May 26, 2024, 10:06 PM

Game #240169, Viewed 77 Time(s)

Academy of Artillery #2 AoA 2
Group 4
January 23, 2024, 03:53 AM
Mexico pH ae
Gained 5 points
United Kingdom dt ZaR rrX
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 1
Information Cup name: : #1229: Academy of Artillery #2
Cup scheme(s):
Aerial K
Bazooka and Grenade
Forts K
Grenade Wars K

Game Result: 3:2
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 380 time(s).
Game Map(s)

Labyrinth Wars by TheKomodo
2560 x 2088, PNG, 185.09 KB, Downloaded 339 time(s)

This map has no author on TUS.
If you know the author of this map, click on the editor button to submit an author for it.
1920 x 696, PNG, 62.47 KB, Downloaded 7 time(s)

TheKomodoNew14 by TheKomodo
1920 x 696, BIT, 1.26 KB, Downloaded 122 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.04 KB, Downloaded 5 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.04 KB, Downloaded 4 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[Jago] h F
[`FUB`OrangE] never seen this scheme i think lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I might stream from next game, maybe...
[CKC`Komito`a2a] This is a new Fort scheme tbh
[CKC`Komito`a2a] So some tips
[MV-ViktorVaughn] grenade wars is the lit scheme in this cup, orange
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Save at least 1 HHG or the Sheep Launcher for closer to end game to kill that final worm
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Otherwise you might struggle
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Fast walk at start of every turn!
[`FUB`OrangE] pro tips
[dF-blitzed`zar] hf
[MV-ViktorVaughn] dont listen to komo
[`FUB`OrangE] hf gl
[CKC`Komito`a2a] And the most PRO TIP EVER
[MV-ViktorVaughn] blow your whole load in the first 2 mins
[`FUB`OrangE] ahhaha
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Kill them before they kill you!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Blow your load in the first 2 minutes if you can get it in the right hole ;)
[`FUB`OrangE] whats the arsenal? infinite zooka and nades? or
[MV-ViktorVaughn] what do you think of turntime 30 ---> 20 komo
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Orange
[CKC`Komito`a2a] You on snooper?
[`FUB`OrangE] ya
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I'll send you link
[`FUB`OrangE] kk
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Go to that link
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Click on weapons section
[CKC`Komito`a2a] You can check everything out there
[`FUB`OrangE] but its faster if you describe the rules in 10 words for me right now
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Sensei might join next round
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Could stream and you 2 could commentate
[MV-ViktorVaughn] zook grenade 1 sheep launch 1 hhg some petrols
[`FUB`OrangE] thx
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 5 cluster as well
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 1 baseball bat
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 1 homing missile
[MV-ViktorVaughn] i never use the clusters
[MV-ViktorVaughn] trash
[MV-ViktorVaughn] baseball bat for what lol
[MV-ViktorVaughn] no invading
[CKC`Komito`a2a] They are useful actually in end game
[CKC`Komito`a2a] But that's my secret as to how ;)
[MV-ViktorVaughn] fukin mine bat aye
[MV-ViktorVaughn] you gatekeeping the minebat?
[MV-ViktorVaughn] dirty f@#!ing komo
[MV-ViktorVaughn] trying to keep the minebat all to himself
[MV-ViktorVaughn] ns
[dF-blitzed`zar] t
[Jago] omg
[Jago] chite off
[MV-ViktorVaughn] lol
[`FUB`OrangE] what resolution you guys play at novadays
[MV-ViktorVaughn] mine is the 1440 one
[Jago] 1900x1400 i think or some like this
[MV-ViktorVaughn] i forget
[`FUB`OrangE] except komo that i remember had like a 42 inch screen for bng lol
[MV-ViktorVaughn] or waht jago said
[`FUB`OrangE] 1900 1400? that doesnt seem like a 16x9 aspect ratio
[Jago] ah yeah 1440*
[Jago] xd
[CKC`Komito`a2a] For roping I use 1920 x 1080, for artillery schemes I use 1152x864, for TUS challenges I use 2560 x 1440
[`FUB`OrangE] yeah u mean 1440p k
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I also use a range of keyboards as well
[MV-ViktorVaughn] ya 2560x1440
[MV-ViktorVaughn] thats mine for everything
[MV-ViktorVaughn] too lazy to switch
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I am going to buy an old big TV again actually to BnG on
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Was so much better
[`FUB`OrangE] yeah i tried ttrr at 1600 x 900 and it felt great, way better than 1920 1080, but bng i prefet 1080p
[`FUB`OrangE] ns
[MV-ViktorVaughn] wow
[CKC`Komito`a2a] One thing that separated me from everyone else, whenever I got pushed, with that bigass TV I could do banks, double banks and triple banks EASY!
[MV-ViktorVaughn] damn good
[dF-blitzed`zar] t
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It's like using a microscope to see the cellular makeup
[MV-ViktorVaughn] thats true
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Pixular makeup
[dF-blitzed`zar] Some tv give lag , right ?
