June 01, 2024, 03:35 PM

Game #236083, Viewed 182 Time(s)

Academy of Artillery #1
Group 4
March 16, 2023, 07:30 PM
Poland dF PoC
Gained 5 points
Big Billy
Germany ICB sm NfBX
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
4 - 1
Information Cup name: : #1188: Academy of Artillery #1
Cup scheme(s):
Aerial K
Bazooka and Grenade
Forts K
Grenade Wars K

Game Result: 3:0
Watch The Game Replay(s):
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Game Map(s)

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Game Chat(s)
[Ledan] gl hf
[Komito`TdC] Gl n hf!
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] gl hf ae
[Ledan] where is catherine tho
[Ledan] blocked off completely
[Ledan] i didnt notice that
[BigBilly`nlF] lol
[Ledan] then again no only my worm
[BigBilly`nlF] oh
[BigBilly`nlF] ;O
[Ledan] xD
[Komito`TdC] Nice!
[Ledan] thanks
[Komito`TdC] C-c-c-c-combo!
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] n
[Ledan] aw
[Komito`TdC] Oops
[BigBilly`nlF] -.-
[Ledan] sad placement
[Ledan] almost felt sorry if i didnt play for cup placement
[BigBilly`nlF] :D
[BigBilly`nlF] so much on the line xd
[BigBilly`nlF] lol shit
[Ledan] aw
[Ledan] 73!
[BigBilly`nlF] n
[Ledan] ty
[Komito`TdC] Very nice!
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] damm n
[Komito`TdC] Oh
[Komito`TdC] I've gave green to Big Billy not Ledan
[Komito`TdC] I've been commentating totally wrong
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] lel
[Komito`TdC] It was Ledan who asked for green yeah?
[Ledan] yes
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ye
[Komito`TdC] Sorry!
[Ledan] np
[Komito`TdC] I'll change it on the next game
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] vn
[Ledan] ty
[BigBilly`nlF] lol
[Ledan] lmao
[BigBilly`nlF] xDD
[Ledan] grenade wars = wse machine
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] oh noooo
[Ledan] scary
[Komito`TdC] Wow
[Komito`TdC] That was beautiful!
[Ledan] wow, 2hp comeback
[Komito`TdC] What an angle!
[BigBilly`nlF] :D
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] vn
[Komito`TdC] Lovely arc there
[Ledan] i had the right idea
[Ledan] but wrong fuse
[Ledan] weee
[Komito`TdC] Nice
[BigBilly`nlF] ty
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] lotso good shots ae
[Ledan] not good
[BigBilly`nlF] liik
[Komito`TdC] Boomerang!
[BigBilly`nlF] *lool
[Ledan] 1 hp!
[Komito`TdC] 1hp as well!
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] lol
[Ledan] precise
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] i am lagging behind a bit due to virus-scan
[Komito`TdC] Nice pile!
[Ledan] argh
[BigBilly`nlF] : O
[Komito`TdC] Aw 2s would have been so nice as well!
[Komito`TdC] Nice double bank though
[Ledan] i keep doing the fuse wrong for that worm
[Komito`TdC] Almost!
[Ledan] aiaiaiai
[BigBilly`nlF] meh
[Ledan] huh
[Ledan] too strong
[Ledan] unless
[Ledan] go mine
[BigBilly`nlF] --->
[Ledan] no
[Ledan] left
[BigBilly`nlF] xD
[Ledan] frick you
[Ledan] mine whisperer
[Ledan] goal
[Ledan] too strong!
[Komito`TdC] Close!
[Ledan] eventrually i get him
[Ledan] now too weak
[Ledan] now i died
[Ledan] 10/10 flip
[Ledan] argh, 7s would have done it
[BigBilly`nlF] 2sec ..
[BigBilly`nlF] omg
[BigBilly`nlF] very nice
[Ledan] there we go
[Ledan] thanks
[Komito`TdC] Gj
[Komito`TdC] Nt
[Ledan] scary
[Ledan] bad hide with sylvia, good bank with lg and i die
[Ledan] previous
[Ledan] now its ok hide
[Ledan] oh ya bugger
[BigBilly`nlF] >_<
[Ledan] awww
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] aw
[BigBilly`nlF] ey
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ns
[Ledan] ty
[Ledan] at least now you have ez shot
[Ledan] jinx
[BigBilly`nlF] hmmm
[Ledan] unlucky
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] o0
[Ledan] missed the land this time
[Ledan] otherwise repeat shot :O
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] oh ntnt
[Komito`TdC] Close one
[BigBilly`nlF] ..
[Ledan] augh
[BigBilly`nlF] close
[BigBilly`nlF] xd
[Ledan] phew
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] o0
[Ledan] nice i set 5s
[Komito`TdC] Nice
[Ledan] ns
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ns
[BigBilly`nlF] ty
[Ledan] 5- I pressed page down
[Ledan] instead of -
[Komito`TdC] OOps
[Ledan] on the right o
[BigBilly`nlF] eh
[Ledan] argh
[BigBilly`nlF] ty
[Ledan] ruined my chance for a 5s
[Ledan] o no
[BigBilly`nlF] --->
[Ledan] scary
[Komito`TdC] Nice!
[BigBilly`nlF] --->
[BigBilly`nlF] lol
[Ledan] phew
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] lol
[Komito`TdC] Beautiful!
[Ledan] and obv
[Ledan] calculated
[Ledan] wee
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] yeet
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ns
[Komito`TdC] 108 v 108 xD
[Ledan] now were equal
[Ledan] AAH
[BigBilly`nlF] O_O
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] omg
[Komito`TdC] 2.5s fuse!
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] vnt
[BigBilly`nlF] baah
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] damm
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] aw man
[Ledan] why did i forget so fast man
[Ledan] :O
[Ledan] a bit lighter
[BigBilly`nlF] that wall there ..
[Ledan] I see your idea
[Ledan] that wall tho
[BigBilly`nlF] not worked out
[Komito`TdC] Gjh
[Ledan] yess
[Ledan] gg
[BigBilly`nlF] nice
[BigBilly`nlF] gg
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] gg
[Komito`TdC] Gg!

