May 09, 2024, 07:03 AM

Game #210627, reported by Xrayez, Viewed 297 Time(s)

Unlucky Strike
Knockout, Round 1
March 17, 2024, 10:41 PM
Gained 5 points
Saudi Arabia ICB ae ZaR
Lost 5 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
13 - 7
Information Cup name: : #1236: Unlucky Strike
Cup scheme(s):
Game Result: 3:2
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Game Chat(s)
[Borcejn] hf
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] Funs
[Borcejn] gay mode
[schillingerpeti] Na szóval, egy egészen rejtélyes eset történt az egyik tegnapi gépesített nemzeti csapatok ellen játszott csatában. :D
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] eeek
[schillingerpeti] Meccs után adom a linket. :D
[Lupi] aaaah
[Lupi] f@#! me..
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ow
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[Lupi] was risky :D yep
[Gabor] oké
[Lupi] should practise the bungee knocks in bungee shoppers :W
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xD
[Lupi] xd gj too <3
[schillingerpeti] Lupinak mutattam, X se teljesen érti. :D
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae <3
[schillingerpeti] Vagy lelXjem a poént? Á, inkább nem teszem
[schillingerpeti] Enjoy, Adny
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ae
[Lupi] phew
[Lupi] ;3
[Lupi] just give Lupi 1 more shot and he'll show anything how its done
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :O
[Lupi] woah xd
[Lupi] gj : P
[Lupi] goal
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae : P
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] eek
[Lupi] gj in time
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae xd
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ooo
[schillingerpeti] Link bekészítve.
[Lupi] ^.-
[Lupi] hehe nice kick
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] woah
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] almost touched the ground
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :d
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :O
[Lupi] lets say that worthed it (:
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] bl granny troll :c umu
[schillingerpeti] Mondtam már, hogy anyósokkal vigyázz, Lupi?
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] perfect
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :3
[schillingerpeti] A legváratlanabb hùzásokra képesek. :P
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ae
[Lupi] ow..
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] hmm
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] damn so close
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ooo
[Lupi] uff :c
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] gg
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] uwu
[Lupi] gg ^^

[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] Funs
[Lupi] enjoy gl
[schillingerpeti] Enjoy
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] weee
[schillingerpeti] Hát a vezírnek annyiX
[Lupi] orbánnal is legyen így :P
[Lupi] X is vezér
[Lupi] a felcsùti khan
[schillingerpeti] Nem megölni kell........
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] lel
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[Lupi] uww
[Lupi] was not so beneficial :W
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :W
[Lupi] grenade pls!
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] vip pls :3
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ah
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] yes!
[Lupi] aaargh ><
[Lupi] I had good chances now, but not anymore :R
[schillingerpeti] Hanem cserélni......... kapjon X havi 80 ezres nyugdíjat, a nép meg milliárdokat. Tudja csak meg, mit jelent az, hogy elsejétXl elsejéig számolgatni, hogy a csekkek föladása után étel vagy medicina.
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :R
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] bad hide for me
[Lupi] igazad van c: és nem csak X, hanem minden ismerXse/rokona/b
[Lupi] bXnrészese
[Lupi] bár én 80ezres nyugdijat se adnék neki :D
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] lel ><
[Lupi] ty open <3
[schillingerpeti] Tudod, félX, ha megpusztul, akkor megindul az ördögök migrációja a pokolból.
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] uwu
[schillingerpeti] :D
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] owie
[schillingerpeti] Apropó.......
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] down uwu
[Lupi] +2 hp fd
[Lupi] vn!
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :P
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae
[schillingerpeti] Holnap lehet, olyan összetétel alakul a szerb csapatnál, hogy ajjaj........ :D (Ennyi nX egy rakáson....... :D)
[Lupi] phew
[Lupi] barely reached
[Lupi] oh no
[Lupi] xD
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] omg!
[Lupi] haha
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] OMG
[Lupi] cheeky mine :G gj
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :D
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae :G
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] weee
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] noice
[Lupi] t ^^
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] uh oh
[Lupi] nice hide
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae
[Lupi] uwu
[schillingerpeti] Gondold el, Lupi......... A jelenleg a mindenkori miniszterelnök pozícióján (negyedik hely) levX Ana Brnabity felfelé "bukik", és házelnök lesz, a harmadik helyen lehet, marad Kovács Elvira, mint parlamenti alelnök, a híradósokról meg nem is beszélve (hatodik, hetedik, nyolcadik
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] owo
[Lupi] oh damn..
[schillingerpeti] pozíció)
[Lupi] u escaped from next to me now xd
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[Gabor] eszméletlen
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tickle
[Lupi] x$
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ah
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] not him ><
[Lupi] if I dont win this now
[Lupi] I might as well just suck my own ballz
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] uwu
[schillingerpeti] Mennyit kell nyerjen az egyik fél?
[Lupi] bo5, first to 3 wins
[schillingerpeti] Akkor meg pláne ne add fel.
[Gabor] nem ùgy fest mint aki fel akarja adni XD
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ah
[Lupi] nem biza, csak olyan nXi megérzésem van hogy leszsek annyira balszerencsés a végére h ezt se nyerem meg =D
[schillingerpeti] Volt egy helybeli riválisom, és egyszer náluk játszottam. A srác vezetett 4:0-ra, aztán a végén mégis én nevettem: 5:4 lett nekem. :P
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] gj uwu
[Lupi] t :3
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] phew
[schillingerpeti] Sose felejtem el: volt idXszak, amikor nem tudtam, hogyan irányítsam egyetlen kézzel a szuper- és a bugybugy birkát. És a srác állandóan azzal ölt. :P
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :R
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ah f@#! xD
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] gg
[Lupi] gg (:
[Gabor] gg
[schillingerpeti] Marcika már meg nyaggat, hogy menjek Ultimate Mayhemezni