[dF-blitzed`zar] mine did anyway
[MV-ViktorVaughn] pincheular
[CKC`Komito`a2a] That's not an exaggeration, you can literally see each pixel bigger than usual
[MV-ViktorVaughn] amirite jago?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Some have letency issues yes, but the older ones were actually really good!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It's these new smart TVs that have shitty latency
[`FUB`OrangE] hdmi sucks
[Jago] Shit, my right key is dying, stranger to a Logitech keyboard :S
[CKC`Komito`a2a] The TV's between 2000 and 2012 were freaking AWESOME though
[MV-ViktorVaughn] one of my monitors hdmi rn
[`FUB`OrangE] take the key off and remove the 2 kilograms of hairs under it
[`FUB`OrangE] and it will work again
[dF-blitzed`zar] HDMI LG old grandads TV, fairly big but not massive.
[CKC`Komito`a2a] nice
[Jago] t
[MV-ViktorVaughn] because my bloodhound f@#!ing got tangled in the computer wires and destroyed my displayport
[dF-blitzed`zar] im guessing 2012 era.. or so
[`FUB`OrangE] lol
[`FUB`OrangE] bloodhound was jelous of you screen
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I prefer HDMI lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[MV-ViktorVaughn] she f@#!ing dragged the tower and ripped everything out
[MV-ViktorVaughn] it was a massacre
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yikes...
[`FUB`OrangE] talking about tvs
[CKC`Komito`a2a] ns
[Jago] ty
[MV-ViktorVaughn] ns
[`FUB`OrangE] my mom had a huge plasma tv 42 inches, one of the first plasmas, HUGE and heavy
[`FUB`OrangE] after years had to replace it
[MV-ViktorVaughn] jago boomed the shit out of thisd fort
[`FUB`OrangE] i take it off from the stand and it slides off my hands
[`FUB`OrangE] straight onto my big toe
[MV-ViktorVaughn] when is blitz gonna use the big guns
[`FUB`OrangE] broken big toe
[`FUB`OrangE] u can imagien the pain
[MV-ViktorVaughn] lol
[MV-ViktorVaughn] sounds like a cartoon
[`FUB`OrangE] didnt feel like a cartoon
[`FUB`OrangE] more like a horror
[MV-ViktorVaughn] ive seen this hhg shot
[MV-ViktorVaughn] mirror
[`FUB`OrangE] how many f@#!ing hhg there are in the scheme
[MV-ViktorVaughn] enough to f@#! shit up
[`FUB`OrangE] uhaha
[`FUB`OrangE] komo u still producing?
[`FUB`OrangE] sometimes i still listen to your alien invasion track
[CKC`Komito`a2a] nt
[`FUB`OrangE] really dope
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yeah I still make music
[CKC`Komito`a2a] alien invasion?
[`FUB`OrangE] yeah how was that called
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Interesting as I'm watching Alien Prometheus now
[`FUB`OrangE] how was that track called
[CKC`Komito`a2a] ns
[dF-blitzed`zar] t
[`FUB`OrangE] there was a vocal sample about a alien civilization or something
[MV-ViktorVaughn] alien prometh pretty good
[CKC`Komito`a2a] hmm could be a few lol
[`FUB`OrangE] lmao a few?
[MV-ViktorVaughn] fassbender is in that
[`FUB`OrangE] ill check it out
[CKC`Komito`a2a] yeah
[MV-ViktorVaughn] who doesnt like a little fassbender
[CKC`Komito`a2a] David
[CKC`Komito`a2a] nice
[Jago] n
[dF-blitzed`zar] t
[MV-ViktorVaughn] blitz nades are dead on
[dF-blitzed`zar] eek
[Jago] ><
[MV-ViktorVaughn] and jago - just a tiny bit off
CKC`Komito`a2a..dF-blitzed`zar: 3!3!3!bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb !!!!!!&X��
[CKC`Komito`a2a] nice
[dF-blitzed`zar] thnx
[`FUB`OrangE] cant find it whatever
[CKC`Komito`a2a] n dig
[`FUB`OrangE] apparently d
[CKC`Komito`a2a] ooo
[`FUB`OrangE] apparently dF has a new member
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Ah lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] OrangE joined them
[`FUB`OrangE] :o
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I'm making some moves myself in the world of clanners
[`FUB`OrangE] hahah
[CKC`Komito`a2a] That's 3 clans in a row I've joined then didn't play any clanners
[CKC`Komito`a2a] So let's see if I get lucky this time lol
[`FUB`OrangE] u joining somebody?
[`FUB`OrangE] or inviting somebody
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Potentially
[MV-ViktorVaughn] its a shame cause ckc is a nice clan with good people
[MV-ViktorVaughn] just none of them play worms
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yeah
[CKC`Komito`a2a] If CKC was active I'd have got really active
[dF-blitzed`zar] n1
[`FUB`OrangE] ns
[MV-ViktorVaughn] holy shit
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oh wow vns!
