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Author Topic: Official Kaos league Season 1  (Read 10921 times)

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Offline Hurz

« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2014, 01:57 AM »
how bout stockpiling btw?

Offline tita

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« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2014, 02:40 AM »
i'm in.

i'm tita but everybody call me Mr rola

Offline Dream Trance

« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2014, 12:52 PM »
how bout stockpiling btw?

You mean what about stockpiling if the game crashes? If it's this you ask then unfortunately weapon count is lost then as we all know there is no resume from crashed state mode invented.

Another info:

I want to also implement the interesting "performance point system" (new cool feature never before implemented in the kaos events) awarding achievements from the gameplay (it will be described in a few days in detail). You would get points for multikills, for survivor worms after winning a round, for fast winning under 15 minutes, for collecting 100 crates + within a round and some more cool achievements. This all would be just observed by me during a live-game that's why I wanted to host all, for making it convenient.

We have 8th player - Tita, that is when the time comes to post scheme details.

The scheme will be classic kaos as we all know, although I tweaked some options which were a bit unstable to add more professionalism for the official event needs.

The scheme will be named Kaos Resurrection and will be played at 3 victories. Normally in smaller cups and one-evening tournaments it's played at 2 victories, but this way the winner is more deserved and the luck factor is decreased to the very minimum.

The cratefall probabilities are changed from 100% each type to:

- weapon crates 100%
- utility crates 80%
- health crates 60%

Probabilities of weapons are unified and super weapons will come rare (rarely than usual to increase "pro" factor).

Scheme will have corrected Donkey slot (it won't appear as infinite, and will be locked in the crates), also Sheep Strike won't be available in crates). Every other weapon except of the obvious (Bungee, Skip Go and Surrender that come infinite) and the ones that control kaos rubberworm commands (Earthquake, Nuclear Test, Armageddon - which were ruining gameplay anyway) aren't also appearing in crates.

Utility probability setting is altered by kaosmod4 setting.

kaosmod4 (no Damage*2 & Crate Shower)

Fast Walk (25%)
Laser Sight (25%)
Low Gravity (20%)
Crate Spy (10%)
Jet Pack (10%)
Double Time (5%)
Invisibility (5%)
Crate Shower (0%)
Damage*2 (0%)

Damage*2 is off to add even more professionalism to the scheme.
Crate Shower is off due to make collecting of the crates harder also to make it even more professional.

"Sheep in crates" mode is turned off. This was sometimes used to make sheeps jumping out of destroyed weapon crates for extra damage. Now only the actual attack damage will matter.

Flame limit is extended to maximum possible to make Petrol Bomb use even more nasty.

The full scheme specification is listed below:

Wins Required: 3
Turns Length: 60 Seconds, no Retreat Time, no Hotseat Delay
Moving Order: Worm Select
Starting Energy: 200
Initial Weapons: Infinite Bungee
Stockpiling: Yes
Sudden Death:    No
Land Objects: No although map complexity should be set to maximum (10 setting in map-menu)
Fall Damage: Yes

a] Crate types probabilities

Weapon Crates: 100
Utility Crates: 80
Health Crates: 60

b] Crate settings

Weapons Power: Default
Utilities Power:    Default
Health Crate Value: 100

c] Rubberworm commands

sdet (shot doesn't end turn mode)
ldet (loss-of-control doesn't end turn mode)
fdpt (firing doesn't pause timer)
flamelimit25500 (maximum amount of 25500 weapon-generated flames on map, also allows Napalm Strike not to make Petrol Bomb fire dissapear)
craterate10 (maximum of 10 crates falling on terrain each turn - approximately 6-7 in reality)
cratelimit50 (maximum of 50 crates allowed on map at a time)
kaosmod4 (command altering utilities probabilities, fully explained above)
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 01:01 PM by Dream Trance »

Offline Dream Trance

« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2014, 06:26 PM »
Just to sharpen your appetite for incoming kaos event I decided to post this new feature that make it even more interesting, share ideas, tell what you think about it. Maybe it will attract more players.

This point system formula though requires me to host all games even more than I thought it will, but it's quite cool in my opinion.


This interesting system was carefully prepared and balanced and allows to enhance the worth of kaos event experience, it also motivates to increase the level of both skillful and tactical gameplay on kaos scheme.

The so called "global score" will consist of:

- so called "basic points" that will rank you in the league / championship format event (depending on a format that will be played)

- so called "performance points" that will show how skilled player you are in general at this scheme and will add to your global earnings in the long term

Global scoring can be also altered by penalty points described at the bottom of this section.