[Lupi] enjoy
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] Funs
[schillingerpeti] Enjoy.
[Lupi] a bugybugybirka az egyébként az aqua sheep akar lenni?
[Lupi] kedves Péter.................
[schillingerpeti] Hajrá, Lupi! Most nyerj, mert a kupán robbanni fog a görbe. :D
[schillingerpeti] Gratulálok.
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] eeek
[schillingerpeti] Ja, és az SRB-HR-SLO hármas nem ismer kegyelmet. :D
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ooo
[Lupi] gj : )
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae : )
[Gabor] srácok én lépek
[Gabor] hajrá Lup
[Gabor] jóéjt
[schillingerpeti] És pontosan. Nem vagy te hülye. Amùgy ez már régi név, még a Wormnet elXtt adtam.
[Lupi] jóéjt, köszi (:
[schillingerpeti] Neked is, Gábor
[schillingerpeti] Videót megnézd
[Gabor] ok
[Lupi] weeee ^.-
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] -.^
[schillingerpeti] Már csak a seprX hiányzott. :D
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ooo
[Lupi] AwA
[Lupi] nice hiding x3
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] uwu
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] eeek
[Lupi] gj (:
[Lupi] torch my ass daddy
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] owo
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae
[Lupi] we're getting pretty few crates in this round
[Lupi] which is good for me c:
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] uwu
[Lupi] btw Adny a few cup laters me and Kirill have a cup idea which will include "only crates" scheme too
[schillingerpeti] Hát azt látom, a posta Adnynak szurkol. :P
[Lupi] and other schemes too :W as you wanted
[Lupi] not just -only crates scheme, but its gonna be pickable
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :W kewl
[schillingerpeti] Only crates = csak ládák.......... De mi van bennük?
[Lupi] aaah xd
[Lupi] f@#!
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ooo
[Lupi] olyan mint egy kaos séma Peti
[Lupi] elég hasonló a kaoshoz
[schillingerpeti] Ooooh........
[Lupi] phew
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] hmm
[schillingerpeti] Ezt lehet egyszer megnézném.
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] crazy turn xd
[schillingerpeti] Hátha tetszene a nyolcaknak. :P
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] !!!
[Lupi] close x$
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] pls mail strike
[Lupi] sink mail!
[Lupi] omg no way ><
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ahh!
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] LOL
[schillingerpeti] Amùgy lélekben már készülök a "majomparádéra" (bocsesz a kifejezésért) :D
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] eek
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] 15
[Lupi] yep ;c
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ;c
[schillingerpeti] Jön a postás
[Lupi] and u can even do some destroying with it before it goes down
[Lupi] :X
[schillingerpeti] Át ne vedd a levelet. :D
[Lupi] now im kinda f@#!ed in this round
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] hmm not sure
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] looks 50/50
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[Lupi] we'll see : > I was leading a lot so u made a nice comeback already
[schillingerpeti] Szoros...........
[schillingerpeti] Én már veszítettem volna.
[Lupi] omg!
[Lupi] epic :3
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] !!!
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :3
[Lupi] phew..
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] fack xd
[Lupi] gg : ]
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] gg
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] : ]