[Jago] thx
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Beautiful transfer
[CKC`Komito`a2a] And only 1 hhg used each
[`FUB`OrangE] i think jago used 2
[CKC`Komito`a2a] oh
[Jago] yep i used 2
[Jago] Blotz only one i thinl
[MV-ViktorVaughn] pixel killers, Inc
[Jago] 1*}
[CKC`Komito`a2a] n
[CKC`Komito`a2a] blotz lmao
[Jago] maybe for some sittter nade there :)
[`FUB`OrangE] are they allowed to cross the middle_
[`FUB`OrangE] ?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] That's what we call people here when they are drunk
[Jago] Blitz sorry
[MV-ViktorVaughn] nah
[MV-ViktorVaughn] can shoot from the middle dot
[MV-ViktorVaughn] but cant go to opponents side
[Jago] my Keyboard It's going to shit, I'm sorry!
[`FUB`OrangE] k
[`FUB`OrangE] i just took out my 6gv2 to see if it's better than my glorious kb
[`FUB`OrangE] and it's better
[`FUB`OrangE] for wa
[MV-ViktorVaughn] oops wrong whisper
[CKC`Komito`a2a] nt
[`FUB`OrangE] oh wow lol
[MV-ViktorVaughn] there it is
[Jago] 8)
[MV-ViktorVaughn] the old facesmelter
[`FUB`OrangE] the old roll it in and prey
[`FUB`OrangE] pray
[CKC`Komito`a2a] If you invented this scheme, other than Forts, what would you call it?
[dF-blitzed`zar] 2 islandz
[`FUB`OrangE] noob islands
[dF-blitzed`zar] stay the f@#! out my land
[`FUB`OrangE] hahaha
[CKC`Komito`a2a] No, Forts, not Team17 Islands
[CKC`Komito`a2a] LMFAO blited
[`FUB`OrangE] home invasion
[MV-ViktorVaughn] lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[Jago] t}
[`FUB`OrangE] jago is on a roll
[MV-ViktorVaughn] "stay the f@#! out of my land"
[MV-ViktorVaughn] best name
[CKC`Komito`a2a] He's on a bacon roll!
[`FUB`OrangE] tru
[MV-ViktorVaughn] ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[Jago] ae
[CKC`Komito`a2a] If he gets another hit next turn it'll be a bacon and black pudding doubler
[Jago] nq
[`FUB`OrangE] holyl dunkkkk
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Vns blitzed!!!!!!!!
[MV-ViktorVaughn] WRECKED
[Jago] n1*-
[dF-blitzed`zar] t
[CKC`Komito`a2a] GET THE f@#! OUT OF MY LAND!!!!!!!!!!
[`FUB`OrangE] wicked dunk lol
[Jago] bad shot for that wind
[`FUB`OrangE] blitzed answering strong there
[CKC`Komito`a2a] The crowd goes wild, the commentators burst with excitement, meanwhile blitzed is like "t"
[`FUB`OrangE] another day in the office for the best clan on tus
[MV-ViktorVaughn] stay the f@#! out
[MV-ViktorVaughn] lol
[Jago] ah
[dF-blitzed`zar] ew
[Jago] n1
[`FUB`OrangE] wow
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Vns!
[MV-ViktorVaughn] omg
[`FUB`OrangE] how lol
[`FUB`OrangE] no way
[MV-ViktorVaughn] hes a wrecking ball now
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Jago is on a roll, but blitzed is on a full english breakfast!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] HE htis back!
[`FUB`OrangE] almost
[Jago] Evil
[`FUB`OrangE] accurate.
[MV-ViktorVaughn] im going to start referring to fort as 'stay the f@#! off my land'
[CKC`Komito`a2a] "Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again!"
[`FUB`OrangE] f@#!ing landlords
[`FUB`OrangE] ah
[MV-ViktorVaughn] vnt
[`FUB`OrangE] nt
[dF-blitzed`zar] t
[dF-blitzed`zar] few pix off
[MV-ViktorVaughn] sent him off the land
[MV-ViktorVaughn] this could work
[MV-ViktorVaughn] holy
[Jago] v cloe
[MV-ViktorVaughn] so close to gg
[Jago] close*
[MV-ViktorVaughn] perfect
[MV-ViktorVaughn] blitz is on it
[`FUB`OrangE] oh shit
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Will it get jazz!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] OR DARNZ
[`FUB`OrangE] ohhhhhhhh
[MV-ViktorVaughn] omg
[dF-blitzed`zar] vn
[CKC`Komito`a2a] amazing!
[Jago] XD
[`FUB`OrangE] nice
[MV-ViktorVaughn] what a sheep
[`FUB`OrangE] legendary
[MV-ViktorVaughn] holy hell
[MV-ViktorVaughn] that thing had eyes
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Will his turn???????
[Jago] ae
[MV-ViktorVaughn] oooh]
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Aw
[MV-ViktorVaughn] that was close too
[`FUB`OrangE] dumber sheep. not your fault blitzed
[MV-ViktorVaughn] those girders were perfect
[MV-ViktorVaughn] to shop the sheep
[Jago] gg
[Jago] for me
[Jago] xd
[`FUB`OrangE] not yet
[MV-ViktorVaughn] 'HOLY
[`FUB`OrangE] hahaha
[MV-ViktorVaughn] what a fort
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 1hp!!!!!!