You will get so called "basic points" directly for results of your games

3-0 = 8 points
3-1 = 6 points
3-2 = 4 points
2-3 = 1 point

Penalty points

1-3 = (-1) point
0-3 = (-3) points


You will get so called "performance points" for achievements you manage to accomplish in your games.


Awards applied DURING a round

Multikill combos awards:

4 points for each 4 kill combo per turn performed in a game

5 points for each 5 kill combo per turn performed in a game

6 points for each 6 kill combo per turn performed in a game

7 points for each 7 kill combo per turn performed in a game

8 points for each 8 kill combo per turn performed in a game

Ultimate killer award:

20 points for killing all 8 enemy worms in 1st turn of the round without losing all own worms (winning round directly).

Collector awards:

2 points for collecting at least 100 crates in one round.

If another player also collects at least 100 crates - noone will receive points.

Map cleaning award:

1 point for collecting / destroying ALL crates by the turn-time end.

Awards applied AFTER each round

Fast win awards:

3 points for winning a round lasting 10:01 - 15:00 minutes

5 points for winning a round lasting 5:01 - 10:00 minutes

7 points for winning a round lasting 5:00 minutes or less

Tactical (as well as unfortunate accidental) surrenderings also qualify for this award for the winning player, depending on an elapsed round-time.

Survivors award:

1 point for each survivor worm in won rounds.

These are your point awards to be earned, but when there are awards, there are also some penalties.

You will get these penalty points that will affect your so called "global score" if you commit violations below:


Apart from match score penalty points (explained above) there are some penalties concerning crashing and organisational issues.

Crashing penalty

5 point penalty for a player who causes a crash (determined while playing your game on my host or with spectator when playing game vs me).

No response penalty

1 point penalty if a player does not react within 24 hours for a game arrangement request initiated by me (these can be expected not more than once a day per player).

1 additional penalty point for each 24 hours passed without reaction (don't have to be a game played but at least some game-arrangement).

Note that you will not achieve any game-arrangement request from me if you're active with arranging games on your own and / or playing often. So if for example someone has 6 games played in 3 days won't get any reminder for the next 3 days no matter the schedule (although such player can arrange more games anyway).

Unplayed games penalties

3 penalty points for each unplayed game (but 1 penalty point for players which wanted to play, but their opponent refused despite arrangement tries for the whole season).

This refers to the full game-list schedule that will be created when the event starts, consists of 2 games vs each player in the tour (for example 22 games per player if 12 players compete = 2 x 11 games - vs all 11 opponents).


Reading all this...

Just so you see how many points you can grab from all games (example shows that if there are 22 games and you are mighty enough to win all of them 3-0, which is almost impossible, but theoretically possible, you can get 176 points just for this, not to mention performance points, and play-off stage. Imagine what size can the money prize have, all is altered by the 2nd best player performance though.

As you can see everything depends on the amount of players (the more, the better) and your constant activity.


I will reveal more remaining necessary info in the coming days (until the end of this week all will be posted), so its ready for exchanging ideas and final organisation. I hope some more players will join by that time :)

Stay tuned!
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 06:37 PM by Dream Trance »

Offline Dream Trance

« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2014, 12:31 PM »
I guess that's it, no more activity in recent time, so we're about to start with 8 people.

That equals 56 total games to be played, 14 games per person (if you want 2 months for that that's 1 game per person each and every 4 days approximately, 1 game overall per day in general - meaning no problems for me to host all. If you want this to be completed in 1 month, activity should be doubled (2 games per day overall, 1 game per 2 days per person approximately).

If you want we can start on Monday 27th October or wait for some more until Saturday November 1st.

I'll post some final infos later today or tomorrow and I guess it's all set.

Offline Hussar

« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2014, 12:43 PM »
Am looking forward for this. Thats low activity shows that ppl just dont know kaos or it is all about rubberworm.

Offline Hurz

« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2014, 01:20 PM »
im not sure i can do 1 game per day since im working in shifts and usually i cant play in early shift weeks.

Offline Dream Trance

« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2014, 02:59 PM »
im not sure i can do 1 game per day since im working in shifts and usually i cant play in early shift weeks.

That's 1 game every 4 days approximately per certain player mate, as there are 14 to be played per person per this season if we decide on 2 months season.

1 game per day is overall approximity (by any player).