[Komito`TdC] Hf
[BigBilly`nlF] hf
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] gl hf ae
[Ledan] gl hf
[BigBilly`nlF] >_<
[Ledan] good shot xD
[BigBilly`nlF] ty
[BigBilly`nlF] u2
[Ledan] damn
[Ledan] excellent
[BigBilly`nlF] xD
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] aw lel
[Komito`TdC] Absteria??
[BigBilly`nlF] --->
[Ledan] dang
[BigBilly`nlF] bing
[Ledan] Abnormal Hysteria would be a jetpacking into water and position gamble
[BigBilly`nlF] n
[Ledan] n
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] n push
[Ledan] i mean
[Ledan] ty
[Ledan] xD
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ns
[BigBilly`nlF] ty
[Ledan] hello
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] lel n push actually
[Ledan] yes
[BigBilly`nlF] lol
[BigBilly`nlF] nice
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] omg dat mine
[Ledan] calculated 100%
[Ledan] argh
[BigBilly`nlF] :O
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ns still
[Ledan] i'm getting vision impairment
[Ledan] like
[Ledan] migraine
[Ledan] but
[Ledan] i play
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] o0
[BigBilly`nlF] 0o
[BigBilly`nlF] meh
[BigBilly`nlF] nice
[Komito`TdC] Ns!
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] vns
[BigBilly`nlF] lol
[Ledan] :O
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] OMG
[Ledan] hehe
[BigBilly`nlF] hi
[Ledan] hewwo
[Ledan] Fortsteria
[BigBilly`nlF] hm
[Ledan] calculated 100%
[BigBilly`nlF] xD
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] gs
[Komito`TdC] Ns
[Ledan] ty
[BigBilly`nlF] ..
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ns
[BigBilly`nlF] nice
[Ledan] ty
[Komito`TdC] Nice shot and pushj
[BigBilly`nlF] golden middle
[BigBilly`nlF] 2sec next time pls
[Ledan] nu
[Komito`TdC] Vns
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ae
[Ledan] perfect!
[Ledan] thanks
[BigBilly`nlF] n
[Ledan] gg
[BigBilly`nlF] vn
[BigBilly`nlF] !
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] oh vns
[Komito`TdC] Vns, gg
[Ledan] ty
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] gg
[BigBilly`nlF] gg