[MV-ViktorVaughn] !!!!!!!
[MV-ViktorVaughn] damn'
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Omg the infamous 1hp!
[MV-ViktorVaughn] that was so close
[MV-ViktorVaughn] gg now tho
[CKC`Komito`a2a] mortar?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] What
[Jago] O o
[MV-ViktorVaughn] LMAO
[dF-blitzed`zar] oops
[CKC`Komito`a2a] what????
[`FUB`OrangE] shieeeet
[Jago] lel
[`FUB`OrangE] mistakes were made
[`FUB`OrangE] gg
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Gg
[dF-blitzed`zar] :(
[dF-blitzed`zar] gg
[dF-blitzed`zar] brb 2 min
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 1-0 Jago
[`FUB`OrangE] exciting ending

[Jago] fUNS !
CKC`Komito`a2a..Jago: If this guy disturbs you, let me know, I can kick from game.
[dF-blitzed`zar] hf
[dF-OrangE] komo
[dF-OrangE] who got the best spot
[SdVeben] your stepdad
CKC`Komito`a2a [Academy of Artillery #2 - Group Stage - blitzed Vs Jago - Best of 5 - 1:0 to Jago - Round 2 (BnG)]
[SdVeben] lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Hmm
Jago..CKC`Komito`a2a: ok, yeah he seems some toxic, but all ok now
[dF-OrangE] that guy is braindamaged
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Honestly, it's such a nice map balanced both sides
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Right now though
[Jago] nice map
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I think they have equally good hides
[Sensei`hcp] good one yeah.
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Nice steep hide, for a nice steep shot!
[Sensei`hcp] when can you play our game, jago?
[Sensei`hcp] Not tonight tho.. It's 3+ am here
[Jago] todday or tomorro onwarsd 21GMT
[Sensei`hcp] Komo wanna stream it, so we can make events on discords?
[Sensei`hcp] I guess 22gmt would suit me best.
[Jago] ok!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yes I can
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 22gmt today?
[Sensei`hcp] Cool. Yeah. I'll make an event now
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Ok
[Sensei`hcp] ns
[Jago] ae
[dF-OrangE] gj
[Jago] just a push :
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Nice
[Jago] but t
[dF-OrangE] is it repeating same shots considered bm on tus novadays?
[dF-OrangE] or full4s?
[dF-OrangE] or people don't care about t hose things anymore
[CKC`Komito`a2a] People are generally more relaxed now
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Just do whatever it takes to win, just follow the rules
[Jago] Nah, it's very difficult for me to repeat the same shot.
[CKC`Komito`a2a] If someone does same shot over and over, you should be moving anyway, or at least hitting them back lol
[dF-OrangE] ns
[Jago] ty
[CKC`Komito`a2a] nice
[Sensei`hcp] Possible tiebreaker in our group as well, right?
[Sensei`hcp] If dibz wins this
[CKC`Komito`a2a] possibly
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 2!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Least it's not a granny now
[Jago] ae
[Sensei`hcp] I care orange! having an opponent dropping 4s full power or 4s roller every 2 turns.. Chances are - I'm not gonna play with him in the future.
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I got over the whole roller, repeat thing ages ago lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It's like any other scheme people doing the same easy shots
[dF-blitzed`zar] ah that tree gotta go
[CKC`Komito`a2a] shotgun in intermediate
[Jago] phre
[dF-OrangE] yeah but its just a matter of knowing the trend imho
[CKC`Komito`a2a] dropping mines in aerial from really close positions etc
[dF-OrangE] if on tus people tryhard then i would need to adapt
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It's nice to play against really good players who show variety, but good to be able to adapt to any style
[dF-OrangE] but if every1 is relaxed then ill play like i did in b2b
[CKC`Komito`a2a] If you can't beat players who have to repeat basic shots over and over
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Well, you're not very good lol
[Sensei`hcp] dropping mines in aerial? how that have anything to do with rollers and max power 4s in bng?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I'm just comparing it to easy tasks
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Throwing repeat shots, like rollers and max power 4s, is very easy
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Just like dropping mines from jetpack
[Jago] nb
[dF-blitzed`zar] ya
[CKC`Komito`a2a] But we don't moan about dropping mines from jetpack because it's easy and it happens all the time
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Or those easy zooks in hysteria lol
[dF-OrangE] pretty sure there can be consistent players that dont care about showing off skills and just want to win
[Sensei`hcp] but in aerial you have 4worms each.. You need to calculate when to drop mine, on which worm, how much dmg you should take, where to push him so he can't easily jet out.. There's plenty of tactics behind every turn in aerial.
[Sensei`hcp] What's the tactic behind maxinng 4s nade?
[Sensei`hcp] :D
[CKC`Komito`a2a] N push!
[dF-OrangE] ns
[Jago] t
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Various tactics with max 4s nade
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 1. To damage opponent.
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 2. To push opponent
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 3. To get in steep angles.