And that's just the average, so if we are all active it can be completed in 1 month (and we can have another season with even more players since this one is completed - if it will gain popularity).

So pm me or write here if you want to start the league beginning from monday since 0:00 GMT or wait for additional players and to play it in 1st November - 21st December (with 10 last days of the December) for playoffs (or just the final and 3rd place match without playoffs if we are only 8) or just in November (until 20 something November) so next season can be started in December, it's all about activity and your will.

Offline Dream Trance

« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2014, 03:52 PM »
I also prepared this little something for your convenience.

It can reappear from time to time filling with scores as games will be played - along with current standing table (once a day if games will be frequently played).

The currently complete list of games with 8 players participating (if more players will sign this will expand obviously):

The list comes in an alphabetical order, the actual order of games to be played is random.

The pm reminder can ONLY come for those who have not requested me to host a game for them for 4 days in a row (when 2 months season).

Game 1: Alien vs Berria
Game 2: Alien vs DreamTrance
Game 3: Alien vs Hurz
Game 4: Alien vs Impossible
Game 5: Alien vs LeTotalKiller
Game 6: Alien vs phillie
Game 7: Alien vs titahemp
Game 8: Berria vs Alien
Game 9: Berria vs DreamTrance
Game 10: Berria vs Hurz
Game 11: Berria vs Impossible
Game 12: Berria vs LeTotalKiller
Game 13: Berria vs phillie
Game 14: Berria vs titahemp
Game 15: DreamTrance vs Alien
Game 16: DreamTrance vs Berria
Game 17: DreamTrance vs Hurz
Game 18: DreamTrance vs Impossible
Game 19: DreamTrance vs LeTotalKiller
Game 20: DreamTrance vs phillie
Game 21: DreamTrance vs titahemp
Game 22: Hurz   vs Alien
Game 23: Hurz   vs Berria
Game 24: Hurz   vs DreamTrance
Game 25: Hurz   vs Impossible
Game 26: Hurz   vs LeTotalKiller
Game 27: Hurz   vs phillie
Game 28: Hurz   vs titahemp
Game 29: Impossible vs Alien
Game 30: Impossible vs Berria
Game 31: Impossible vs DreamTrance
Game 32: Impossible vs Hurz
Game 33: Impossible vs LeTotalKiller
Game 34: Impossible vs phillie
Game 35: Impossible vs titahemp
Game 36: LeTotalKiller vs   Alien
Game 37: LeTotalKiller vs   Berria
Game 38: LeTotalKiller vs   DreamTrance
Game 39: LeTotalKiller vs   Hurz
Game 40: LeTotalKiller vs   Impossible
Game 41: LeTotalKiller vs   phillie
Game 42: LeTotalKiller vs   titahemp
Game 43: phillie vs Alien
Game 44: phillie vs Berria
Game 45: phillie vs DreamTrance
Game 46: phillie vs Hurz
Game 47: phillie vs Impossible
Game 48: phillie vs LeTotalKiller
Game 49: phillie vs titahemp
Game 50: titahemp vs Alien
Game 51: titahemp vs Berria
Game 52: titahemp vs DreamTrance
Game 53: titahemp vs Hurz
Game 54: titahemp vs Impossible
Game 55: titahemp vs LeTotalKiller
Game 56: titahemp vs phillie

Offline Dream Trance

« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2014, 04:05 PM »
Tried to attach a picture but failed, nevermind that :)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2014, 04:12 PM by Dream Trance »

Offline Dream Trance

« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2014, 10:47 PM »
According to the given word, I post final facts about the league to be started very soon.

All this is prepared in order to make sure everyone gets same format and chances throughout the whole event.


Welcome to Season 1 of KAOS resurrected league.

This event wouldn't be possible without your interest. Thank you all for that.

It's really appreciated to be able to create and take part in this unique professional challenge with good players paticipating.

This is a CLASSIC 1 vs 1 league. Season 1 will begin on Saturday 1st November (0:00 GMT time). The regular phase of season will traditionally end 10 days before the end of 2nd month that is on 21th December. All matches have to be completed before or on that date. This is the final deadline that won't be postponed. Playoff stage will take place between 22nd and 31st December. All 4 playoffs and the season final will be played then.

Arranging games on your own will make it a lot more convenient, then just arrange them with me so I can host them for you.

Self-arranged games will have the priority before those I will try to arrange with you by myself.

I strongly recommend considering having all your games hosted by me, as you would have majority of the text below spared and don't have to remember most of these details on your own.

