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File #2492, Project Worms Armageddon WormTubers Flags Pack 9


by who? one should always get a detailed explanation of who did it exactly

Edoardo Moretti:

--- Quote from: TheMadCharles on March 24, 2022, 08:06 PM ---by who? one should always get a detailed explanation of who did it exactly

--- End quote ---
By Google or that pe*****ile of Susan (The INCOMPETENT CEO of YouTube).

In the Past YouTube forced me to remove the links to the YT channels, then they blocked my work a few times...and now just got a "Cease and Desist" from them.

But an another trouble with Google happened yesterday: Google Play is FORCING me to play the "Raid Shadow Legends but bad" Hero Wars, I've asked via email to stop it, but they said:

 "We don't see why we have to stop it. Hero Wars is one of the greatest game of all times and it's better than any other game so please uninstall what are you play and download and play Hero Wars, thank you."*

Ladies and Gentlemen, Google's TRIPLE standards and love of misleading ads and Elsagate videos.
I'm just sad and crushed now... :(

*A shorted and simplified version of what Google said

with all due respect, i don't speak in cringe


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