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File #1804, My Worms: Reloaded .xom Speechbanks


Edoardo Moretti:
Thewolensheep already did a work on this: he exported the speechs in from .xom to .wav files.
If those contains other or new speechs maybe he could help you.

Those are custom speech for the game Worms Reloaded.


--- Quote from: Edoardo Moretti on June 19, 2019, 11:59 AM ---Thewolensheep already did a work on this: he exported the speechs in from .xom to .wav files.
If those contains other or new speechs maybe he could help you.

--- End quote ---

Reason why I did this is because my Windows 10 computer is acting up and slowing down, had to do a factory settings to fix the problem.

List all the cool speech banks within every pack.

Are Morshu and The King Harkanian Custom Reloaded Speechbank in there too.


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