I want it to be a fair challenge, everyone should get same chances, that's why it is very important to make all games keeping same setup and format thus being comparable and fair to all players.

You will not be asked to play more than 1 game per 3-4 days, unless you really want to and there will be time for that, but if you don't play any games for more days in a row, it may cumulate at some point.


The league will be classic, it will require exactly 2 games against everyone that signed in to season (match and a rematch) all hosted by me.

There are 8 players in season 1, so 14 games per player to be played.

Pre-arranged games on your own will always have the priority as stated above (then just contact me and it will be played in the nearest possible time at same day most likely).

If there will be some delay I'll be trying to contact you, to arrange games via: wormnet, TUS pm or sometimes the contact emails / skype some of you provided.

If there will be no answer for 24 hours from my message, one or both players (depending on reaction) will receive 1 penalty point affecting seasonal points for each 24 hours without an answer (see point system separate section).

You will get basic and performance points for played games (explained in separate points section).

There are also penalty points for some organisational problems that may occure (look at the points section for more details).

Players' points will be announced before each game, round and in real time as they are earned.

All games will have same setup / format (map types, map order - see game setup section below).


The criteria used to determine final standings of the league will be as follows:

1. Basic points earned in all played games (altered by possible unplayed games penalties and other penalties) - see point section how to get them.

2. Performance points count (see points section how to get them).

3. Greater number of victories overall.

4. Won / Lost rounds ratio.

5. Greater number of rounds won.

6. Aggregate of rounds between tied players.

7. Last head-to-head result.


Once all regular games in the season are played until 21st December, two-legged play-off stage will begin.

Top 4 players from the standings will qualify for that stage and will be paired according to the pairing system (shown below).

If there won't be a clear situation at the end of 21st December due to unplayed games - special balancing procedure will be used to determine playoff spots and those who'll qualify. It will concern just the players that will maintain mathematical chances of advance at the end of 21st December.

These play-off matches will be played at 4 victories:

Play-off 1 (1st vs 4th) (2 legs)
Play-off 2 (2nd vs 3rd) (2 legs)

The aggregate score of these matches will decide about advance to the final match.

In case of an aggregate draw, the performance points count will decide (if still tied than the result of an additional tie-breaker match at 4 victories will decide).

The final match will be played at 5 victories.

Winner of play-off final will become the CHAMPION of season 1 of this official league, and will get the money prize.

The amount of money prize (Euros) will depend solely on global points earned throughout whole event (100% conversion of the difference between final value of global (both basic and performance) points of winner and runner-up, but only paid in full if ALL PLAY-OFF MATCHES (including final of course) ARE PLAYED until the final deadline that is 31st December. Runner up will also get a prize that will be a 50% of winner's prize.

Losers of play-offs will play third place match also at 5 victories. It is take place between play-offs and the season final. Only the winner of this match will win a money prize calculated with same guidelines as the prize for winners.

All play-off games will be hosted by the creator and host of the league (DreamTrance). Also the terrain templates for all play-off rounds will be drawn so they are not repeated.


The official scheme that should be used in the league is Kaos Resurrection that comes as a wsc file especially for this event.

This is the ONLY scheme to be used by everyone in every match of the league.

You must play all games with 8 worms.

Just to remind that all games have to be played at 3 victories (this is already set in the scheme).


Consider that I'll be hosting all games, so the majority of this text is just for the information purpose.

These rules will be followed to make all games comparable and fair played:

1. Use biggest classic maps only (no user-made special maps, no user-made big maps etc.) with as much complicated terrain as possible.

2. Do not modify the maps and object settings in any way, although:

2a Set map complexity to 10 in map-menu right-click section to provide as much tactical hideouts as possible as well as hardest map walkaround.

2b Set map-bridges amount to 1, so there are no bridges that provide easy transportation and easier kills. This can be done in map-menu right-click section.

3. Everytime use following map pattern:

Round 1: ISLAND

Round 2: ISLAND

Round 3: CAVE

Round 4: CAVE (if still no winner)

Round 5: ISLAND (if still no winner)

Round 6: ISLAND (if any draw occurs in previous rounds and still no winner)

Round 7: CAVE (if more than 1 draw occurs in previous rounds and still no winner)

I-I-C-C-I-I-C-C-(looping until there is a winner)
3a Drawn rounds also follow the pattern - example: if there is a draw in round 4 (cave map), the next map will be island.