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 4. To setup other shots that can be hit with the same angle, or angles close to it
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 5. In line with #4 it's part of a successful shot variation used to hit steeper hides as you hit the opponent 2-3 times.
[dF-OrangE] ill go poop brb
[Jago] :D
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 6. If you hit with a 4s max power shot, it means your opponent with either move, or take a risk and hit you, if they miss, you get a free shot next turn basically
[Sensei`hcp] 7. Just being lame cause it's not forbidden :)
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Being lame is just an opinion though lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It's not going to stop you from getting beat because you think it's lame
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Knowing your opponents, their shot style, so you can adjust to their strengths and weaknesses is part of the fun
[Jago] yeah i am agree
[CKC`Komito`a2a] You know they repeat 4s FP shots?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Easy, hide from them
[CKC`Komito`a2a] You know they rely on rollers and cant' hit direct nades?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Hide from them!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Vns!!!
[Jago] ns
[dF-blitzed`zar] thnx
[CKC`Komito`a2a] An absolute monster shot!
[Sensei`hcp] that's a nice shot..
[CKC`Komito`a2a] That shot saves blitzed potentially, brings him back in the game before Jago runs away
[Jago] dam bad tele a bit
[Sensei`hcp] you could have used 4s nade max, blitz!
[Sensei`hcp] :))
[Jago] aw
[Jago] bl
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Also, if you 4s FP nade, then get 0 wind, repeat it with zook lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Awwww man vbl!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] After such a nice shot!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Jago showing good manners :)
[Jago] ^^'
[dF-blitzed`zar] :/
[CKC`Komito`a2a] The way I see those shots Sensei, I don't think they are lame, though at the same time, they don't exactly impress me.
[Sensei`hcp] yeah, 4s vertical just need to be forbidden.. it's way too easy and game breaking. ppl should wait for 0 zook wind and use it then. Will make bng lot more competitive.
[CKC`Komito`a2a] If they are used as part of a shot rotation, you use them when they are useful, it's good to me
[Jago] man..
[Jago] si so risky :S
[dF-blitzed`zar] time to move
[Sensei`hcp] Also, tus need to put in a rule where you can't repeat a shot after dealing dmg to an opponent.. if you hit with 4s, you need to throw 3, or 5max, lg...
[dF-blitzed`zar] yes
[CKC`Komito`a2a] If we made everything easy forbidden, we wouldn't have much of a game left though lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oh, nice/t
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Well, they don't "need" to put in a rule
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Though, you could always put a poll and see what people think
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I'd be happy either or thb
[CKC`Komito`a2a] tbh*
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Actually, that would benefit me lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Would make it even easier to beat people lol
[Sensei`hcp] Whoever played in a2b league knows TUS rules are not the best atm.. There are more competitive rules for this scheme and that's a fact.
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Though, how would you follow up on that rule Sensei?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Similar to a2b?
[Sensei`hcp] Same*
[CKC`Komito`a2a] You can't use that shot until you move again?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Or someone changes hide?
[dF-OrangE] back
[Jago] vn
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Vns!!!!!
[dF-blitzed`zar] tx
[dF-OrangE] ns
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I wouldn't say "more competitive" either, I'd say different, but not better or worse
[Sensei`hcp] yeah, a2b rules were on point.
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It depends what you like really
[dF-OrangE] komo i saw that you were talking about the wooting kb on tus somewhere. did you try it?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oh wow VNS
[Jago] thx!
[Sensei`hcp] gj jago
[CKC`Komito`a2a] These guys going at it such a slugfest!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] OrangE - I have it!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I done a full unboxing, setup and review of it
[dF-OrangE] how is it?
[dF-OrangE] oh really?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It's amazing
[dF-OrangE] on yt?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Stupidly OP
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yeah Twitch/YouTube
[dF-OrangE] yeah it intrigues me
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Posted on TUS about it too
[dF-OrangE] link on snoop pls
[Sensei`hcp] what's the score here?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 1:0 Jago
[Sensei`hcp] and this is dibz's pick?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Ok, I PM'd you the link
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yes, blitzed pick
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Jago has next pick
[dF-OrangE] thanks komo
[Jago] granade wars
[dF-OrangE] ill watch that later
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It's a great keyboard, but small and expensive so not for everyone
[CKC`Komito`a2a] However, the other one that I reviewed already has a few new WA customers
[Jago] seems nice
[Jago] aw
[CKC`Komito`a2a] The Keychron V3 QMK with Baby Kangaroo Switches
[CKC`Komito`a2a] while I was doing the unboxing and review, oldsock literally bought it
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Then free bought one the following week
[dF-OrangE] lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] And needless to say, both are very happy with it :-)
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Especially oldsock!
[dF-OrangE] meanwhile mablak uses a super old one and still owns every1
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yeah but he even said he would have chosen this if it was available then
[Jago] vn
[dF-OrangE] ns
[CKC`Komito`a2a] He only sticks with his old one because it's unique and what he's used to
[dF-blitzed`zar] t
[CKC`Komito`a2a] VNS!!!
[dF-OrangE] i believe in comebacks
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Could be 1:1 if Jago can't close it!
