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Author Topic: [SOLVED] Antonio again  (Read 738 times)

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[SOLVED] Antonio again
« on: March 05, 2011, 05:45 PM »

I won this, but he reported it as his win! Please delete, thanks
worm and learn

Re: Antonio again
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2011, 06:34 PM »
Ever wondered why he kept saying "cow"?
When you were standing on the 6th pitch, you lobbed your grenade in hole #4 instead of hole #6. The 6th hole is on the bottom left of the pitch. As far as I'm concerned, this game didn't finish. Perhaps you can convince him to continue this game from the positions you were at, while you have to complete hole #6 and he has to do the rest from where he was at (#4).
And Husk, next time you make a comment on Antonio, you may want to consider that he's 9 and perhaps doesn't know how things work here. How good was your english when you were 9? :P