. What sense in this block, if u can tap same fast with all this programs, moduels, scripts, if you have good, not fake kb? That’s why I use wkKeyRemap.dll. Because I have bad kb. Still, wkKeyRemap.dll is allowed on tus, so I can’t be a cheater. In my opinion, as I said, tus should allows any remaps. Because it all is same. I agree that only legit way is spacebar. But on my spacebar are 3 keylocks, that’s why I use remaped space. If you allow remaps, allow any remaps. Or forbidden every remap. I use for PX and wkKeyRemap.dll. In my WA are wkKeyRemap.dll, wkLobbycheating31.dll, wkAutoKeys.dll. I use wkLobbycheating31.dll and wkAutoKeys.dll only in funners, and don’t respect people who use it in league games. You should allow every ahk scripts, because its all same. I wanted to put in this massage everything to make it 100% clear, but im not sure if I did it. After I explained everything, everyone who calling cheater me, stylez, sbaffo, or adun, or someone else, just f@#!ing idiots. At the end want to say, that, I don’t want to read 123412124 pages of non-sense by people as HHC and Komito, which are only making words throwing. If you write, write wise.

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--- Quote from: TheWalrus on March 11, 2016, 10:54 AM ---jesus christ someone delete this

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+18 stuff
Spoiler! View 
--- Quote --- [avirex`mm] ill rape ur mother
[avirex`mm] twice in the same night
[avirex`mm] and she will ask for a third
[avirex`mm] cuz she's a whore
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--- Quote ---kins> Don't let girls ruins ur tus games :)
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--- Quote from: Aerox on January 21, 2017, 12:13 PM ---Komodo argues every single topic the same way, brings all down to the subjective side and then just claims he's as right as you are because both of you are people and both of you are capable of having opinions.

He says it in a bunch of different ways though, language is such a tool.

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--- Quote from: TheKomodo on January 27, 2017, 10:00 PM ---This part specifically - "but only ttrr players know this feeling during a league game" Would you like to bet £1000 that is wrong?

You don't feel other peoples emotions, YOU don't decide what makes people feel that way.

For YOU it's the only scheme that makes you feel that way, i've already said BnG/Hysteria make ME feel that way, I know for a fact it makes Chelsea feel that way, and I know Sniper gets a little sensation in BnG/Hysteria too.

I've even witnessed lalo getting nervous with BnG/Hysteria when he lived with me so for him to turn round and say he doesn't, he's a liar, of course it's not as intense for him as TTRR.

For me TTRR does give me this emotion too but it's not as intense because guess what, here's the secret, it all comes down to how passionate YOU are about whatever it is you are doing.

This emotion happens across all competitive things all over the world, different people feel it differently.

Don't be so ignorant dude, it's a horrible characteristic.

And Sbaffo, that long post you said is entirely opinion based, personally it makes me sound like you surrendered to the cool kids and wanted to become one of them, with TTRR being "the cool scheme".

I done EXACTLY the same thing you explained, but with BnG, Mablak done the same thing you said, with TTRR/Intermediate/Elite.

So I must ask the question, who is right? All of us.

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--- Quote from: TheKomodo on March 14, 2015, 06:57 PM ---I've put a lot of effort into spectating games
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--- Quote from: TheKomodo on January 04, 2017, 11:44 PM ---you  spent a chunky portion of your life here hunting people to argue with
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--- Quote from: lalo on January 27, 2017, 12:53 AM ---Any time someone says something you [Komo] don't like you have the urge to embarrass him and say he's a retarded that can't read, can't pay attention, has a narrow thinking, a selfish being that can't enjoy the game and whatever word you find fashionable to show your great English skills.
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--- Quote from: Sensei on January 17, 2017, 03:46 PM ---Download 50mb to watch video of Godmax pissing? Tus started hitting barriers on daily basis.
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--- Quote from: Sensei on January 28, 2017, 06:43 AM ---3. No crate positions raping - Lot's of Roper lovers suffer from said disease, from time to time. 18 yrs later, cure is yet to be found. Meanwhile, number of infected ppl growing every day. If you're starting to experience nausea and major butthurt all of a sudden, there's quite a big possibility you played a game of Roper recently.
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--- Quote from: XanKriegor on February 01, 2017, 03:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: lales on February 01, 2017, 03:26 PM ---But I would like to tell u Avi that every time i tried to join these amazing old and blabla players from w2 i got kicked

You should advice them how to treat W:A players who still want to play and learn around, ty.
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Seems like they are some kind of elitist assholes even by standards of elitist assholes  :D
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--- Quote from: Sensei on February 01, 2017, 08:48 PM ---Out of these 17 games in Pro scheme, 7 of them was played from pure mockery, other 10 cause it was the only way those players would be enlisted on TUS with the word "pro" next to their name.
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--- Quote from: Sensei on February 10, 2017, 10:11 PM ---Your trolling is taking another level, since you've been training with taner while having poor asbest as a boxing bag!
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--- Quote from: EternalWinner on February 28, 2017, 10:26 PM ---Please delete EternalWinner from Guiness World Records!!!!!
They are killing me.

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--- Quote from: Mega`Adnan on March 04, 2017, 08:53 AM ---How high is this dude?

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--- Quote from: EternalWinner on March 04, 2017, 02:35 PM ---I'm tall 1.81.

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