[Sensei`hcp] brown switches! <3
[dF-OrangE] i almost did one today
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yeah oldsock and myself ordered the V3 with brown switches, free went with the reds
[Sensei`hcp] Free failed!
[Sensei`hcp] ns
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Not much of a difference, it's mostly audio you notice the difference
[dF-OrangE] nssss
[CKC`Komito`a2a] OMFG
[CKC`Komito`a2a] What a shot!!!!!!
[dF-blitzed`zar] t
[Jago] gg
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Man, AoA is definitely bringing out the artillery masters this year!
[Sensei`hcp] There's lot of difference.. If we're talking about cherry, for example
[dF-blitzed`zar] vn
[dF-OrangE] gg
[CKC`Komito`a2a] And what a return!
[dF-blitzed`zar] gg
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Man what a game!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] very nice !
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Gg
[Sensei`hcp] gg. vns
[dF-blitzed`zar] brb 1 min

[Jago] h F
[CKC`Komito`a2a] How heavy your hands are, the way you type, how you tap etc
[dF-blitzed`zar] hf
[dF-OrangE] u can have wasd with black switches and all the rest with brown if you want
[dF-OrangE] or whatever switch you desire
[dF-OrangE] on any key you desire
[Jago] h F
[dF-OrangE] just pop them up like keycaps
[dF-OrangE] and replace
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Even my wooting 60HE with 0.4mm actuation point and 0.1mm reset trigger it wasn't too sensitive for me
[Jago] Phew
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It made everything even faster
[Jago] oh no
[dF-OrangE] thats why i like the 6gv2 over the glorious
[dF-OrangE] black switches are sensitive and fast
[dF-blitzed`zar] o.o
[Jago] ae
[dF-blitzed`zar] i have 6gv2
[dF-blitzed`zar] its ok. i use c maybe i should use space.
[dF-OrangE] i put it in a closet because i got the new kb but now i took it out again for roping
[dF-OrangE] feels a bit better than brown switches imho
[Jago] aw
[dF-OrangE] plus i can rape the spacebar since i already have another kb haha
[dF-blitzed`zar] is there a way i can find out which switch it has? idk i think black
[Sensei`hcp] made an event! hope you get some views from wa discord
[dF-OrangE] black
[dF-OrangE] 6gv2 has black
[dF-OrangE] wow
[dF-blitzed`zar] oh
[Sensei`hcp] 6gv2.. is that steelseries?
[dF-blitzed`zar] it such a simple kb
[dF-OrangE] yes
[dF-blitzed`zar] yes
[Sensei`hcp] ryan used that right?
[dF-blitzed`zar] ya
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 6gv2
[dF-OrangE] super simple and sturdy kb
[Jago] ops
[dF-OrangE] served me well for 5 years
[Sensei`hcp] sick ttrr player
[dF-OrangE] and still perfect
[Jago] not was a plan
[Sensei`hcp] I'm using Cherry 1.0 atm.
[dF-OrangE] sbaffo also has 6gv2
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Not familiar with that
[Sensei`hcp] It's cherry's keyboard.. same company that's making switches.
[Sensei`hcp] I also didn't know they produce kbs.
[CKC`Komito`a2a] nice
[Jago] ><
[CKC`Komito`a2a] ooo
[Sensei`hcp] best deal ever was buying a speedlink velator mech kb..
[Sensei`hcp] Bought it for 10$ from some austrian store where i bought cherry 1.0
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Nice
[Jago] ty
[dF-blitzed`zar] n1
[Sensei`hcp] speedlink velator is now like 80$.. Such a sturdy keyboard.. Can't believe that store had it for 10.
[dF-OrangE] jago is a magician with those bounces
[Jago] ah Chris!
[Jago] ii don't saw him ><
[dF-OrangE] ohhhh ntt
[CKC`Komito`a2a] ns
[Jago] t
[Jago] ops
[Jago] uff nt
[Sensei`hcp] 34?
[Sensei`hcp] is it power 4 or something
[CKC`Komito`a2a] lol
[Jago] Risky...
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oh he gets it!
[Jago] :D
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Babe Ruth
[dF-blitzed`zar] I forgot it random
[dF-blitzed`zar] ?
[Jago] omfg
[dF-blitzed`zar] eep
[CKC`Komito`a2a] gj
[Jago] ok not dead
[Sensei`hcp] wow.
[Jago] xD
[CKC`Komito`a2a] i mean bl
[CKC`Komito`a2a] nt
[dF-blitzed`zar] t
[CKC`Komito`a2a] blitzed really needed that one
[CKC`Komito`a2a] alive!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] ns
[dF-blitzed`zar] tx
[CKC`Komito`a2a] oh
[CKC`Komito`a2a] ns
[Jago] :)
[Sensei`hcp] worms meetup, when?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] We're organizing a little meetup at my house lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Dario, M3ntal, Chicken23
[Sensei`hcp] oh really? THat's nice!