[Lupi] enjoyz
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] Funs
[schillingerpeti] Én most beszüntetem a kommentálást.
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ah
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[Lupi] nt tho
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae
[Lupi] nowhere is safe on this goddamn map :X
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] uuu
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] achtually
[Lupi] hehe yes :R
[Lupi] vgj (:
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :3
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae
[Lupi] uwuuuuu
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] owo
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] vgj
[Lupi] t x$
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] fack
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xD
[Lupi] hard retreat yeah
[Lupi] hmm T_T
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] eek
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] don't hide with barrels :W
[Lupi] nowhere else is safer either :X
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :X
[Lupi] 33
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :Q
[Lupi] OMG
[Lupi] xD
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] omg
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[Lupi] the worst granny herding ever...
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] oh no
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] it's him!
[Lupi] nooo
[Lupi] :C xd
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[Lupi] was trying to avoid that..
[Lupi] risky
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] gj :3
[Lupi] t (:
[Lupi] Peti doesnt like ropeknocks but im sure he enjoyed to see this :3
[Lupi] ropeknocking is his kryptonite
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] 35
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] less
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] uuu is that so peti? :]
[schillingerpeti] Well......
[schillingerpeti] Lupi said my private opinion about rope knocking
[Lupi] its private, not public? :p
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] lel
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] dat hole
[schillingerpeti] Mit is mondtál?
[schillingerpeti] Nem értem azt a kifejezést
[Lupi] kryptonite azt jelenti hogy ami a gyengeséged
[Lupi] pl akhilleusznak a sarka
[Lupi] now im relly f@#!ed :X
[schillingerpeti] Lupi...... I hope, you know what I meant.
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :X
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] eh
[schillingerpeti] You don't have to be agree my opinion about rope knocking.
[Lupi] kill us!
[Lupi] de attól még igaz amit írtam, nem? :P
[Lupi] hogy nem szereted
[Lupi] viszont szép volt a lökésem
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] uwu
[Lupi] now I need to e-mail you to death before you cream me ~
[schillingerpeti] And Adny, as you know, I'm a disabled guy, I only can use my left hand, so I can play with restrictions, and yes, I'm very sensitive to my condition and tricks, I can't do because of it.
[schillingerpeti] Szép volt.
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] eww
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] x
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ah ok peti!
[schillingerpeti] De én nem akarom növelni a nyomást rajtad
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] bazooka pls
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ow ;c
[Lupi] ropeknocking is not a trick, I know you can do it too btw x3
[Lupi] you just dont want to ^.-
[Lupi] thats why im saying its your kryptonite
[Lupi] ah f@#!
[schillingerpeti] Valahogy érzem, elég nyomás van rajtad most
[Lupi] cant kill nade with this wind
[Lupi] no wind plz
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] phew
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] yikes
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] almost fall damage xd
[schillingerpeti] Remélem, lesz egyszer alkalmunk játszani ùgy, hogy személyesen találkozunk.
[Lupi] xO
[Lupi] grrr close
[schillingerpeti] És akkor látni is fogod, hogy végzem a tevékenységet.
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] !!!
[schillingerpeti] Mert most annyi információd van, amennyit én leírok.
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] eh
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] no idea why i hide here
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[Lupi] WHAT
[Lupi] OMG
[Lupi] xDDD
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] !!!!
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] LOL
[Lupi] awe x$ gg
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] gg
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] x$
[schillingerpeti] De amùgy igen, nem szeretem a lökést, mert én a másikat ellenfélnek tekintem, nem ellenségnek, és nem vagyok a tisztességtelenség híve.