[Komito`TdC] Hf
[BigBilly`nlF] hf
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] gl hf ae
[Ledan] gl, hf
[Ledan] ah, forest retro
[Ledan] classic
[BigBilly`nlF] yea stupid tele
[Ledan] not possible
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] aw
[Ledan] at least now good wind
[Ledan] is there a prize for Best Shot?
[BigBilly`nlF] hehe
[Ledan] that was
[Ledan] horrible
[Ledan] worst shot, not ever
[Ledan] but in the game
[BigBilly`nlF] >_<
[BigBilly`nlF] n
[Ledan] ah
[Ledan] get down there
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ae n
[Ledan] ty
[Ledan] xD
[Ledan] decieving
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ae n
[Ledan] ae ty
[BigBilly`nlF] ae np
[Ledan] nt
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ah
[Ledan] arhg
[BigBilly`nlF] phew
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] oh close
[BigBilly`nlF] omg
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ah man
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] u getting there tho
[Ledan] no he aint
[Komito`TdC] Nice
[Ledan] ty
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] evil Leddy, shooting for credit :D
[Ledan] almost got it!
[BigBilly`nlF] will be perfect game for ledan xd
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] 4,20s fuse plz
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] :D
[Ledan] 4,20 nade it
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] xddddd
[BigBilly`nlF] geez
[Ledan] noice
[BigBilly`nlF] at least
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] got em ae
[BigBilly`nlF] ow
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] :o
[Komito`TdC] Woah Billy
[Komito`TdC] You cannot use 5 seconds without max boucne and/or low gravity
[Komito`TdC] No 5s with min bounce only
[Komito`TdC] If that hit, you would take punishment
[BigBilly`nlF] oh
[BigBilly`nlF] that rule exsist since ever? First hearing of this
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ye
[BigBilly`nlF] lol k
[BigBilly`nlF] last bng is some years ago xd
[Ledan] I dont exactly have the biggest space to reaim in xD
[BigBilly`nlF] lol
[Ledan] uh oh
[BigBilly`nlF] arghh
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] aw, now u got the shot there
[BigBilly`nlF] uuh
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] D:
[Ledan] afhg
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] oh shit
[BigBilly`nlF] bang
[Ledan] no blaming the pixel today
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ns
[Ledan] :O
[Ledan] dang!
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] O_O
[BigBilly`nlF] lol
[Ledan] Nt
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] o lel push n
[Ledan] tbh
[Ledan] im getting lucky wind
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] n push
[Ledan] ouch
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] aw
[BigBilly`nlF] shit lol
[Ledan] lul
[BigBilly`nlF] xd
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] 800+ xd
[BigBilly`nlF] omg
[BigBilly`nlF] vn
[Ledan] yess
[Ledan] ty
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] GOT EM
[Komito`TdC] Nice
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] vns
[BigBilly`nlF] : OO
[Ledan] not this time
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ah nt
[Ledan] good idea bad execution
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] bad execution can be overcomed by quantity xd
[Komito`TdC] Vn!
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] there we go ae
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ns
[BigBilly`nlF] ae
[BigBilly`nlF] ty
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] o0
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ns
[BigBilly`nlF] n
[Komito`TdC] Nice
[BigBilly`nlF] ..............
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] dammmmmm
[Ledan] and after his win, komitargh
[BigBilly`nlF] :O
[Ledan] sorry
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] omg man
[Ledan] joke ruined
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] damm close shots on both of ya
[Ledan] "After his win, komito said <maybe i am, born to bng>"
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ns
[BigBilly`nlF] t
[Ledan] again!
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] there we fukken go aeeeee
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] da f@#!ing nerve! :D
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] gs
[Ledan] finally, some good f@#!ing food
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] some good delicious f@#!ing bng
[Ledan] yargh
[Ledan] weak
[Ledan] AH
[Ledan] good wind for zook plz
[BigBilly`nlF] gg
[Ledan] there
[Ledan] GG
[Komito`TdC] Gg!
[BigBilly`nlF] gg'z !
[Ledan] thanks for game
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] ggs
[Ledan] ggs
[TdC`StJimmy`ae] fun one ae

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