[Sensei`hcp] Drop some pics
[Sensei`hcp] Dario living in uk?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yeah, not sure when though
[CKC`Komito`a2a] He's in France
[CKC`Komito`a2a] He came over and visited Chicken23 last year
[CKC`Komito`a2a] They invited me but was bad timing
[Jago] omgh
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oh wow
[Sensei`hcp] Darios was quite active 1-2 yrs ago
[CKC`Komito`a2a] LOL
[CKC`Komito`a2a] The plop though
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Vbl man
[Sensei`hcp] great maps!
[Jago] ^^'
[CKC`Komito`a2a] ns
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Omfg
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Vns blitzed
[Jago] n push
[dF-blitzed`zar] kinda
[CKC`Komito`a2a] That could potentially be dangerous
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oh their turn next!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] OMG
[Jago] aw
[Jago] so dreamer shot there
[Jago] o O
[dF-blitzed`zar] xD
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oops
[CKC`Komito`a2a] lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[Sensei`hcp] what's up with "their", komo?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Because it was their turn next lol
[Sensei`hcp] Is that a respectable way to talk nowadays or? I've noticed couple of times you said "their" on tus
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Eh?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] What are you on about lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It was their turn next so I said it's their turn next lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] What's wrong with that
[Sensei`hcp] Their for singular?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] The worm, it was their turn next
[dF-OrangE] their is gender neutral
[Sensei`hcp] English is not my native. Don't know am i missing some gramatical stuff or it's something new and woke that didn't catch me yet :)
[dF-OrangE] it not new
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Nothing about gender it's just a word you use to describe something belonging to someone else
[CKC`Komito`a2a] "their"
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Because it was THEIR turn
[dF-OrangE] it was his turn
[dF-OrangE] it was their turn
[dF-OrangE] their can be used instead of his
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I mean
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It's a worm we're talking about lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Not a person
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Not a human
[dF-OrangE] yeah a humanized worm
[dF-OrangE] it speaks and has hands
[dF-OrangE] xD
[Sensei`hcp] Copy that.. I saw Komo use their couple of times instead of his.. When not talking about worms but people.. So it got me confused
[Jago] hm}
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I don't know what's confusing lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] You know what "their" means yeah?
[dF-OrangE] novadays people use their instead of his / her to not assume gender
[CKC`Komito`a2a] OMFG
[Jago] omfg
[dF-OrangE] but referring to worms
[Jago] vns
[CKC`Komito`a2a] What a shot!!!!!!!!!!!
[dF-OrangE] its normal
[dF-blitzed`zar] thx
[dF-OrangE] ns
[Sensei`hcp] Yeah, that's what I'm talking about Orange haha...
[CKC`Komito`a2a] That was ridiculous lol
[Sensei`hcp] But didn't yet see it in WA community until few days ago
[dF-OrangE] maybe u didnt notice
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I mean, the word "their" has existed in the English vocabulary for way longer than I've been alive lol
[Sensei`hcp] Might be
[dF-OrangE] but its correct english
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It's never inherently meant anything to do with gender stuff
[Jago] gg
[dF-OrangE] ns
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Vns, gg!
[Sensei`hcp] ms
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 2:1
[dF-OrangE] gg
[dF-blitzed`zar] gg
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Gj blitzed
[dF-blitzed`zar] t
[CKC`Komito`a2a] So...
[Sensei`hcp] still didn't get to bed -.-
[dF-blitzed`zar] 1 min pls
[Sensei`hcp] AERIAL!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] blitzed pitck

[Jago] h F
[Sensei`hcp] miss tobias!
[Sensei`hcp] hf
[dF-blitzed`zar] hf
CKC`Komito`a2a [Academy of Artillery #2 - Group Stage - blitzed Vs Jago - 4th Round (Hysteria) - Score 2:1 to Jago]
CKC`Komito`a2a [Predictions are now live, who do you think will win, blitzed, Jago, or do you think it'll be a draw? You've got 5 minutes!]
[dF-OrangE] draw is possible?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Very nice tackle!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] YEah it's possible
[CKC`Komito`a2a] There is SD in this scheme
[dF-blitzed`zar] tx
[CKC`Komito`a2a] And always could get grave damage kill on own worm
[dF-OrangE] oh u mean prediction of this game
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Or kill yourself other worm
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yeah
[CKC`Komito`a2a] lOl
[dF-OrangE] thought u meant of the bo5
[dF-OrangE] im rooting for my brother ofc
[Jago] pheW
[dF-OrangE] he'll win, but it will be a close ending
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Who is your brother? BananA?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I want blitzed to win this
[dF-OrangE] that was a terrible joke even for you standards komo
[CKC`Komito`a2a] And see an Aerial decider!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Ahahahah!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I was going to say ApplE at first
[dF-OrangE] my clanmate brotherman blitzed
[CKC`Komito`a2a] :)
[dF-OrangE] now with walrus and sbaffo, with me joining d
[dF-OrangE] dF
[dF-OrangE] and you making moves
[dF-OrangE] clanner situation might improve soon
[Jago] ae
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Nt on mine
[Jago] t
[dF-OrangE] how many active players in dF right now blitzed?