3b Island maps shouldn't have water in the middle or at the middle bottom or be split into 2 smaller islands, it should be a 1 solid big terrain.

3c Cave maps should be FULLY CLOSED (sides and bottom) so there is no access to any edge nor water at the beginning of a cave-round. If you are using a map-menu to pick maps - always pick map types that are located in the very left window of both island and cave types in map-menu.

4. The landscape theme of the maps shouldn't repeat within a match to allow the skills to be tested in various conditions (grass etc).

Additional tips:

5. Minimising of the game may increase the chance of a crash (this also include minimising between rounds). Do it on your own risk, but if a player will crash, the penalty points will be applied (explained in point system explanation section).

6. Don't make any rule decisions on your own, consult every unusual or problematic situation with me before attempting anything (organisation).

7. Be very careful with accidental surrenderings. It will always be counted as lost round without any excuse possible. Only surrender a round tactically if you really want to (considering your very hopeless positions while an opponent is only collecting and you really can't do nothing etc.).


Note that all what is written in this section is only possible to determine when I host all your games as spectator and point counter in real time (except of my own games vs you - then you can ask a spectator who can witness who caused the crash).

In case of any crash - a penalty points for the one who caused the crash will be applied according to the penalty rules.

The only exception is the moment when the game doesn't even load before 1st round.

If a crash will occur in any match, game will be repeated from the start, but the player who didn't crash will decide whether to start from:

- 0-0 score,

- the amount of rounds advantage he was leading by.

For example if a player who caused the crash was losing 1-2, the game can be started from 1-0 score in the favour of the one who was leading (due to gained 1-round advantage).

There can be also a situation when the player who causes a crash will be leading in the game.

In this case the player who were losing will have the right to decide whether to start from the result based on the amount of rounds his opponent was leading by (3 "fair-play" bonus points if decide on this) or from the 0-0 score (no "fair-play" bonus points).

In case of a crash while tied (0-0, 1-1, 2-2) game is replayed from the start (0-0 score). In this scenario all points earned in such game are lost.

All performance points earned in the round that crashed are unfortunately lost for obvious fair-play reasons (to maintain fair chances for everyone to earn points in exact amount of rounds played).


Current standings along with info coverage (if needed or requested) will be frequently posted to TUS thread section (at least once a day if any games happen everyday).

In every exceptional case you can solve your problem or ask for complete information on TUS thread section.

These rules above won't change within the season however anything that wasn't specified will be analysed individually as some specific, exceptional cases may occure.

When solving issues I will always have the fair-play spirit in mind, so noone will be treated unfair here because all players should have exactly same chances in this official competition.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2014, 11:04 PM by Dream Trance »

Offline Dream Trance

« Reply #26 on: October 25, 2014, 11:14 PM »
Last minute reminder: Donkey slot couldn't be overcome the right way to keep panel clean so unfortunately it appears as always - locked (255 turns delay trick), but it can be collected in crates (as unusable weapon). Same applies to Sheep Strike.

Just for your information:

If you are ok with all what I prepared for this season we can start this earlier if you all want, just message me or post here (majority should want so it can be started on monday - in approximately 24 hours time).

We can wait a couple of days (actually a week more though) for more players who may want to participate in this.

I would have to revise the game list then though (should some more join) and there will be more games to be played per player (better!), but the season can also extend to 3 months then (due to amount of games to be played also extending - depending on a number of players). I say 12 players is a max for 2 month season. :)

Exchange ideas about what was organised and what are your feelings about this and expect professional coverage for the whole event :)

Also if this gets popular and interesting I can do it regularly, or if there will be bigger interest in future there may be regular championships (with 4 or 8 groups) every couple of months. With similar organisation but adapted to champioship format specifics. :)

Offline Dream Trance

« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2014, 05:06 PM »
I guess that noone else will join this season so I suggest starting it in 7 hours time from now then.

Season 1: 27th October - 21st December (play-offs 22nd December - 31st December).

If this league will be successful, signups for Season 2 will launch on the 1st December so all new and existing players will be able to continue the adventure. :)

Offline Dream Trance

Re: Official Kaos league Season 1
« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2014, 12:06 AM »
Season 1 kicks off!

Offline Dream Trance

Re: Official Kaos league Season 1
« Reply #29 on: October 27, 2014, 01:59 AM »
There's additional player to the season - hollow, he's 9th player to the list, overall game amount expands from 56 to 72 and to 16 per player. I'll post updated game list soon.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 02:14 PM by Dream Trance »