[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] Funs
[schillingerpeti] Enjoy
[Lupi] enjoy ^^
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ah bad idea
[Lupi] may I
[Lupi] sir
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] you may
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] i consent uwu
[Lupi] x3 uwu
[Lupi] ah
[Lupi] bad
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] uuu
[Lupi] heh x$
[Lupi] fastest open ever
[Lupi] xd
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] oih no
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xd
[schillingerpeti] Ez hanyadik elXdöntX? ElsX?
[Lupi] bizony
[Lupi] a másik elXdöntX zalo vs XY lesz
[Lupi] vagy Saint vagy Jago
[schillingerpeti] Utóbbit kívánom.
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ah
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] i f@#!ed up
[schillingerpeti] Spanyolajkùak csatája.
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :c xd
[schillingerpeti] :D
[Lupi] Zalo lengyel, de errXl régebben is beszéltünk már :p
[Lupi] csak a mexikói zászló van neki kint
[schillingerpeti] Jaj, tényleg, bocsesz
[Lupi] Jago valóban mexikói
[Lupi] stay there dont open :3 <3
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] uwu
[schillingerpeti] Még meg is róttál amiatt, hogy nem írtam neki lengyelül.
[Lupi] bizony :P látod
[Lupi] owo
[schillingerpeti] Amùgy '10-ben voltam Lengyelben, és hát elég kellemetlen tapasztalatom van kommunikáció terén.
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] eeek
[Lupi] if u give it FD it can die
[schillingerpeti] Ja, és vettem egy kezdXk lengyel nyelvkönyvét, és rohadt nehéznek találtam. Már csak olvasás szintjén is.
[Lupi] nice push
[Lupi] ><
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae uwu
[Lupi] omggg
[Lupi] haha :D vn
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] OMFG
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :D
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] it works!
[Lupi] very long time since I saw this
[Lupi] 90 hp oO wtf xd
[Lupi] highlight
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] lmao
[Lupi] it was 3x punch right? 3x30
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] yeah
[Lupi] láttad Péter?
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] 4 or 5 is possible
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] but rare
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] possible too*
[schillingerpeti] Nem, de megnézem majd a visszajátszót.
[Lupi] phew
[Lupi] would be nice if that was a gamewinning move
[Lupi] for you
[Lupi] but lets see :p
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] fack
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] xxd
[schillingerpeti] Apropo..... Grenade......
[Lupi] phew ok no more health
[Lupi] good for me x$
[schillingerpeti] I gave a link in the lobby, check it, Adny
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] !!!
[Lupi] ahaha
[Lupi] goal
[schillingerpeti] Mondtam, Adnynak, nézze meg azt a bizonyos videót.
[schillingerpeti] Azóta se jöttél rá, mi volt az a trükk, ugye? Pedig nem csináltam én semmit. :P
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ok peti
[Lupi] uziii
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] hmm close to mine
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] :W
[Lupi] awe
[Lupi] x$
[Lupi] noooo
[Lupi] f@#! OFF WA
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] hmm
[Lupi] xD I hope u dont have rope :c
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] pls no wind
[Lupi] hmm I would have tried to torch onto the crate
[Lupi] if I were you : >
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ah
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] ggs
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] uwu
[Lupi] ggz :3
[Lupi] wp
[`Mega`Adnan-ICB`] tae

Author Topic: Game #210627, reported by Xrayez  (Read 165 times)

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Game #210627, reported by Xrayez
« on: March 16, 2024, 11:18 PM »
this gotta be one of the worst and stupidest scheme idea I have ever seen oO : D and its even 2 good players doing it. like what was the point of this. yeah you can do very rarely a nice bouncy lucky grenade shot like 1 time of a million but if you check just the first 5-10 minutes.. this gameplay is awful

Offline TheKomodo

Re: Game #210627, reported by Xrayez
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2024, 11:55 PM »
It's a great scheme, they just suck at it lol. You're one of the worst players I have ever seen but whatever, each to their own lol.

When TUS was TUT, we hosted Tournaments, and the vast majority of the CF clan loved it.

It's pretty much like roper, but with jetpack, it does require a lot of skill with grenades.

Though, it's a scheme that requires a specific map design, and the crates can be lame, those 2 things kind of ruined the scheme.

Edit - Oh, and I'll admit, most of the maps even I made, actually suck... There were 2 of the maps in the entire pack I made which are good, the rest are too basic and easy.