[Jago] dam bad nades there
[Jago] f10 lol
[dF-OrangE] whops
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oops
[Jago] smart
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Gj
[Sensei`hcp] hcp need some active league players
[dF-blitzed`zar] maybe 4 or 5
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Everybody making moves
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I'm looking at other clans too
[dF-OrangE] any scheme dF needs more than others?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] All we need is like 12+ clans, each with 4-5 active members!
[dF-blitzed`zar] good roper is always nice
[dF-blitzed`zar] all round
[dF-OrangE] are u streaming komo?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] ns
[CKC`Komito`a2a] No
[dF-blitzed`zar] t
[dF-OrangE] k
[dF-OrangE] k gotcha blitz
[CKC`Komito`a2a] nt
[Jago] ops
[Jago] bad Tele
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oh here we go!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Nice
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[Jago] *,*
[Sensei`hcp] got orange to play tus yesterday.. today he wants to change a clans scene! gotta love it
[Jago] 21?
[Sensei`hcp] sniper also back..
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Vns
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Damn 2hp!
[Jago] gg
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yeah, the UC guys back too!
[dF-blitzed`zar] gg
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Ns, gg
[CKC`Komito`a2a] OR sorry,
[CKC`Komito`a2a] THEIR back
[CKC`Komito`a2a] ;P
[Sensei`hcp] gg
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 2:"!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 2:2!

[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oh this is going to be a weird Aerial lol
[dF-blitzed`zar] hf
[Jago] not pass
[Sensei`hcp] i love to draw them a bit.. make the map breathe
[Sensei`hcp] before every match
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Usually I do too, but so many complained and prefer random non edited complex maps
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I always prefer edited maps myself
[Sensei`hcp] when sudden death appears in your scheme
[Sensei`hcp] is there one
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yeah
[CKC`Komito`a2a] It's a while before SD in this scheme though
[Jago] ns
[dF-blitzed`zar] t
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[CKC`Komito`a2a] vnt
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Could be anyones match here
[Sensei`hcp] not mine...
[dF-OrangE] shot
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Nice
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Well lol
[Jago] t.
[Sensei`hcp] ns
[Jago] not sure
[Jago] xd
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[dF-OrangE] shot 2
[dF-blitzed`zar] n1
[Jago] :D
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Nice
[dF-blitzed`zar] thnx
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Nice
[dF-OrangE] man..
[dF-OrangE] u just dont miss
[Sensei`hcp] use jet guys...
[Sensei`hcp] theyre OP
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[Jago] t
[CKC`Komito`a2a] BnG is more useful with distance though
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Or rather, versatilew
[Sensei`hcp] sure... but some of those winds were free kill with jet zook
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I notice that though
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Some people prefer usin jetpack to shoot, though some prefer BnG
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Jetpakc shots are easier to hide against though
[Jago] !
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Well, if you actually hide from them xD
[CKC`Komito`a2a] N dig
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oh wow
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Could be Gg here
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Fortunately not the right wind!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Well, fortunate for glitzed
[CKC`Komito`a2a] blitzed*
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oh, n dig though
[CKC`Komito`a2a] N dig
[dF-blitzed`zar] gotta watch where im walkin
[dF-blitzed`zar] ok
[Sensei`hcp] now i recall why went with medium sd when updated the scheme
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Close!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] N open
[dF-blitzed`zar] tx
[Sensei`hcp] why would you prefer boring bo1 compared to fast paced and thrilling bo3.. 18 mins in
[dF-OrangE] its time for business
[Jago] duih
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Depends what you find boring or thrilling lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I prefer being good over being rushed
[Sensei`hcp] fair enough
[CKC`Komito`a2a] But, the better you are, the faster the game could be
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Like you said, they've had previous chances to killshot
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Ns
[Jago] t
[CKC`Komito`a2a] 1s less could have been amazing
[Sensei`hcp] n
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Ns!
[Jago] :)
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Jago found his mojo again!
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Nice!
[dF-blitzed`zar] ta
[Jago] aw
[dF-OrangE] can you have 2 wa sessions open at the same time?
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Yeah
[CKC`Komito`a2a] But not playing
[CKC`Komito`a2a] You can watch multiple games at the same time
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Gj
[Sensei`hcp] isnt it 1 game and multiple replays
[CKC`Komito`a2a] I think so
[dF-OrangE] k
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Nice
[dF-OrangE] cmon blitz
[dF-OrangE] u got this
[Jago] lol
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Oh fkn wow
[dF-OrangE] lmao
[CKC`Komito`a2a] IF the fuse was right on that
[Sensei`hcp] sick
[dF-OrangE] i he hit that i'd uninstall for another 10 years lol
[Jago] gg
[dF-OrangE] gg
[dF-blitzed`zar] ohh
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Vns, gg!
[dF-blitzed`zar] gg
[Sensei`hcp] wp
[Jago] thx
[dF-blitzed`zar] wp ty
[dF-OrangE] wpwp
[Jago] wp to
[CKC`Komito`a2a] Gratz Jago!
[dF-blitzed`zar] ty host :)
[dF-blitzed`zar] komo

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